*sigh* If the laser was improved and the banshee could hover, I would never play MM. If you think the laser is a good balanced weapon, go have an 11th birthday party. If you think the banshee should hover to "balance" the falcon, go play with your floaties. The laser, with its ridiculous diameter, instant kill, and accuracy, should either be kept to campaign or removed. It sickens me when a skilled driver in a warthog or a hornet can be taken down in two seconds by anybody that can hold a controller. The banshee, with the inability to hover, requires skill to pull of some kills. You must boost in for the splatter or veer off to avoid hijacking, and a hover capability would allow anybody to just sit there blasting fuel rod after fuel rod with minimal threats. I thought somebody said something about rendering the laser useless....
no you're wrong this is a Firefight screenshot, there is also a green spartan next to the blue who does look like Kat. or its Co-Op Campaign where you can customise you character. who ever your multyplayer character looks like is your campaign and firefight
Not sure what this laser argument has to do with the "new banshee". First, the laser IS a balanced weapon. And my eleventh birthday party was last week. Go be pissed off about the laser elsewhere or at least come back with some common sense. Take the laser on Val Halla for example. It is placed in the center of the map so that teams need to get there quickly to obtain it. If you're driving and the enemy team has the laser, then you need to communicate with your team to help take it out, or god forbid use that turret on the back of the warthog. Also, if your targeted by the laser you can see the red line which gives you a decent amount of time to react and get behind cover. If you're so concerned about the laser being over powered, then come back when you're off your period and try thinking about it resonably. On topic, why are people so concerned with this "hovering banshee that apparently exists. Why would you want to hover in a banshee? Make yourself an easier target? These pictures prove nothing about "hovering". The falcon and the banshee are two VERY different vehicles, not really capable of being closely balanced, leave it at that.
Dude I am going to so shout "HARRIER AIRSTRIKE!!!" when I use the hover feature. Lolz Plus The laser is beast hands down on another note.
Despite all this, I am beggining to worry about the Plasma Launcher's effect on vehicle based maps. Due to the fact it homes in on vehicles, even a fast moving one such as the mongoose will find it unavoidable. I severely hope it recieves a nerf of either power (Ie it takes a full 4 hits to destroy a banshee and about 6 to destroy a tank) or a smaller maximum bullet capacity (Ie Can only fire the 4 full bullets about 2 times). If it does not recieve this nerf, the falcon will become a killtac with wings.
Ok, I guess the laser is alright on Valhalla. But it ruins sandtrap (at least it doesn't hurt elephants), and on avalanche it ruins the opening rush.