Ah the AR, one of my favorite weapons in Halo, and one of which I r teh pwnage with. I used it in Halo CE and nearly spat at bungie when they took it out, but TGFSMG (Thank God for SMGs) and replaced it with that poor excuse for a power weapon the BR. I nearly jumped to my roof when It came back to Halo 3. But alas, a travesty has happened. In the Beta, the Assault rifle was F***in weaksauce and no one wanted to use it except for the most diehard users (and unless they had no other option) RoF (Rate of fire) seemed decreased, power greatly decreased, accuracy was horrible, and it was tough to even get one kill with it. When I figured this out I screamed "WHAT THE FUUUUUUCK!!!!!" At the top of my lungs, then my dad scolded me for cursing. The AR was soon replace by the magnum. So what happened? We may never know but Bungie had better make it stronger in The final game or I will punch them all in the jugular! Who's with me!!!!!! *war cry* On a less serious note who hopes and Wishes for the AR to be stronger in Reach?
I would actually like to see it have some strength in short-medium range. I'm hoping in Reach they can make it a bit more of a formidable weapon.
I think the AR has been improved since the beta, More ammo per magazine or damage or something I can't really remember details but don't worry.
It better not sound like a diseased goat trying to cough like it did in the beta. I mean come on bungie ten years you made the AR sound one way and then decide to **** it up and it sounds more like the damn minigun than a Assault Rifle. The sound threw me off more than anything. I dropped that gun like the plauge.
I think Bungie has intentionally made the primary starting weapon weaker than all other weapons since Halo 2 to encourage players to pick up other weapons. In Halo 2, the SMG was pathetically useless. Even if you duel wielded them, it still wasn't very powerful in my opinion. In Halo 3, the Assault rifle was significantly more powerful than the Halo 2 SMG. But it was also still very underpowered. Only the Halo 3 Magnum was weaker in my opinion, although then again the Magnum had better range I think lol... And in Reach, the Assault rifle seems to me to be a bit more powerful than the Halo 3 Assault Rifle, but once again, it is not as powerful as other weapons it should be balanced with, such as the Magnum, DMR, Needle Rifle, and maybe a couple of other weapons. This mentality Bungie adopted at Halo 2 of underpowering the primary weapon to encourage players to pick up another weapon is stupid if you ask me because some players may like the primary weapon better! Its also really stupid in Halo Reach since we now have 4 weapons that are good starting weapons! Gameplay style is changing in Halo from there being a primary starting weapon to there being multiple possible starting weapons. Halo Reach could use the Magnum, the Assault Rifle, the Needle Rifle, or the Designated Marksman Rifle as a primary starting weapon! So WHY would Bungie want only one of those (the Assault Rifle) to be underpowered and think of it as Halo Reach's primary starting weapon when Halo Reach has NO primary starting weapon??? And again, even if it did, what if players do not want to change the weapon they began with because they enjoy it more than weapons they could pick up? What if there are no weapons to pick up? I agree with the original poster. Bungie's smoking some crack rocks or something.
The Magnum has had its max rate of fire slightly nerfed, which will help you AR fans to not get stomped on by people capable of headshots in close range.
Wow typical Bungie. I bet the conversation went something like this: Bungie employee 1: The beta data's in. The Magnum is perfect! Bungie employee 2: Awesome! What about the DMR? Bungie employe 1: Its perfect too! 2: What about the Assault Rifle? 1: People say its not powerful enough. 2: It has to be weak! So that people will love the Magnum, DMR, and Needle Rifle! 1: People are really complaining. I think we need to make it better. How can we do that? 2: Make it do more damage up close? While the Magnum will remain more effective slightly further out, with the DMR more effective even further out? 1: No, no. We can't make it more powerful! Then people might like it too much and not want to switch guns! The only option is to weaken the Magnum, even though its perfect. We have to ruin a weapon that is perfect as it is right now in order to make people like the Assault Rifle more! 2: So we have a gun that sucks, and we're going to make another one that does not suck start sucking, to make our gun that sucks not suck any more?! 1: You got it! Genious isn't it?!
I believe it should stay as strong, but have less range, than Halo 3. It is BECAUSE of the AR's balance that I don't play matchmaking as much as I should in H3. I want the DMR and magnums to be the prefered med- long range weapons and for people to stop using the AR unless you are in the middle of a shotgun and a plasma pistol.
MAgnum was not perfect, RoF was to fast. DMR was perfection though, and furthermore the AR doesnt suck (Though the Beta version did) but that is ur opinion not mine, personally I know bungie intends to try and make the player use other weapons but if they are going to make such a beast gun suck by making good weapons perfect and making the assault rifle blow big hairy man balls then why don't they just remove it. I'd rather not go through the torture of AR neglect amongst players, so if they r gunna do that then they should spare us AR lovers the grief. Plus people who think that these are the only weapons that people should like are either noobs that love arguments, plain hardcore AR haters, or Majorly squeaky MLG pricks who want BR sniper all the time and will now want DMR/Magnum/Needle Rifle and sniper only. Its one of the three, possibly more categories but none as hardcore as these. And another thing we are lucky to have a company that cares about fan opinions so much and will take light to the fact that some people... just love ARs. SO please don't complain about tweaks they made to a so called perfect weapon, they are doing for the good of Halo and the community. I think it will be much better now that I wont ned a full clip of AR ammo to killz a guy. Now I will probably need half.
You spelled genius wrong... I lost all hope in listening to your rant after seeing that. Also, just no... I guess we should keep it the way that it is and have only 2 guns that can dominate the rest. Its PERFECT! Because we haven't seen gameplay that is centered around mastering only ONE weapon to be experienced. OH WAIT A SEC! THERE IS! All they did was made the AR less useless so it could be used in more situations that didn't require an entire clip fired to get 1 kill. They simply made it match the DMR and Pistol. They also dumbed down the Pistol so it could be less powerful at long range, thus making the DMR have a significant difference.
To Loscocco: Amen, could not have said it better myself. The magnum needed dumbing down because it was the DMR with a faster RoF and the AR was like the plasma pistol. It was the weapon in which if u started with it, u dropped it first. To the AR hater Eating lunch: Ya this was not a legit argument at all against the AR and was a major flame against Bungie. THink before u say crap like that. I'm guessing your a fan of the BR and MLG? IDK but please think out arguments better than saying AR sucks, because that was the only point u tried to get across. AR sucks people need to use DMR and MAgnum and Needle rifle more and it very very less, which seems illegitimate because there are lots of people who like the AR, so not many would agree.
I think that they should just make it as powerful as it was in Halo: CE, but with less range. Seriously, the CE version was just perfect. It was good when facing a non-shielded opponent online, and offline in campaign (in easy difficulty, that's the mode I play in most [I can't beat legendary or Herioc]) it was nice and strong. If they wanted to make the pistol like the CE version, why not the AR? It was perfect at that time too. But then again, I could be wrong and it might just fail at life in Reach if they did that, because CE had no BR, DMR, Carbine, Needle Rifle, or really anything but the sniper and pistol for long range.
A double beatdown kills faster than an AR beatdown in Reach. Tell me again why I'm going to waste money on an MLG DMR fest? Oh ya, there's forge world.
Man you guys really love Bungie way too much on here sometimes. I mean yeah Bungie has made what I think along with lots of other people is the best video game, but still, sometimes they do some odd things... 1. I don't think the Magnum needed its rof slowed down because it had less range than the DMR. And yes, the Assault Rifle was like the Plasma Pistol. 2. How am I an Assault Rifle hater? Go read my post again. It is saying how STUPID Bungie is for making the Assault Rifle weak in every Halo game. 3. If you like the Assault Rifle, you should agree with me that Bungie making it weak is a stupid decision on their part. If thats flaming Bungie, they deserve it for that one decision in particular. Overall, they're great and do a great job, but they're not perfect. 4. My point was the OPPOSITE of saying the Assault Rifle sucks! My point is that it needs more power! Read and comprehend my post before putting words in my mouth. We agree! 5. To another poster, I'm sorry I made a typo for genius! I work, go to college, and also go to an internship, so after I'm tired from work I have to write papers so forgive me for not going over my writing on a random internet forum. I was not aware the grammar ****'s were watching here. itz not like i had wrote da wordz an stuff real bad like sum people do sumtimes on here.......... like 12 yr old kidz!!!!!!!!!!! It was just one typo, so I think everyone will be able to understand what I wrote, and survive looking at one typo. --- I HATE THE ASSAULT RIFLE!!!!!!!!!! /sarcasm Obviously you guys did not even bother to read, or at least comprehend my posts. If you had read the sentence above, you would know I wish that the Assault Rifle was more useful in Halo, and that I was making points FOR the Assault Rifle to be made more useful, not against the Assault Rifle being made more useful. I think the original poster saying they love the Assault Rifle, then me saying I agree with them, and then someone else saying I hate the Assault Rifle is far worse than a simple, common typo.
i loved the h3 ar, it was perfect. not too powerful, but strong enough to kill a spartan in a full clip. it was the best standard weapon. I really hated the beta nerf. it was so annoying that you couldn't kill someone in one clip. to be honest, i really dont care how powerful it is, but it HAS to have a one kill clip, because almost every other weapon did. otherwise, people will pistol spam instead, and the ar will become obselete
Then don't buy the game. You get what you get, even though it may not be the best, I trust Bungie's judgment
Maybe that was the point u tried to get across. But they way You said it it came across to us as you hated the AR. Why else would I post that argument if I didn't get that feeling. Believe U me I read Ur post quite thoroughly and from what I read in your post I read that the AR sucks, now I could have been wrong. I never saw you once agree with liking the assault rifle. In your post I saw you saying how typical it is for bungie to change stuff because the fans want it that way. If that was your way of complimenting the AR, then fine by me. It's honestly your opinion not mine, forgive me for thinking you tried to start an argument. End of story, discussion stops here, now we go on to miss the AR.
I thought that I was the only one that thought this. I never use the assault rifle because of how week it is. Halo CE just made you feel like a badass, but when it returned to Halo 3 I thought I was just crazy to think Bungie would put the ASS in assault rifle. I felt like it never hit anything, when it did it wouldn't hurt them, and when i killed someone with it my ammo would be very low. I hope the AR is way better in Halo Reach.
I liked how the AR worked in halo 3. Reach made it useless because I probably only had a few kills with it in the beta.