I figured that people would want to share some ideas, since I've seen some pretty crazy ones. I hope that all who read this thread don't copy any ideas, though I'm sure it's inevitable... I'm going to try to make a "Relay Race" gametype. It will probably be 4v4, and the goal of the map is to score the flag. The idea behind it is that the players will have unlimited sprint and be able to carry the objective while sprinting, then walk through a death barrier but somehow launch the flag to the next person. The cycle will then continue until the last person reaches (cwutididthar) the end. If somebody messes up, the flag will reset. There will probably be obstacles that the players will need to cross, like jumping over things, crouching under things, etc. So, what are your ideas?
I believe we have several of these... Look at my Thread King of the Hill Destructions Map Idea to see mine.
there is already a thread on this... I have a dream to bring halo ball back to halo, I've made a thread on that...
I was thinking of doing a custom Invasion map based of Mars Prison from Timesplitters: Future Perfect. The game had a gametype much like Invasion, was called Assault and the idea was basically Team A infiltrates + completes objectives Team B defends until timer runs out. Much like Invasion. Preview of the map YouTube - TimeSplitters Future Perfect: Team Deathmatch (Mars Prison/1st to 50) Assault YouTube - Time Splitters3-Arcade-Lip Up Fatty
Well i've had a few idead. one was having 3 simultaneous warthog hills, in a 2 teamed koth, which would be interesting. Also, now we can make vehicle teleporters, we no longer need to make "looping" racetracks
Oh, if there's already a thread like this, then I apologize. Yeah, yeah, search bar... I just took a quick glance and thought I'd make a sort of "master list."
Ok, this gametype, is on Forge World, King of the Hill, and Slayer. There are two ways to play, Team and FFA. Team (KotH) Game: Two Teams Two Falcons Two Rocket Hogs Four Three Man Squads *1 team, 5 players, 1 falcon, 3 people for a falcon, 2 people for Rocket Hog* Squads spawn in Falcons, or Rocket Hogs,( If possible) Split up, to each side of the Forge World. After 30 seconds, the Squads scatter to arrive at random destinations.(*Some Hills Only Falcons Can Arrive to*) *Note: If possible, vehicles spawn as soon the person spawns. They Spawn in the Falcon.Though random drivers and gunners. _____________________________________________________________ __ FFA KotH Game: 16 Players 8 Banshees 4 Tanks 2 Falcons 4 Rocket Hogs (*Same As Team but no teams, but players can choose to work together*) _____________________________________________________________ __ Team Slayer Game: Same KotH Game but no Hills. _____________________________________________________________ __ FFA Game: Same as FFA Koth but in Banshees and only 8 player. _________________________________________
Two ideas. 1. Aesthetic: A massive covenant cruiser, bigger than any on Halo 3 which floats over hermarge(blood gulch) 2. Assualt: The same covenant cruiser but with a small UNSC outpost. The Humans Take the bomb up to the cruiser with their two possibly three falcons. They plant the bomb in the engine room. which takes 10 secs. Then escape as the elites dont have time to defuse the bomb. The elites can either stay behind with their pride and glory, or escape. If i ever do make this, just a quick tip don't stay in the engine room. It is gonna be packed full of fusion coils and will probably make a big bang.
several ideas. 1. a gaint re-vamped invasion game that stretches across the foreworld, or if not, a good portion of it. 2. lots of random infection/slayer/assualt/territory maps 3. ramdom other stuff i cant remember
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-.../101629-what-map-ideas-do-you-have-rusty.html You dont really even need the seachbar for this. It is stickied; if you missed it then make sure you pay attention to the stickies from here on cus they are usually stickied for a reason.
Remakes of many of my maps. along with one that never made it to fruition because of money restraints. Carrier combats with carrier dropable banshees using a trick me and my friends developed.
I have an idea called "left 2 die" it`s like left for dead but different the zombies get a couple of options like the "charger" class which has a sword and sprint the "smoker" which has jet pack and sniper then the least cool is the "boomer" which will actually make the one who he blasts with his plasma pistol more wanted as he has no shields for an easy smoker sniper kill, and also a class I barely remembered the witch which has armor lock and a sword. The humans get "francis" which has a shotgun and sprint "bill which has a DMR or an assault rifle (i`m not sure which) and also "zoey" who has a sniper and who was that one other guy... oh well, he has a assault rifle. The map is what i`m proud of, you start on the roof of a building in a city you work your way through and then after getting sniped at charged at and barfed at get ready for some relaxation you find a cabin with some guns and ammo for yourself and what`s this, an armor ability to heal your past wounds? awesome then you get to the airport which is riddled with hiding spots for the undead and finally you and your 4 or more surviver`s discover why it`s called "left to die" there is only one falcon DUN DUN DUN so you have to decide who goes and who gets LEFT. TO. DIE but you can easily come back for the dead bodies or maybe they can hold out and survive the snipers chargers and boomers.
I really like your idea. sort of like domination from MW2 but the hills are mobile and can defend themselves... could be epic. i'm going to give one away because i know some enterprising forger will do it before me anyway. ghostbusters, infection on sword base variant everyone has limited respawns so the humans can win humans are tan/brown, have focus rifle and jetpack AA, infinite ammo off, enhanced motion sensor with smaller radius, and no shields zombies have sword/hammer, infinite ammo on, AA 2 options- evade or hologram, and are light green/poor camo, 2xshields that don't recharge and take 50% damage, with no sensors