What do you think is the best game type on a custom game? You know like infection (my fav), slayer (also includes team slayer and stuff), CTF, etc.
Definately slayer for me, after all, the whole game is based on the core values of slayer, the most important being... KILLING!
Infection is fun. You just goota know how to make the settings appropriate. A bad example of this is Bungie's DoubleEXP, the living dead. Sucked pineapples. In my opionion, infection games have to be sorta like this: -Zombies have really low shileds, or none, at all. -Zombies should not!!!! be invisble, unless it's the fat kid. -Zombies should be fast -Zombies should have low gravity. -Zombies should have swords and G hammers -Humans can just be humans...
CTF FTW i love it its just cool how u like need to get it then return it it makes me fuzzy inside lmao
i find slayer very exciting more than an infection game but that just my opinion. thats why i voted for slayer ftw
Oddball. If it's a good 4v4, nothing can beat Oddball. It takes more strategy then CTF, and is quicker paced than most Slayer games I play.
CTF, its awesome. Except 1 Flag CTF. I hate camping at the base as the only way to win a game. It seems unreasonably simple. There needs to be more than that. Avalanche is an epic CTF map. Valhalla is another one. Also take notice both are vehicle maps. CTF games are better on larger maps. Haha, poor Juggernaut gametype. No one <3loves<3 it. Not anyone who has voted, anyway.
:squirrel_eyebrow: That to me, honestly, shocks me. I'd figure that most people would vote for slayer. It is easily the most adored and least vetoed gametype on matchmaking. Infection isn't, by default, even on matchmaking, and when the living dead playlist made its debut, it sucked, although they included Bart's Manor, which was good, even though the main strategy for the humans was to yank the turret off and camp on the roof, although the Overshield in the attic made it way easier for me to infect the people. You would think that the living dead playlist would make most people think differently about the Infection gametype, lowering peoples hopes for it being a full-time Infection playlist on Social, but then again, our job is to make every map and every gametype great. I suppose that the voters who voted on this poll were thinking about their 3p1c L33tsauc3 MAP5 (epic leetsauce maps, for those who read English, not L33t).
Whoa Whoa Whoa, you all aparrently don't know what infection is all about. Fast zombies with zero gravity isn't what makes a good infection game, the key element is balance between humans and zombies. Something that also makes a good infection map is a horror factor, the objective is "consume the brains of the living" and with that in mind i think an infection game should keep your heart racing and you on your toes. Super speed low gravity zombies is way overrated anyways. It's old and unoriginal. Infection is versatile, a lot of great custom games use it as the gametype. ex: in the shadows, cat n mouse, minotaur, etc etc
I personally think that infection is the only playlist thats worth playing out of mm, considering the fact that it doesn't exist anywhere else except for halloween
Ugh, for me its a split between slayer and infection. I'd have to pick slayer, as it is the most fun for me to just play some casual slayer in a custom game with some friends. Infection is great once in a while as a break from slayer, but after a while it does get pretty repetitive and somewhat boring.