Mine is iTransaction.243. I've played tons of hours of the Beta of SC2, right now I'm working my way back into the Diamond league, stupid beta resets piss me off.
Build order can effect your game especially in the beginning. I can say that you must always plan ahead or you will wind up not having enough food to support your army, allowing your opponent to outproduce you quite quickly. Many people, not necessary any of you, but think it's a click attack and hope your army beats the other one. If the enemy is focus firing a unit, select that unit and drag him to the back of your army, if your opponent is not paying attention his units will try to move so they can attack that unit, allowing you to get a bunch of hits on his army. Always scout your opponent. It can be the difference of victory or death. Don't use gimmick strategies unless they are in conjunction with you having an actual army. (IE Dark Templar drop, Void Rays) Teching to one of these is risky and can give your opponent map control and time to build a massive army. Keeping pressure on your opponent and forcing them to stay in their base gives you map control. Why fight an opponent with a ton of resources? Be mindful of your workers, always. Be prepared for anything. Zerg are weak to fast air rushes. If they go ling, roach. Toss are very strong. Always make detectors and always scout them. Terran are a pain in the balls. Usually they go bioball(rauders, rines, medivacs). However, they are the most flexible, such as adding in tanks or air depending on the situation.
You see the correct way to duel someone is " I Challenge you to a dual!" Wait f that, that's some old crap. I AINT NO *****, YAAAA AHEAR ME. Sure, Nitrous we can play SC2. OK ok! You made me do it.
Has anyone taken a crack at level editing yet? I remember in SC1 I made quite a few maps, none where all that great, but I spent quite a bit of time doing it.
I messed around in it. The terrain editor is a little more advanced, but I was just screwing around seeing what I could do. I can't find hero spawning though...
Did you use StarForge? I thought that was so awesome back when I played SC1... I spent so much time trying to make my own Helms Deep map lol
I just finished the campain Starcraft 2 has an epic storyline. Multiplayer is fun as hell even tho i suck at it. i have not used the editor yet. Im going to do that now
I love this game, the pimped up graphix and ai control is bamf. i also have south korean friends so whatevah