The only ability that wouldn't help would be Camo. Hologram sets it off. Armor lock can save you. Jet Pack can fly over. Sprint might be able to go past the trap.
You don't have to give them any AA. Or you can be creative and work AAs into the puzzle since they can be placed as map pickups.
aw wth, das not fair. il understand if its 100, but i hope its not sumin like 50 --- danrnit, those bungie rascals, FORCING us to make complex and large maps. they really are some silly billies if u ask --- and on a final note, the sword better not be counterable, or at least have a massive lunge to compensate /sword discussion
Look at how big the rocks supporting those bases are. LOOK Look at how beautifully blue all of that is LOOK /gay Also, I'm psyched about glass walls They're a new dynamic to be considered. It kinda was achieved in Halo 3 with Fence Walls and Wall Slits, but this is a true transparent yet solid immovable object. It should have a lot of use; just imagine using them in puzzles to give hints, remaking maps with glass to the slightest detail, observation in competitive maps, and who knows what for mini-games and aesthetic maps. But yeah, there's a lot of potential there.
I couldn't help but notice how massive the rocks were in that picture too. I thought the rocks on the Blood Gulch remake were massive, but damn guys... Real looking caves are gonna be so easy to make now. I can't help but think about how crazy racetracks are gonna get.
Forge is going to be great. You could make just about anything you could think of (including small maps) What I meant by I'm about to go cancel my pre order wasn't like I'm going to cancel my re order in 5 minutes. It was I'm 9/10 oh the way to canceling my pre order. EG: Now the smallest thing that I don't like in reach will get me that extra 1/10 causing me to really cancel my pre order. If anyone could link me to something Bungie said about sword/no sword clashing I would be very thankful!
I don't think anybody will miss you. And besides, it really isn't that big of a deal. If you're going to freak over something this minor, please don't do it here. P.S. THOSE ROCKS ARE ****ING HUGE
Has Bungie announced whether they fixed the way forgemode quantizes the map data? Snap-to-angle tools won't mean anything if the objects are still rotating after saving. Are there any videos that have a seamless transition from one object to another, and is there a "bump" as you walk between them?
I'm 85% sure this was answered in a bungie Q&A thread and they said they fixed that bug at 3:25 theres no noticeable bump YouTube - Halo Reach: SDCC Forge Demo‎
On one of the early comic con vids a bungie guy just phased two towers together like it was nothing and walked over them and there was zero bumb. He either got pretty lucky with his placement or bumbs won't really be a problemm in reach EDIT: patrick beat me to it
If phased causes objects to bump and we have to resort to glitches again IMA BE EFFIN PISSED! IMA CANSUL MAH FAKIN PREORDER CUZ IM SO PISSED! WTF WAS BUNGAH THINKIN?!?!!!1! Im... IM... I'M! IMMA FIRIN MA LAZOR!!!!1! /Good impersonation I do hope that won't be an issue though.
Everything bolded implies that I'm not actually serious. More of a dramatic approach to my opinion. Oh, it's on now!
Is it possible to place an object more then just halfway into another object? This was not possible in Halo 3...
Yes in one of the early Q&As a guy asked if you can put it more then half way,(which was answered yes) And then it was asked what happens if you put it all the way through the geometry which the guy said it just disappears.
Damn, I didn't think of that. It doesn't look like it was fixed either (refer to 2:25 in the vid above). ****. Edit: Score. Sauce?
Yeah, haha one thing I saw though in the video, is that the snap to rotation goes one direction.(if you wanted a ramp to be a certain angle). Which isnt to big of a deal but it would of made it better. Unless I missed something.