What's Your Preferred Audio Setup

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ptto911, Aug 4, 2010.


What's Your Preferred Audio Setup

  1. TV Speakers

    0 vote(s)
  2. Stereo/Surround Room System

  3. Stereo/Surround Gaming Headset

  4. Other

    0 vote(s)
  1. ptto911

    ptto911 Ancient

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    What's your preferred audio setup? Let us know below.
    #1 ptto911, Aug 4, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2010
  2. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    I took some Turtle Beach X4's, then made them a lot lighter and removed the volume cap, then added super bass and stuff for incredible surround sound. Also upgraded that headset from 5.1 to 7.1.

    But it doesnt even compare to my cars STOCK speaker system..... ♥ music so loud that the airbags went off ♥
  3. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Astro A40s. I use a pair of Denon earbuds elsewhere usually. I really like the Astro's mid and high ends, with a purposefully limited bass that really makes it easy to submerge yourself in the kind of music I listen to without it being too little so that you don't get the bass kick. The Denon's bass is a little much, but it's alright. They're less comfortable, but I can't exactly carry my Astros to school.

    I've used a whole bunch of audio systems, and while a surround sound system is probably better overall, I like the advantage of having all the audio on my head. I can play late at night without waking up people, and it's portable. I can use it on my computer and my xbox, or at the same time. I can use it with my iPhone or even connect to a guitar amplifier.
  4. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    My entire Audio Setup can be shown in these two pictures.
    That TV has two terrible speakers, I speak to people through the wireless mic, and if needed, I'll use my Apple Earbuds. My PC has 2 crappy Yamaha speakers from 10 years ago.

    None of you can beat this setup. >.>
  5. Hank102938

    Hank102938 Ancient
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    I either use my tv's speakers which are pretty good, my turtle beach headset for late at night, or an old giant 70's stereo that has huge speakers and just happened to have a RCA aux input. Mostly use my turtle beach headset. Of course if I had a new room surround sound system I would use it so much, my car's air bags would go off for no reason what so ever.

    Is that even possible?

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