This is why I stopped playing runescape. See lone's account? That's mine, I gave it to him. After all that grinding, the content just ends. Then you ask, now what? Then you quit.
I really have no shame; I'll accept any free handouts. Especially generous (see: idiotic) people who want to give me a membership. I'll love you forever?
First of all I just wanna laugh at all of the kids saying runescape is for fags that are 7 years old... your probably the only loser here if your saying that. Runescape is accualy fun sometimes and many people play it varying ages. I understand if its not your kind of game but no need to worry about what others play. The one thing I really like about runescape is you can't be the best in 2 days of playing. You accualy have to put forth effort to get your money and skills up.
Ok so I have been running my custom auto-clicker for about 3 days straight now, I have had no randoms, no log-offs, nothing. I have about 15m in unsold essence now. How damn, I have got 30m total.
You'll be banned soon. What the system does when it catches you, is it sets a random date in the near future to ban you at so you can't tell what script or program got you banned. If you are online for more than ten hours, they're computer monitors your mouse movements and key strokes for the next fifteen minutes. If it is repeated and non-varying, it flags the account, if not it just sends it to real person to watch your screen and see if you are actually playing. Either way, you're screwed up to a fourteen day ban. I don't know for sure but I think they're hitting the bans pretty hard now, and taking RSBOT to court: Jagex Games Studio - Free Online Browser Games
I highly doubt I will be banned, I have run it for more than a week before. If anything they are just trying to scare you. And if you don't like it don't play it. Simple enough?
Can you still transfer money between accounts? Seems like you could run the bot for 5-8 hours at a time about 3 or 4 times a week and then transfer all the money to several lowbie accounts. Considering it just to make a little money on the side being a gold farmer
NEW Update! Lv4 Clue Scrolls! I sold all my stuff. I need to quit, and my member is out in 5 days Got 10mil and full rune now.
I highly doubt this, if I was going to be banned they would have done it long ago. It dosen't really make sense for them to keep my name on record for months. It dosen't make ANY sense.
i dunno im sceptical, plenty of people auto these days, and although your evidence appears to have some logic, i highly doubt they care about out-smarting these people when they can just ban them.
See Matty gets it. It makes NO sense to keep a username on record for months on end. I find a huge hole in your Banning System. The point is, they are not going to ban me. And you can say they will, sometime, believe you, in a few month. No, that's bullshit. (I don't mean 'your' system, but the one you posted it)
I just got my runecrafting to level 27 from level 1 and it cost me 120k, at the ZMI altar, and it took like 30 minutes. I want to get to 44 so i can make big money from making nats in the abyss