Hey, I'm Triple C. Some of you may have played with me on xbox live. I am what many would call a PRETTY SWELL GUY. Yeah, I said it. My name comes from a Modern Warfare 2 rap I did a while back. The C is the first initial of my last name. If you guys want to hear the rap, I'll make a youtube video when enough people want to hear it. I am an okay forger. I don't know how to ghost merge, but many of my maps are pleasing to the eye, and have interlocking objects. i just recently got Mythic and Legendary, so I am not very accustomed to making maps on Sandbox. Add me on xbox live if you are active and friendly. I usually hang out with Cadfad, ZealotZ0mbii, c0rnp0ne, and faceplant202. Maybe ItchyTick from time to time. They may be a little gruff, but they're my friends. Well that's the end of my intro. -Triple C
OH hello there! Welcome to ForgeHub! I'm sure you'll fit in very, very, very well! MUAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAhahahahahahahahaahahaahahaha...ha.
Oh dammit, I should have used my rap name on here too. Oh well, welcome to Forge Hub, I hope your maps are as good as your rhymes, even though I've never seen either. ...
In addition to being Jewish he is also either crazy or drunk. Welcome, and watch out for Sarge. That had to be said.