i have seen in FF videos an actual bubble shield that is used by an elite so i agree with you, i think there is a bubble shield perk. There could be an EMP but idk.
When the shield pops is unimportant. Check the video at 37:47 where the bubble shield is dropped. The shield looks exactly like the one in the picture immediately when the player drops it, and the player is in the same position. If the picture was of the EMP then the explosion would cause the spartans shields to flash.
Good to hear that there is some kind of evidence behind my theory I haven't seen the video but I 'm gonna take your word. Yes, I just wasn't expecting evade to be in Firefight for Spartans. But it could be. Also I just remembered ALL the AA's are so far Defensive and are spouse to be Defensive, I giant EMP that disables all shields and vehicles is kinda offensive. (Armor Lock one is alright because it's tiny and stops people coming up close to you and just beating you down the second you come out, with AL having a EMP seems a little redundant as well)
Spartan evade? That's kinda lame to be honest. That's like giving an elite a jetpack--it makes no sense.
No, Armor Lock is not alright. All it does is delay the inevitable. You can either wait a person in Armor Lock out and hope he doesn't have his butt buddy come and save him, or you can turn around and walk away and he'll live to fight again. **** that. I remember seeing a video where someone sat in a corner on Sword Base playing Oddball and every time someone came close, he would pop armor lock and EMP/Beatdown then hide again and wait. Plus, you were able to recharge your shields in Armor Lock in the Beta. What kind of BS is that?
This thread isn't to discuss how good AL is or how camping is it. I was saying AL was alright from a offensive/defensive stand point as in it's a defensive AA and only thing that could be considered a tiny bit offensive is the EMP after sitting still for 5seconds. So the EMP would be the only properly Offensive AA which would go against what Bungie has said so far that all AA's are meant to be defensive.
The last phase of invasion in the Beta had a loadout of elites with Jetpacks. Also, why is it lame to give us more options? What if somewhere down the line an awesome gametype was thought up but couldn't be done simply because a few options were taken out for the sole purpose of making a few armor abilities only for one or the other?
Lol yea i was about to say um Orbital platform, space elite with jetpack = epic win sauce. Anyway idk i think there going to give us a ton of AA's at the release then have updates that will either A. take out alot of them or B. just improve some of them.
I think I remember Bungie saying that the beta wouldn't have all the AA's in the game and that there was more to be revealed.
*facewall* spartan evade is the same ability. if it was not, then people would also call the jetpacks different, or the armor locks different. I beleive the emp blast would be a very likely aa. however, unlike power drain, it will be one emp explosion, and only slightly larger than the al one that was taken out. seriously, i promise you the two evades are the same ability. it wouldn't surprise me if elite sprint is also introduced. i played a sve game on sword base where it glitched up and the aas were swapped, so it proves there both programmed in.
If you are going to do something so sarcastic as facewall, know what you are talking about. Nobody said the spartan's evade was going to he different than the elite evade, they just were saying they wanted the Spartans to stick to sprint and the elites to stick to evade
ok, honest mistake, i retract my facewall, sorry. but yeah emp blast sounds kool, and i reckon it will be in. anyway, saying emp blast is offensive depends your definition and playstyle. the jetpack was offensive if you regard it like that
Halo Reach went gold a few days ago guys, meaning a master copy has been sent to make duplicates of it. They're not adding anymore AA's. After the Forge World video when we all saw the entire list of AA's, I really doubt they added another few in the last week or so.
You're kidding right? First off, it does deal with Armor Abilities, secondly, it's not your place to call others out, especially in an obnoxious manner. Does anyone know if the drop shield only helps your team or just anyone inside it? I would assume both, less confusion that way.
I thought the same thing at first, but he was actually talking about his own post. And yea I think you're right on the drop shield thing
I wasn't saying they ever added new AAs last minute. I was just saying they haven't released that info. For instance hologram has been in the game the entire time but they just released that information at comic con. Maybe in Bungie's massive media propaganda they are withholding some information to keep people excited about news with reach? I do believe someone from Bungie at some point mentioned they may have had some things hidden @ the comic con panel. I can't remember anymore. lol Anyways I've never thought it was 100% true. The only real info we have is from a Spanish website translated by Google. I just thought it was worth this discussion. The what ifs always get me excited!