Actually, I think he's mad because it's TOO powerful... which is ridiculous to think, but I guess he's entitled to his own opinion.
The BR is a noobfriendly weapon. Which is fine, but it's a lot easier to use so my sniping skills have rusted to orange flaky goodness (more like badness). Can't wait for Team SWAT with this far more skill-oriented weapon.
The DMR is unbelievable. Don't get me wrong, the BR is easier, and more powerful, but so unbalanced. Take SWAT as an example, using a BR made it so easy, you could miss by far, but drag the reticule over them mid-burst for easy kills. The DMR does NOT allow you to do so. You have to time every shot, based on distance, armour abilities, cover, his distance from cover, team-mates, his weapons and ability, so many different things. I don't think that so much thought would go into shooting someone in any other game, It'll definately make firefights interesting for the thousandth time online. However, I remember in the beta, SWAT was much easier using the pistol, it had a faster rate of fire, less bloom, etc. etc, and the same power (I think). I just really look forward to reach. It'll be so much fun playing competitively.
Due to the accuracy of DMR. I have to pick it. Unless, we are talking about the halo 2 BR. And we all know the epicness of that beast!
Pretty sure it is the same as the DMR damage wise, both are a 5sk. Though I'm certain that you're wrong about the bloom being less with the Pistol, the massive bloom and small clip were the two things meant to stop the Pistol becoming unbeatable again. Even then, DMR bloom has been toned down since the beta, so I imagine I'll still be using it as my main workhorse over the Pistol.
This proves that the DMR does not require much skill in charge and fire terms. Like the Carbine, unskilled players believe they are good simply because they charge forward and shoot rapidly. With a BR, it takes SO MANY FRIGGIN' shots for a terrible player to charge at someone because they aren't worried about headshots, causing them to lose against a skilled, strafing, four head shotting player. The BR also had spread to deal with in long distance and against terrible charging players. I look forward to rapidly firing into their heads while they charge at me though. Due to me firing at the same rate, strafing and running, and actually hitting the weak spot(the head,) the DMR is balanced. I was only proving that the BR isn't overpowered, its actually decided by the player. If a skilled player is shooting you while you charge or stand still, it is likely he would 4 shot you as you make no attempt to shoot the head or you just fail and misunderstand how to BR, strafe, escape shots by ghandi hopping, and generally still be ABLE to BR.
I think he said that it failed him and his friend and that it's a terrible weapon. Which is ridiculous. He's basically complaining it takes too much skill to use