So, finally, there's an iOS 4 jailbreak. It uses a loophole in Safari (mobile Safari) to install the software. It's not without problems, and there have been reports of some phones being bricked, loss of certain features (MMS and FaceTime), but it does work. I installed mine last night, and I've had some troubles, but it's working pretty well. I've noticed that if some apps that get downloaded aren't compatible, SpringBoard will just keep crashing and you won't be able to exit safe mode. To fix it, just go into Cydia > Manage > Packages and delete the app that isn't working. Apps that I've tried that don't work: Infinidock (via the sinfuliPhonerepo, as are any of the "cracked" things that I'll list) Multifl0w ProSwitcher (Backgrounder does work) CategorieSB To get the jailbreak, go on to your iPhone and go to this address via Safari: JailbreakMe Just follow the on-screen instructions and you should be fine. So yes... discuss, share your problems, ask questions, etc. I'll ask one: how do I download ROMs for emulators?
I think the last Jailbreaking thread was locked because it was illegal. This classifies as that as well. And this jailbreak has a very high chance (Not like high high, but high for a jailbreak) to brick your iPhone/iPod Touch.
Jailbreaking isn't illegal. Apple only claims it is. The only illegal thing is what you can do with it, like Installous and that movie/tv show downloading app I have.
Meltyourtv is right. Congress even made it clear jailbreaking isn't illegal. And you only have to be an idiot to brick your idevice
Jailbreaking isn't illegal, it was already stated last week its not, defined by the court. /news report.
It wasn't Congress, it was the FCC, which controls broadcasting laws. However, despite jailbreaking being legal, downloading pirated or otherwise illegal apps onto a jailbroken phone is still illegal, which is what jailbroken phones are usually used for.
I think they basically said that the jailbreaking process is legal, but the installer software itself is not. This is legal, since it only uses an exploit in Safari to get the job done.
I am so going to jailbreak all of the ipads/iphones/ipods on display the next time I visit the apple store.
Yeah, I think I'll do that to one, but it has to be in a corner so people don't notice it. And I'm debating about getting it for iPad too... suggestions?
I personally won't be jailbreaking my ipod; I like the new update. I'm not a pirate either, so cydia is kind of useless to me. I guess you could jailbreak your iPad if you wanted to, but I don't really see a point, other than a few tweaks. If you're a pirate, I guess you would probably want to jailbreak it.
Are you kidding me? The chances of bricking are abou .00000000001%. If something goes wrong, you simply restore in iTunes. I've jailbroken probably 40+ devices and nothing has ever gone wrong.
I don't get why everyone's talking about all this legal stuff. Most people (myself included) just do it for the customization or are too stupid to realize you can pirate stuff with it. If you do you will be my hero, or arrested. You're a pirate.
Usually != always. Just because Bittorrent is commonly used for piracy does not mean it does not have legitimate uses. I love jailbreaking for the options it gives me, I don't care about pirating some shitty 99 cent game.