Dino World

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by FlotownHockey, Aug 1, 2010.

  1. FlotownHockey

    FlotownHockey Forerunner
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    Sorry if the audio skips

    YouTube - Halo 3 Racetrack: Dino World-August 1, 2010

    This racetrack is just another masterpiece made by FlotownHockey. The gametype is VIP. It takes 5 laps to win. It can be played with up to 12 people. You can have everyone on different teams and race against each other. With only 6 mongooses starting out, you should have up to 6 different colored teams for the people. Or, you could play a mario kart type game by having 12 people in the game and 6 teams. So, 2 people per team. In the Dino Racing gametype, you can't deal any amount of damge. Therefore you can't cheat on this map by just walking through the ending finish line. You have to finish on a mongoose, even if you have to steal it from someone else. This map includes four different types of dinosaurs along with a volcano. The dinosaurs are shown below. You should recognize them. Download the map and its gametype and enjoy a great race in the land of dinosaurs!


    http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=117048947&fset=141123 -Quiet Dino World MAP

    Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details -MAP

    Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details -GAMETYPE





    #1 FlotownHockey, Aug 1, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2010
  2. SenorFluffyBuns

    SenorFluffyBuns Forerunner

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    JIZZED! Omfg this racetrack is amazing, near perfect, the dinosaurs were forged really nicely, my favorite is the T-Rex, it looks very nice the only issue is that after the first turn the map has tiny bumps, it doesn't affect the gameplay though. The idea is very orignal too, I've never seen a map like this before... 4.8/5 The issue with this map is the volcano the noise irritates me and the bumps made you lose some points, also at 1:30 in your vid you can see an area which is cheatable by jumping of the curve

    Edit: Thanks for making a version thats quiet, I will enjoy it more now
    #2 SenorFluffyBuns, Aug 1, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2010
  3. FlotownHockey

    FlotownHockey Forerunner
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    Dude, your absolutely right on all of the things you've said. I even thought about those things right before i posted this. Thank you for noticing that. And if you want a quiet dinosaur map then I'll post it in the link within the next hour or so. Thanks!
  4. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    although your aesthetics arent THE best i LOVE how you incorperated a theme into this racetrack. you beat dream there, who is "the best" racetrack forger and has many of his maps featured. these are deffinetly some original things youve put into this map and its awesome. just work on making the track longer or the dinosaurs more "realistic" and this map would be beyond fantastic in my opinion.
  5. ntoombs19

    ntoombs19 Forerunner
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    Do people not understand that there's this thing called an object limit? You can't have it all.
  6. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Some pictures of the actual track would be appreciated, rather than just the aesthetic touches.
  7. FlotownHockey

    FlotownHockey Forerunner
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    Yea dude, I think other people might like it more too. I even fixed it so you can't cut that curve at that one turn. So it makes it more reliable race.
    ok, I'm add some more pictures right now. Enjoy!
  8. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    there is also something called budget glitching the map. there are literally hundreds if not thousands of those.
  9. ntoombs19

    ntoombs19 Forerunner
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    I never said anything about the budget. I said "object limit". Most of the maps I make end up running into the object limit before the budget limit. One way around this is to use the objects already placed on the map as they don't count towards the object limit. However, even then there is only so much you can do. That wouldn't make much difference anyway. But believe me, I wish maps had an infinite everything glitch, that would be insane.

    KNEE TO FACE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool track! I tested it out and it runs pretty smoothly. The dino in the 3rd pic looks almost identical to the one from my map fossil canyon, but its all good, glad I can inspire some people. Keep up the good work!

    In response to your post: Thanks for the compliments, and like I said before I am glad I can inspire someone to make a new track. Your other dinos look good man, pretty cool. I like the volcano as well.
    #10 KNEE TO FACE, Aug 3, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2010

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