Killtacular on wheels It actually would be a nice addition, like the aa wraith and the shade (which will be in forge world). Since Spartan III's are supposedly smaller they might be able to fit I. The back of a transport warthog. -- Also according to halopedia:
in a way yes..but can u imagine a warthog carrying 4 fully armed spartans with grenades and dmrs traveling fast while the driver gets the odd splatter? and just think if the people riding the hog had the rocket launcher? did somone say ROLLING THUNDER? so i agree it has some advantages and dissadvantages. ps cant the falcon hold 4 people+the driver? so thats just a target for a rocket hog kiltacular
You are new, so don't tell me what to do, and put those comments in the original post instead of making oneliners. Making a poll that is not so extreme and leaves one or more middle options is always best. On behalf of the moderators I ask that you stay on topic and not use this thread solely for the purposes of arguing.
I was simply just asking that if u are to post please comment first. If im new or old on this site what does it matter? everybody should respect each other equally
In campaign in H3, I always took the Troop hog over a gauss hog, because a fully loaded troop hog with marines with BR's is deadlier than any other hog. I think it would be sweet to have one on forge too. It think it would actually get used a fair amount. And yes, the Falcon can carry two gunners, two passengers and a driver.
First off,It doesn't matter how long he has been this site and I agree with you on the poll thing,It should have more options. Second,You are not a mod and this whole site is full of arguing if you call pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of something.Which is the whole point of this thread.
YouTube - Halo Reach Mods :: RocketHog, TroopHog, GaussHog, CamoHog & More i found this on youtube the guy/girl modded the game and found the troop hog in the codes! im just bummed out that you can still only fit 3 ppl in it,but that was the beta so maybe they changed it(NOTE:when he gets into the back of the hog it is the same effects of the back of the mongoose so they are deffenatly goona change it a bit)
ya me too ! i find the scropion hog reminds me of a tank destroyer from WWII, I lold when i saw the recoil!
i dount it becuz if u look closesly u can see that one of his legs isint really stepping on somthing and his hand isint really touching the crossbar thing
To everyone complaining about a Killtacular on wheels: As with the Falcon, the Troop Hog, the Pelican, and every other large vehicle people want in the game, there'e the possibility of multikills. Here's the thing, though. No one is forcing you to get in the vehicle.