Sandbox MLG "The Temple"

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by a furry unicorn, Aug 1, 2010.

  1. a furry unicorn

    a furry unicorn Forerunner

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    This is my first map so please don't hate and I would appreciate some feedback. I played this in mlg customs with some friends today. It is definatly best for 2 vs 2.

    There are 4 bases surronding 1 middle there are carbines, brs and the power weapon is the rockets which only has 2 shots. Also it's on a long respawn. So that it isn't overpowered at all its completly balanced but it can give you an edge.

    Recommended Gametypes: 2vs2 mlg ts, mlg king, mlg oddball
    Click here For the Temple : Halo 3 File Details

    Now For the pictures

    Overview of Map
    Gold Base
    Bottom Mid
    Red Base
    Pink Base
    Another view of Pink Base
    Blue Base
    #1 a furry unicorn, Aug 1, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2010
  2. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    You know you can just press Y on your controller for free-roam mode in theater to take better shots, right? Also, it's better to take your pictures in a game of Custom Games rather than Forge so that the respawn points won't appear.

    You've kinda got it going on with your weapons. For a first map, you seem to know how they play out in terms of balance. As for the design, however, you need some creativity to gain downloads. Align your objects and merge them cleanly.

    Gameplay wise, I don't have a comment since my thoughts are merely from first site. Even without feedback for gameplay, I think I have told you some pretty helpful points already. Good luck.
  3. a furry unicorn

    a furry unicorn Forerunner

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    i played like 4 2 vs 2 matches on it and 1 right now, everyoen loves how balanced it is, i made the rockets have 1 clip instead of the default 2. so that it gives you a little edge but not really. gameplay is very balanced everyone said
  4. WarpathZone

    WarpathZone Forerunner

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    The rocket has a default clip of 1...

    Anyways, time for a bit of constructive criticism.

    I do see some merged items, but what about the boundaries? Why isn't it merged, to? Laziness? But it should be cleaned up. Big time. People can get stuck on them and DIE! MUAHAHA! But they really should be merged together. It would be far more aesthetically pleasing. (God that sounds wrong) On the merged items in your map, it seems like you've tried really hard on some and came out great, and on others... came out a little useless. Besides the center, I don't see any part of the map that would try to be a spot that people would want to hold. I'm not saying to go out and forge a camping spot, but perhaps make a structure worth holding.

    Some of you're spawns seem completely random, as do some of the objects themselves. IE in your Gold Base picture I see spawns out in the open, completely shown. I've heard somewhere that when people spawn, they want to be close or behind cover, and to have at least two choices of where to go. And what is for the cool looking triangle thingy in the lower right corner of the same picture? Does it provide any cover or purpose? I just think that random objects can ruin a map. Although from the pictures it turned out pretty good for a first map.

    I think if you ever decide to make a V2, use this. You seem to know what you want from your map and how you want it to work out. Team who controls rockets get an extra kill or two. Teams can walk around and flank. Teams shoot other team. That's all good. With proper cleanup, this map could be a great MLG map.

    EDIT: lol i just realized that in the pictures it says "FURRY SAYS HI" but under your name in gamertag it says "a furry unicorn".
    #4 WarpathZone, Aug 1, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2010
  5. a furry unicorn

    a furry unicorn Forerunner

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    i use both accounts, "furry says hi" which is my 1 month which runs out sometime in august, and my reucurring account which is "a furry unicorn" thx for the feedback, and i do plan to make a v2 . btw the cool looking trianlge thing, serves as both cover, and a shortcut to top mid
    btw when i said rocket has 1 clip, i meant i made it have only 2 rockets in it instead of the usual 4
  6. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The map is just very sloppy looking. You could have really taken the time to neat up the whole map by merging. It doesn't take that long. And it gives a better impression on a map. I will never play on a unmerged, sloppy map because I no that maps like that have flaws. Such as unwanted bumps and cracka which can efefct gameplay.

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alright so first let's get the bad out of the way. The outer walls should have been interlocked to look better, a few of the spawn points seem a bit random and faced in odd directions, and a lot of the structures just seem like random space fillers. Also, try to include more in your post like a weapons list etc.

    However, that being said it is not a bad map for your first try. The middle structure is nice and it seems like the weapon balance is pretty good. Layout is decent just try to take out some of a random stuff and make actual structures or things that will effect the layout, clean up your outer wall, and you should have a pretty good map.
  8. blassin

    blassin Ancient
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    Unicorn, your map has good potential and a good idea. Add me on xbl if you'd like some hands on pointers. I have 1 map posted and I got similar feedback. I'm not too far into the learning curve and it would be nice to have a a partner.... no **** lol

    *modz dont hate if this is spam :D*
  9. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    I say, Gameplay Over Map. I found the gameplay very fun. Im not too much of a MLG Fan but it was still quite good. I would recommend you fix some parts. My friends found a way out of the map and kept screwing up the fun. 8/10. Fix some part, thats mostly it.
  10. a furry unicorn

    a furry unicorn Forerunner

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    i tried to add 3 walls to each part of the barrier but i used so many items it said "could not create object on map to many" for everything. i already used the unlimited budget glitch i used as much as i could. Good thing reach is coming out soon so budget wont be a problem
    i cant fix the outer wall im out of my budget or i'd stack it 1 more time on all sides then merge it. im where i cant spawn anything. also im all about gameplay i made it so that you can get to every part of the map at least like 5 ways.
    ex: in the middle you can jump off the bottom mid to any part of the outerlying structure, behind each base theres at least 4 ways to jump onto top mid. etc... i tried to put lots of ways to get mutiple places. so that you can suprise your enemies etc..
  11. j0llyfish

    j0llyfish Forerunner

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    Yes, i would definitely check out a tutorial on ghost merges. There is one in the Forging 201 forum on this site, and several youtube videos. They will really help.

    I can definitely see how this map could be fun gameplay-wise, but it simply wont get a lot of downloads without aesthetics. If you would like, i could help you on xbox live, by either teaching you ghostmerging or fixing up your map for you. My gt is RePLiiiCaTe. I would be more than happy to help. You can check out my map too if you would like to see what ghostmerging can do.

    MLG Bide:

    I do like the simplistic layout of your map for sure, and your weapon set does show some expertise. Great job on that, but other people slave over maps for months to make sure it looks good, and i dont feel like you exactly did that lol. But yeah, looks like a 5/7 gameplay at least.
  12. Sil3nt

    Sil3nt Forerunner

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    The weapon placement looks good, but the rest lacks creativity. The map is kind of plain, and really sloppy. Just try to add some sort of main structure, rather than having random item placements. Your geomerges also need a bit of work.

    First your first map, it's pretty good, and you have some potential, but the map needs a little bit of work.
  13. Mattitiyahoo

    Mattitiyahoo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map looks pretty decent, not the best forging, but it does look balanced and the idea is definitly there.

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