My Theory to Why COD sucks

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Halo Orlando, Aug 1, 2010.

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  1. Halo Orlando

    Halo Orlando Ancient
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    It has no competition. It dominates the market as the only really popular war game, and therefore it has nothing to compete against. Thats why they havent made any significant upgrades through the series; there is no reason TO UPGRADE. They fell into the pit that sports games did, and no longer try to better themselves.
  2. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    No, its a good game, and there is A LOT of competition, but its probably the best game that keeps people in action almost the entire time. And it stands out to people that seek a lot of action, which is a large crowd.
  3. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Madden of FPS, new one each year, etc.
  4. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    The game is solid, there's no denying that. The only way you won't agree is if you've convinced yourself you aren't into CoD. I personally am fed up with the glitches, and wall hacks/aim bots but sadly those things won't ever change.
  5. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    Most of the time the people who say MW2 sucks, sucks. Its the game that everyone goes to when Halo 3 dies out. Im not saying its the best, I hate it from time to time but at most, I like it. Theres tons of glitches and mods, thats part of life.. in videogames. Theres always mods and hackers...
  6. Halo Orlando

    Halo Orlando Ancient
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    You say it is good, but there is no real big differences between the games, they use the same weapons, same crappy multiplayer system, same gameplay.

    The differences include graphics updates, new campaign, changes to the weapons, not for balance, but for the sake of it, small updates to add more killstreaks and in the case of MW2, adding the Spec-ops mode, which is maps ripped from campaign with new objectives. And they dont bother making maps, prefering to rip them straight from campaign regardless of how it plays.

    The reasons I say the multiplayer system is crappy is simple: they do not allow more than 1 person per xbox, they do not allow parties, they make no attempt to have even games, they work on a host system which ends the game if the host leaves, kill streaks which make the ones who are winning win even more, thus destroying all sense of balance that the loadouts, bad maps, glitches, modding might have given, and many other problems.

    They are, as Scobra said, the Madden of FPS; Madden updates roster and graphics, COD updates graphics and campaign.
    #6 Halo Orlando, Aug 1, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2010
  7. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    its a good game. the multiplayer is good besides the glitches. the ranking and unlocking system makes you want to keep playing it. you can hardly say they dont update anything. the genre was stuck in WWII until MW came out. they also brought in custom loadouts along the way. if people werent glitching and modding and just general dicks all the time id play it more. i, as well as many people, actually wish they had changed the multiplayer less in mw2. 'twas better before.
  8. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    No, the majority of people who say MW2 sucks know what makes balanced and fair gameplay.

    There is no way to counter Danger Close or One Man Army grenade launchers. Blast Shield only defends you from non-Danger Close grenades. There is no counter to Commando or the knife in general. If there's going to be a perk that increases your knife range, there needs to be one that makes the knife a two hit kill instead of a one hit kill. There is only one assault rifle with idle sway and only one with noticeable recoil in comparison to the others.

    Stopping Power is grossly overpowered. You cant have Stopping Power without Juggernaut because they cancel each other out. You have to either remove both (which I think they should do) or have both in. In MW2, the only counter to Stopping Power is Painkiller and that isn't even counted as a counter considering it gives you THREE TIMES the amount of health.

    There is no counter to Ninja Pro. Sitrep Pro should have given you the ability to hear people using Ninja Pro without a headset but it doesn't. The only way to hear someone with it is to have a headet cranked ear piercingly high.

    The first unlockable attachment for Assault Rifles is the Grenade Launcher, which is a one hit kill if you can hit in the general area of the enemy. The Shotguns in MW2 have more range than the ones in CoD4 and WaW and they're SECONDARY WEAPONS. They also outclass most of the SMG's at close range as well considering most of them are one hit kills anyway. Some Machine Pistols have the same damage stats as most SMG's as well so why bother using an SMG if you can just use one of those?

    The killstreak reward system is flawed, though not severely. Killstreak reward kills shouldn't add toward your next killstreak and a Care Package should DEFINITELY not drop any rewards over 7 considering how a ****ing AC-130 or Chopper Gunner can turn the tide of the game despite that it was all luck that got you one in the first place.

    Scavenger is broken. Bandolier was perfect for CoD4. Now you can keep picking up Claymores and hide in a area of the map for however long you want as long as the enemies are dumb enough to not check their corners. In CoD4, you got TWO Claymores per life and that was it. So you really couldn't exploit it.

    Thermal is fine because it's countered by Cold Blooded. Heartbeat Sensor is fine because it's countered by Ninja. Those are balanced. In terms of weapons, the SCAR is a balanced weapon. 20-Round Mag with little Recoil and High Damage and a fair reload time. The ACR is NOT balanced. No recoil, 30-Round Mag, fast reload, no visual kick. It's a fully automatic sniper rifle. The UMP isn't balanced either. 3 shot kill at every range, no damage loss for using a silencer, increased maneuverability due to SMG status, low recoil.

    Deathstreaks are broken. Seriously, getting rewarded for DYING? What is this, baby's first FPS? For ****s sake. I mean, in theory, they COULD work if they were balanced better, but at their current state, no. They're broken. I remember hearing Wings of Redemption saying that instead of Painkiller being what it is now, you should be flashing red and be invincible for 10 or 15 seconds when you spawn but that invincibility will go away the moment you perform an offensive action such as aiming down sights, knifing, or throwing a grenade. It's enough to get you out of spawn, but you aren't a ****ing bullet sponge with offensive capabilities.

    Last Stand/Final Stand/Any perk that only has an effect after you die or take enough damage to where you should have died needs to go. It isn't balanced and gives you an incentive to die.

    I'm not saying Call of Duty 4 was perfect and balanced, because it wasn't. It had it's share of problems (ACOG M40 Noob Canons, M16 Death Laser, Grenade spam) but at it's core, it was much more fair in comparison to MW2.
  9. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    From my slight reading it seems that you have only played MW2 for the most time and seen or played the other CoDs briefly.

    MW2 is annoying, but doesn't suck. The only reason most people say it sucks is because of what people do. Camp, noob tube, mods, and AT4/RPG. The explosives have a decent range and power without danger close.

    Campers are just incredibly annoying. What my mind and what I see as 80% of players do is run to the exact same area where the campers is and no one can see him but people think they can get to the dude and kill him, but their tactics are fail. Snipers are a different story.

    The CoDs before MW2 had very balanced gameplay. There were still some imbalances like grenade spamming and certain weapons like the MP5. I haven't WaW enough to say anything about it. CoD2 had intensely amazing multiplayer from what I heard. Everyone got the same equipment. A gun, a pistol, and a grenade.

    There are major flaws in the CoD games but not that many to make the assumption that it sucks. There are only 13/43 (I might've miscounted) and most of those weapons have been "cheap-i-fied." The desert eagle sucks now and I guess the rest have either been kept near similar or changed furiously.

    I have a feeling that this may turn into a flame thread. I'm not gonna suggest a lock but this thread might light on fire soon unless everyone can be educated and polite.
    #9 Klaydude11, Aug 1, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2010
  10. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    Of the CoD games I've played, and even though I thought I hated it, WaW actually seems to have the best online multiplayer. When I played it a few months ago out of boredom, I was actually having a lot of fun. And no, this wasn't **** Zombies.

    MW2 is well polished junk. It's still somewhat playable, and can get addictive, but, in my opinion, will never be as much fun as something like, say, Halo.
  11. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    I've clocked well over three years playing CoD2 in my combined time playing it since it's release. I've played a few months of World at War and about half a year of CoD4 and I've played MW2 since it was released.

    It does suck. It lacks balance and it has almost no skill gap. It's a game targeted toward 12 year olds who never played an FPS in their entire life. It's a CASUAL GAME.

    Danger Close does not have a clear counter. Blast Shield does not defend you from people using it. One Man Army and Scavenger can give you an infinite supply of a one hit kill, point and click weapon. There is absolutely no way to counter it in any way. Stopping Power isn't canceled out by anything and for a perk that increases your weapons damage, it really needs it. You can have an unlimited amount of claymores with Scavenger and One Man Army, opposed to Call of Duty 4 where you had 2 per life so campers really couldn't just sit in a room with a shotgun and wait. Scrambler Pro is a useless counter to them because it literally tells people you're coming so they can just watch the doorway anyway.

    The fact that people CAN exploit it makes it suck. It's not the fault of the people who are playing the game and using cheap tactics. They're using tactics that can't be countered because the developers put it into the game ignorantly and won't bother fixing it. They know that since it won't be fixed, they can exploit it all they want and will continue doing it because it's effective, annoying, and grossly overpowered. Don't blame the players, blame the developers for making a half assed piece of **** that wasn't properly tested.
  12. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    solution: play cod4
  13. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    As the above user said, Cod 4 was a really good game. I even predicted that MW2 was going to be a fail when I heard about hax sidearms and killstreaks. When I got the game, it was even more broken than I presumed. Campaign was fun to play though.
    Then, sadlly, everyone left cod4 and moved on to MW2 and nobody wants to go back.
    They even left halo to play MW2 and now I don't have any friends who play halo anymore :(

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
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    Get over yourself op. What does bashing a game even do, get your self esteem up? lol. Just accept it is a good game and a lot of people enjoy it even though you may not. Yes Halo is also fun but to each their own.
  15. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    CoD2 had preset weapon classes, no perks. Very balanced game.

    CoD4 had customization, but as someone mentioned above it was prone to grenade spam and noob tubes. However, the level of spam was immensely eclipsed by the amount found in Mw2. It is one of those instances where you should "appreciate what you're given" because it is a vastly superior game to MW2, though I wouldn't necessarily call either an extension of the other because they play very differently.
  16. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    "An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site."

    If we didn't talk/bash/discuss/compare games their wouldn't be a point to this. As far as i'm concerned, your post is spam as it has nothing to do with the current thread..


    Call of Duty is a game that try's to be realistic, although it may fail at doing so. It has been a very successful series in that, it is the most realistic real-time war game out there. Although for it to be a real-time war game, their would be few battles and hours upon hours of training, and days of planning.

    Solution to make it a game? Make it as close to realistic as possible, but add as many unrealistic things as possible. End Result, a CQC war game.

    That about sums up Modern Warfare 2. Although you may disagree, it's true.

    Halo is unrealistic in the fact it is a game that takes place IN THE FUTURE. You can't really compare the two games.

    Spartans are super trained, super suited, super steroid injected war machines. Call of Duty is your standard military soldier.

    Not the same.
    #16 CombatGam3r, Aug 1, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2010
  17. Halo Orlando

    Halo Orlando Ancient
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    Ah, but I recognize it is popular. What I question is why it has not improved upon itself. If you make a mistake in one game, you should correct it in the next. As many said in this thread the game is getting WORSE rather than better. I don't care what anyone likes or dislikes. There is a problem in my eyes with a series that attempts to get sales through quick production and working straight off of fame.

    If halo went and the next 2 games (made by 343 industries) were to be nearly the same as reach, perhaps with small changes, but basically no serious improvement, and perhaps they bring back a BR just because the liked it, I would have the same gripe with halo. And because they would have not changed much, though the gameplay may be perfectly good, by the time those next games came out, people would be pointing to flaws in the system, things they don't like, and though the game once was good, and hasn't changed, it doesn't mean it still fits with the new world.

    What I am saying is COD is not getting better, while the gaming world around it is.

    P.S. Actually, I don't care much about how this debate here goes, I just like the challenge of arguing something that I have an opinion on that is slightly controversial. It lets me see the way things are in a different light. So no self-esteem feeding, just felt like debating something...summer is being boring.

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
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    That is still 100% opinion though, there are many changes throughout the series. They went from classes to custom loadouts to **** zombies to spec ops etc. I'm sure there are a lot of people who could argue the Halo games are getting worse, in fact I know some people who think this. I'm not saying I like one game or the other more because both are pretty fun and have their ups and downs but it's just getting pathetic how many people are bashing on the cod series to defend Halo as if it is their child or something.

    lol contradict yourself much?
  19. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    Medal of honor, Farcry, battlefield. They all seem like competition to me.
  20. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    So much fail :( much. You clearly can't grasp the concept of a forum. Or of the posts in this thread while were on it.

    All games are competition. In a commercial type world, high sales, high reviews, that's all it's about.


    And as for CoD games getting progressively worse, I don't know as I would go that far, it just seems that they are trying to take CoD into a more modern day, thus 'Modern' Warfare. And I would have to agree on the fact that they do seem to be pushing out their games pretty fast. This however isn't quite true as it they released them IW, Tre IW, Tre. So about 2 years to make each game, which is basically the same thing with new maps/weapons/features. But still the same core game. It just dosen't seem that CoD is really branching off.
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