Sandbox Halo RPG

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Zow Jr, Jul 31, 2010.

  1. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Halo RPG
    Created by Zow Jr

    A turn based game based off of real life RPG games.

    Map Used: Sanbawx

    Supported Gametypes:

    • Custom Gametype(s)


    There's not much of a story except for the boss battle game. So here it is.

    In the depths of the galaxy, a horrible creature has awakened. It's name, Nibufis. It soon started eviscerating everything in it's path, despite it being only 10 feet tall. It soon captured a space pod and headed straight for Earth. But in the deserts of El Paso, In a run down house lived a man, a mechanic and a former criminal, who took his own space pods (which he claimed he found), The Daybreak, and flew out (with a bit of government influence) to battle the creature. THey met up with it in the asteroid belt. AND SO THE BATTLE BEGINS!!!

    This is my first minigame map, an what this is is a battle between 2 (or more) characters Taking place in between two space pods.

    Teh Spaces pods. How homey looking.

    You start out either here

    Or here

    And you pick a class (weapon) or combine some. Be careful you only have a (generous) 20 seconds before.

    O lol

    And then you duke it out. But here's the jist of it. You cannot attack until...

    This spawns

    Then you can have at your opponent. You can fight a 1v1, 2v2, or a 4v1 against a superpowerful Boss.

    Lemme explain this gametype, trait wise.

    Shields are normal
    Health is 2000% *gasp*hold it
    Shield recharge is none
    Damage is zero
    Speed 90%
    Gravity: 200%
    Infinite ammo
    Pistol starts

    Ok here is what you are thinking. (yes i am a slight psychic)
    " What, how are we supposed to do anything?" Well when you pick up the Turn module (CP) This happens.

    Damage; 100%
    Waypoint over head

    Kudos to anyone who read this and didn't comment on the peoples power.

    These spawn every few seconds so you can damage your opponent. RPG style!!!

    Here's action shots of the RPG battles.



    Now the boss fight.

    This... is.. the Baws, Nebufis

    Nebufis is the zombie and the others are the hero and his party.

    This... is... the humans

    The players cannot do damage until the turn modules come up. But the zombie can. So stay on your toes and work together to save the galaxy!

    Player traits are the same

    CP gives you same damage and traits.

    Nibufis' traits

    4x overshields
    1000% damage resistance
    125% damage
    50% speed
    200% gravity
    Brute shot and SMG starts.

    The last man standing becomes the mysterious hero

    And this... is.. the Hero
    He can do damage to the boss without the CP and has the ability to completely dodge Nebufis' attacks. But the damage he does is little and it is recommendeed you get the CP first.

    Action shots for the boss battle.



    A spawning problem I had that i fixed now.

    Before I end this, here are the class (weapon lists)

    Gladiator (AR)
    The gladiator class is favored because of it's more than average power, and it's high rate of fire. It can strip an opponent's shields in no time at all. THe only problems? Average firepower means it might take a while to kill someone. And it is inaccurate, so AIM!
    Effectiveness: 3.5/5

    Warrior (BR)
    The Warrior class is similar to the gladiator class, but it is far more accurate and slightly more powerful. It's drawbacks are its rate of fire and overall lack of stopping power.
    Effectiveness: 3.5/5

    Ranger (Sniper)
    The Ranger class is a very powerful class. It's long range, firepower, and accuracy make it an effective weapon to use. It's low rate of fire and difficulty to use very much deter from it's overall effectiveness.
    Effectiveness: 4/5

    Mercenary (Beam Rifle)
    The Mercenary class is like the Ranger class, although this class has a faster rate of fire. ONly drawback is the overheating.
    Effectiveness: 4.9/5

    Rogue (PR)
    The Rogue class is an efficient shield stripping class, but it's inaccuracy and relative low average fire rate makes its combat effectiveness limited.
    Effectiveness: 2/5

    Juggernaut( Rocket Launcher)
    The Juggernaut Class is one of the most powerful classes available. THe rockets do a high amount of damage and can kill quickly. But the Inaccuracy and slow moving round make it easy to dodge, and it's effectiveness is greatly reduced.
    Effectiveness: 4.9/5

    Slayer (Spartan Laser)
    The Slayer class contains one of the most powerful and accurate weapons out of all of them. This weapon can take down an opponent in a mere couple of shots. But it takes an astounding amount of skill to use it, so it is the most deadly of classes, but requires the most skill to use effectively.
    Effectiveness: 5/5

    Brute (ironic eh?) (brute shot)
    Brute power and force are the influences behind this powerful class. High RoF and a good amount of power make the only drawbacks of this class its inaccuracy.

    Zombie Class
    Both weapons have exceptional power and RoF, but are inaccurate and clumsy. Effectiveness: 5/5

    BTW first an important trait you must have to play this game: PATIENCE!!!

    Albeit more fast paced this is an RPG, unless you are a level 100 fighting level one slime (yes i am slightly a nerd) the round will last a while. So grab a couple of patient friends and ENJOY!

    Download Halo RPG map
    Download Halo RPG
    Download Halo RPG (boss battle)
    Download the boss version and team version of this map

    Download and enjoy. Courtesy of Zow Jr.
    #1 Zow Jr, Jul 31, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2010
  2. Dark Swerk

    Dark Swerk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very sick I will have to check this out. What amazed me is how you posted this. Instead of just naming the weapons you turned them into different classes and gave a brief description. 10/10 on first impressions I will surly check this out. Only dislike is the pen and ink. I may be wrong and it fits perfectly but from the pictures I wouldn't put that one myself.
    #2 Dark Swerk, Jul 31, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2010
  3. BloodBender97

    BloodBender97 Forerunner

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    Dang, a genius way to emulate RPG's without honor rules. Only problem, mixed classes. But I have yet to download this, so I am sure you knew and fixed or prevented the issue. I am glad that despite the games simplicity, you have forged a forge of forges, rather than a simple wall double versus wall double. But you might have to test the idea. The story isn't too great, but it is all about the map so, nothing of issue there. I hope to enjoy the team RPG game. The boss RPG sounds like a long process with a big team in waiting terms. This IMO should be the next chess. There should be a captain of each team, and he would decide who grabs the CP and what weapon he uses. Definately sounds like a great play, especially with that honor rule I just created. Downloading now.
  4. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Yes i knew about mixed classes. Heres how i fixed it. Well i didnt want to fix it but i figured ppl would mention it so i put a kill ball that spawns at 20 seconds and plus if u had a weapon like a br or an AR ud want a backup weapon, though this isnt the case a lot of times. Hope that answers ur question and thanks for ur review
  5. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Not that I've actually played the game, but a kill ball seems a bit harsh. If players have limited lives in either of the modes (if this was included in the thread, I couldn't find it), that can be a horrible punishment for trying to beat the clock to buff your character as much as possible (lol RPG talk), or just being really indecisive. I mean, even if they respawn, they'll only have magnums and be at a serious disadvantage.

    I can understand using the threat of such a serious punishment as a deterrent for would-be class mixers, but there are less drastic ways to do it. For example, you could just have each of the class rooms be sealed with walls at the twenty second mark, forcing players to enter the field if they are still there.

    And for players still in the open, you could have two tube corners placed (in an upside down U shape), one end in above the open area (but high enough that players can walk underneath it, and the other connected to (and enclosed around, so players couldn't escape) one of the teleporters jutting out of the class rooms (probably the one opposite the other team's spawn zone).
    And at twenty seconds, a mancannon would spawn inside the tube above the open area (low enough for players to jump into) that shoots them around the tubes into the teleporter. Fun!

    That, at least, would prevent the class mixing at the same level that your's does, but it wouldn't kill people for taking too long.
  6. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Thank you and I understand your concern. It does seem a little harsh and I did consider changing it. But people have a generous 20 seconds to Buff yourself and in any case if you make it into a tube to pick a weapon and the Kill ball spawns you will be fine. The spartan laser spawns have no teleporter in them to make you switch to another weapon. Trust me the have plenty of time. THank you for your detailed concern.
  7. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Okai I will do that. I will be posting more non FX pics of the overview later. Now do u mind pulling me out of the hole u just kicked me into? (lol jk)

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