It's not so much the maturity gap as much as the skill gap. If anything, someone who never played an FPS in their life would enjoy Call of Duty over Halo because it caters to people who aren't too into the genre (read: Casuals.) While Halo would be preferred for someone who's been playing FPS games their whole lives because it's harder to get into and become very skilled at. However, I'm just talking about these two games. To be honest, a true veteran of FPS would probably play something like Quake because its skill gap is huge and the pacing is incredibly fast in comparison to Halo. Let's not get too off topic though, considering this thread is about Halo vs CoD.
No ripping here, however customizable characters actually matter in Reach since that is what you'll look like in the campaign cutscenes.
Comparing these two games is pretty much literally comparing apples and oranges. They both are fruits, or FPS. Otherwise, the concept behind the two games and their ideologies vary at the very basis of their game design. Don't compare them. Enjoy the uniqueness in both.
Usually I don't care to compare the two, but I really hate it when people say Call of Duty is more realistic than Halo. "YOU CAN'T JUMP THAT HIGH IN REAL LIFE! HUMANS CAN'T DO THAT AAARUURHGHDGFghdghdhskfjhs" In a game where a floating eyeball and a legion of aliens hates humans because they aren't Christian, you're going to complain about the jumping height?
I think he was joking, he just forgot to finish his post with /joke. Anyway, what people have said before, this thread is pointless, the majority of those who use this site are Halo fans, and not everyone is a fan of MW2.
Ok, I agree wholeheartedly that Halo: Reach is more fun than Modern Warfare 2 (I personally love Gears the best though), but some of your points are freaking retarded. Lets start: Flashbangs, stun grenades, and thermal scopes are all very real items. I don't know where you're getting your info from. Some perks are legit too. Scavenger? You've never heard of guys taking the spoils off of dead bodies after a battle? As for being shot anywhere, you mean to tell me that watching a sniper bullet go straight through a spartan's heart shouldn't kill them? Hit markers? How many times have I shot someone's head and watched the blood fly in Halo and they still stand there unscathed? Or, in Halo, two shots from a sniper to anywhere on the body equals a kill? It's the same thing in Halo. Noob tubes and RPGs? Rocket Launchers. Shotguns? GASP! Halo has shotguns, too! And doesn't Halo have plasma nades? ****, those are kinda similar to semtex. How bout stuff like the headshots, no-scopes, quick-scopes, knife kills, semtex sticks, etc? And you're whole second point revolves around forge and user created content, which call of duty doesn't have. Let's compare Call of Duty's IW maps to Halo's Bungie default maps. That's the better comparison. And guess what? There are imbalances on both sides! You can't tell me Epitaph's shotgun spawn isn't the definition of a camper's paradise. That's why we have forge! To make better maps. And your aiming comment made me lose all hope in your second claim. Because it's common knowledge that everyone can shoot dead accurately, at any given time. You know, that's realistic. Call of Duty's spray is actually pretty realistic. It's called recoil and the fact that most people don't have dead aim. Font; who cares? Oh, and Halo 3's graphics weren't good in all honesty. Look at Gears of War 1. The textures were really good in that game, and it came out in 2006. ****, how did that happen? Last I checked, the MW2 textures weren't bad either. Yes, let's. Bear in mind, I agree with most of these. Agreed wholeheartedly. Co-op campaign is fun, yes I agree with that, but character customization is just a petty gripe. Agreed. First point is completely petty and stupid. Oh poor you, you took an extra five seconds to join a new party. The last two points are idiotic and deserve a huge facepalm. There will be glitches and modders in EVERY game. Especially since Forgehub's current standards for competitive maps kinda came from umm, you know, GLITCHES in forge mode? It's just how the companies choose to moderate and patch said glitches. Now that I am done playing the devil's advocate, I must say I agree with you that Reach will be better than MW2, or rather, more enjoyable in my opinion. Personally, I think Bungie is the best at giving back to the community and them making all the new additions to Forge mode is the most obvious point of that. Even though I like Gears' campaign better, I still love the Halo story and I'm always excited for the new installment in the series, while I can't say the same for Call of Duty. MW2's campaign was extremely easy and short; I beat it on veteran within a day. Personally, I think the reason MW2 pales when compared to CoD4's success was because CoD2 and CoD4 set the benchmark way too high (CoD2 for the WWII scene, CoD4 for the modern scene.
"Actually matters" Really? Unless it gives you freaking God Mode, I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter. I must say, I completely agree with V's statements.
I think you're taking "actually matters" way more seriously than I meant it. But it does matter because Bungie wants you to feel like you are Noble Six. The whole point of your customized character being who you play as in campaign is to draw you into the story more and make you feel like you are the one going through the events. If Noble Six was just some predetermind character you might not care as much, where as since it's "you" it might draw more emotion. Not everybody will feel this way, I'm sure some will just go through the game and not care who they are playing as. While some might try to do better because it's "them" in the game.
Well said. If customization wasn't a high selling factor to people, they wouldnt include it in the game either.
i really don't care, I think MW2 was a good, fun game. it may have had a lot of horrible bugs, but its still fun. My biggest anticipation for Reach, has to obviously be its Forge world. I just seen the ViDoc on my xbox like yesterday and was blown away! Bungie definitely improved forged and they was kidding when they said they're making maps a lot bigger... Looks like a battlefield game!
The biggest differences that place COD:MW2 way behind Halo are the social aspects and the customization. Halo allows you to do whatever you want with Forge, custom games, theater etc. The social aspect is what turns me of COD most however. In Halo you can go into games as a group, retain your parties and have games with your friends more easily. However, as anyone who either has family members they play with or have friends over often knows, in COD you cannot enter any online or campaign game with more than one player per xbox. This completely destroys the game's social aspects, and therefore a large part of the game.
Halo has been around for 10 years. Each game has brought us closer to bungie's end. With each game came new things. For Example, Halo:CE brought us one of the greatest campaign's ever built in a video game. (Sorry Mario but the that Storyline's getting really old.) Halo 2 was Xboxlive on the Original Xbox. There were more than what MW2 has today back in 2004. Halo 3 was the end. Forge gave us a new reason to play any game for 2-3 Years. Threatre was probably the best feature ever invented in a Multiplayer game. Allow to record, Rewind and review moments in different angles. This changed everthing. Halo 3:ODST gave us our first co-opertive mode in the Halo Series. Sure it wasn't the best. But was still fun. Halo:Reach combines everything that all 4 of these games gave us. Think about that. Mw2 has 3 options: Campaign (Boring) Spec-Ops (Retarded but better than Multiplayer & Campaign) and "The Best Multiplayer Experience" Multiplayer. If it was titled "The Best Multiplayer Experience' why is it so boring after playing it for 6 months. More like the worst replay ability in a game. Halo has much more to offer. Sure the graphics are great but lets face it. Playstation users said the same thing and its getting boring to hear it for the 2,000,000,000th time. Halo:Reach (150 Dollar version) sounds alot more of a deal than MW2. Night Vision Goggles. Really, My eyes would burn after wearing that piece of S**t. A Free COD game. I could easily go online and get it for $2. Treyarch I found more involved with the fans. **** Zombies was more fun I've ever had in any COD Game. Really, If anyone says that COD's Better. I do believe that their a 40 Year Old virgin, who like dying every second and need to see the sun. Halo beats Call of Duty any day. Multiplayer (No Mods), Forge, threatre, Custom Games, tons of Customization, Endless amount of fun, Firefight and 4-Player Co-op Campaign makes Halo:Reach the best game of the decade. Halo:Reach makes me want to snap my MW2 in Half because of its Awesomesauce. If anyone thinks COD>Halo, Go Suck 1!
My Uncle Sent me to E3 back in June. I got 5 Days off of school. I was able to play with Parent Supervision. Which to me makes no sense, Because 15 year olds should be aloud to play Halo:Reach without supervision. Other than the Beta that pretty much it. I have no heart for MW2. I will play if theres nothing new or exciting out. I usually play with my friends only. Since I played firefight and the beta. It doesn't count as playing it before most people.
I agree with you for the most part, except that the PC version of cod BO will have most of the features that you described
Is there any point arguing opinions? Even though we at a Halo site think Halo is better, let us remember, not everyone thinks Halo is better. We enjoy the ability to custimize but I know not everyone wants to make maps or films, those people usually enjoy Cod more. And you remarked Halo Reach as the best game of the decade, and its not even out, I think it will be the best game, but its not even out yet, for all we know it might have the worst campaign ever (I'm sure it wont) but its too early to call it Amazing (IMO).