I wanted to make a sick design for a guitar, but I didn't want to risk ruining one of my good guitars. So I took my old Yamaha 5 string and went Jackson Pollack on it! Before (NOT actually mine, I just forgot to take a before pic) After!!!
thats cool and you actually did a good job but im not a fan of the design its self. good painting though
Holy **** you did an amazing job. Looked pretty bland in the before and then -BLAM! It would be even more awesome if it glowed in the dark.
If you are making the background black it always looks better to stick with one color because it looks less like a two year old threw up then glossed it. BTW, nice finish on it, thank god you know what you are doing and didnt forget to do that! I totally love it.
You should consider colouring the fretboard... it's screaming with unmatching hatred. Also, did you paint the headstock?
It looks cool, but i'm not a fan of the design. If it were mine then i would paint a pop culture reference on it, but sadly I'm not a artist.
good effort, but i would have left it as it was, seeing as the fretboard is the wrong colour for the paint job.
He most likely removed the strings, and put masking tape over the neck. That's how I would've done it, unless he's just a god at painting.