Teleporter, I am disappoint.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by frog on stilts, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
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    First off, let me start by saying the teleporter in and of itself is great. I love the vehicle teleportation mechanic, and the way you can increase the effective radius of any given teleporter.

    The reason I am disappoint, is because of this:

    These are pictures from the Halo: Reach comic con panel. Part 3, if anyone's interested Before he created a teleporter, each showed a limit of eight. After he created them, each showed a limit of seven.

    Generally, this system is a good thing. I like that the universal limit for the building blocks is 100, and if I want, I can have 100 identical glass pieces instead of being limited to, say, 10. But here, it's just too low. This means, that you can place a maximum of 4 pairs, (or three entrances and five exits, two on six, or one on seven).

    I'm guessing this won't affect most of you, but I'm sure there's a few of you who are as disappointed as I am. I do have a couple of maps with at least a little bit more than four pairs of teleporters. Anyway, the whole reason I'm posting this is not to whine, I just want to warn people before they start building or conceptualizing a map that they can't possibly create.


    We have discovered it wasn't actually a total of 8, but of 12, since he was playing on Hemorrhage and there were already 4 on the map. Teleporter, I am proud!

    Thanks a ton guys for pointing this all out. Now my maps will be able to work how I want them to.
    #1 frog on stilts, Jul 30, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2010
  2. TantricEcho

    TantricEcho Ancient
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    Really? That's it? *Rage quit.

    On a map this size, that really limits the usable space. If you wanted to forge in the canyon and have warps to the interior space but don't want a lot of vehicles so people will actually be drawn to the interior, you're gonna need warps. Oh well, not like we can help it. At least we can adjust the size of them so we can utilize one warp point over a larger area of the map, divide that warp area with walls and you essentially have more 'warps,' but they're all hosted by one warp point.
  3. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    Bah, it's not a huge deal. 4 pairs of teleporters is plenty enough unless you're trying to do some mini game, in that case well I can understand your frustration. I can see where you're coming from however.
  4. RehnX

    RehnX Ancient
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    Are they on the Blood Gulch remake? The reason I ask is a large chunk of Budget is already missing, and as we all know there are 4 portals on BG/Coag.
  5. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    I can see the worry in this but its not the end of the world. A large part of forge, even since pre DLC days, has been working around the constraints of the system. As good as Forge2.0 is there will always come a time when something is just not possible.

    In many cases im sure a mancannon will deputise for lack of teleporters.
  6. TantricEcho

    TantricEcho Ancient
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    That'd be sweet if we could customize the area of a mancannon's area of effect like the new teleporters. *sigh...
  7. padres1944

    padres1944 Ancient
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    They are. So add at least a few more teleporters to that total. Its 12, I think, which makes for 6 pairs.
  8. I use Javelins

    I use Javelins Forerunner

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    0 if you use a gigantic wall that means you can place 1 less small block? Why does that not make sense to me...
  9. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    But we have one way shield doors now, that was what the point of the old teleporters were, and some gravity lifts too.
  10. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    I can understand why you'd be upset, but as it was pointed out we don't know if they are on a blanked map. this could be blowing something entirely out of proportion
  11. eating lunch

    eating lunch Forerunner

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    Even if it is limited like that, its really not that bad, especially since you can control the radius of a teleporter. You could just make it as big as possible, then put two walls forming a + shape in the middle of the teleporter, and you have 4 senders to one receiver. So there will be ways around that. Its not as much of a problem as you're thinking. I think once you forge some in forge world you will see what I mean.

    Even Chiron TL-34 only had 9 pairs of teleporters.
  12. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
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    To eating lunch: My plan was to make a map that had several sender teleporters and ten exits into an arena. (5 vehicle entrances and 5 footsoldier entrances). It would be a problem, with only 4 pairs. I could use 1 as an entrance, with only seven leftover.

    Now that I've realized that there are actually 6 pairs, I can accomplish this. I'm going to update the first post.
  13. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    Ummm Chiron had 15 pairs of teleporters. So yea, i dont think a true remake could be done.
  14. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    It's possible that there are more than 8, but just not in this version of Reach. The version they showed at the Comic-Con wasn't the full version that we will all be recieving on the 14th. So maybe Bungie set the limit for objects down so it wouldn't take up as much space... Idk... Maybe Forge 2.0 just sucks. Rofl...
  15. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Please don't make me find the proof, but I am 100% positive I remember reading, or watching, something, somewhere, that Marcus Lehto (Lead guy) said at this point in production (a few weeks ago) they're no longer doing custom builds for events. That's the reason they showed us the complete armory, and a few other things as well.
  16. eating lunch

    eating lunch Forerunner

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    Oh yeah, my mistake. It had 9 rooms. I got mixed up lol.

    But still, a Chiron remake is absolutely possible. In fact, I was going to do it on Sandbox, and had begun and almost finished one room, but then I got interested in another map instead and never finished Chiron.

    I was probably going to end up not doing two rooms because I wanted to keep it more pure, and have only teleporters as ways between the rooms. So that reduced the teleporters from 15 to 9. Then I had an idea of a way to make that possible. Or either that was possible with regular two way teleporters, and I had a wierd way to make all 9 rooms possible idk which one, I can't remember.

    But with some clever uses of teleporters, I really think it would be possible to remake Chiron pretty close to how it was.

    Plus Chiron had at least one pair of teleporters that were not necessary really. One room had two teleporters that sent you to the same teleporter in the same room. So one of those two teleporters could be eliminated, and not truly affect the gameplay on the map, just the looks. I have a feeling there may be another or even a couple more teleporters like that on Chiron.

    You can trust me though, if a total 100% pure remake is impossible, a 90% pure remake is still possible.

    Maybe you could use 2 senders, with a big radius with two walls in a + shape centered over the senders? Turning 2 teleporters into 8 sender teleporters?

    If you used that, if its possible with the design you were thinking of, you would probably have enough receivers left, I would think.
    Nevermind my last post, at least the parts that don't apply because I just saw where you guys figure there are 12 teleporters since they were on Hemmorhage.
  17. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    OK, so we're limited to 12 teleporter nodes but I don't think that's so bad considering how teleporters were used in Halo 3.
    One main use, besides using them as standard teleporters, was as barriers. Stopping players getting out of a map, stopping players getting in to certain places, stopping players walking over the finishing line on race tracks.
    But now we can either use a single teleporter (rather than a line) or an alternate item (like a one way shield door).

    I don't can't remember any maps which used all 10 available teleporter channels in Halo 3 so I don't think 6 pairs of teleporters will be such a big problem.

    I'm looking forward to the extra options we get with them, especially things like making them team specific. Also, I'm hoping "Object Colour" will change the colour of the glowy bit, rather than just the base.
  18. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    I'll admit I used a 10 channel all teleporter map for a bizzare game of infection tag once or twice. It was fun and hectic at first because you have no idea really were you would go but you soon learned what porter did what and we changed it. We ended up using basically a 'all the same channel all teleporters' version so the game was insanely unpredictable.

    I am sad because this map is SO HUGE that it actually might need all those different channel/ and max teles to work a massive level map.

    Still I will withold my judgement until I get in and play the forge. I might find the limit on objects while higher with what I would like to build I fear the limit imposed will be too small to properly adress it. If the maps bungie have shown us are true to the build limit.
  19. Riptide Sage

    Riptide Sage Ancient
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    If you merged the senders and the receivers together you could actually get 12 2-way teleporter pairs (6 regular, 6 "1-way"), however this would require Reach to have 18 teleporter channels, as each "1-way" 2 way teleporter takes two channels. But Reach should have 18 channels as that would be the default maximum (6 for 2-way pairs and 12 for 1-ways), so get crackin on your crazier map ideas.
    #19 Riptide Sage, Jul 31, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2010
  20. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little disappointed that we can't have as many teleporter pairings. From a puzzle maker perspective they've just reduced how many checkpoints we can add to our map.

    I understand Bungie using this new global limit feature, but surely they wouldn't have given us LOWER limits than before. Seems a bit backwards. I have a feeling this won't be the only object set where we'll suddenly find ourselves with a reduced limit compared to Halo 3.

    Oh well, overall it still doesn't mar an otherwise awesome new Forge.

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