Detum Asylum

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by cowboypickle23, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Name:
    Detum Asylum

    Map Canvas:

    Map Size:

    Player Count:

    Supported Gametypes:
    Judgment, Judgment V2














    Note: I did not make this thread. As stated directly above me, MultiLockOn made the thread for me. All opinions and descriptions are his, not mine.
    #1 cowboypickle23, Jul 30, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2010
  2. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    Very nice shooping thar. Also, the map looks very nice. I was speaking to one of the testers who said it was awesome. Can't wait to test this out for myself.
  3. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    Haha. I just came off a game of this Yesterday, and it was awesome. In a world filled with pointless, crappy "remakes" of beloved **** Zombie maps, it's hard to find good ones. That's why I'm so glad to say that this is one of those good remakes.

    Cowboy, you're an amazing and very talanted forger, and even though some of your earlier **** Zombie maps have been kind of iffy, this one really shines. You've taken all of the good parts of your earlier maps, given a big F you to the bad parts, and then made it compatible with America's favorite **** Zombies gametype.

    This map really is a fountain of win, Cowboy. Congrats.

    #3 Hogframe, Jul 30, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2010
  4. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    This is really a very good map. It's probably one of the only Judgment maps to have really no camping spots (or at least ones that prove to be effective). That being said, the map's flow is definitely very good, especially for a gametype variant such as Judgment. I was very impressed with not only that but the forging of the map itself; awesome job Cowboy. It's a shame that most maps can't play like this one here.

    And apologies to anyone who finds the thread obnoxious, Cowboy and I wanted to try something new, and I'm willing to admit that it didn't turn out the greatest.
  5. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dont beat yourself up dude... I think its a very sexy thread. Yes maybe it wont apeall everyone, but the editing on the pics is perfect and i love the feel of it. Thanks for a great thread dude!!!
  6. Ix Massacre xxI

    Ix Massacre xxI Ancient
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    I also think this post was very sexy Multi so dont worry about it. As for map though I knew it would be a good one from the first pic. Although I didn't DL this map for CoD: WaW I can still see where the zombie part comes from. Question howd you do the weapon box? It looks more efficint then some others I've seen, and clearer. Great job on the map definetly a...
  7. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    Random weapon box is definitely better than most. Instead of hitting/shooting a fusion coil, you go up to the powerup. Than it will give you the option to flip a ghost. The ghost flips alittle but is stopped and pushed back into its origional spot. But before that, it slightly moves a fusion coil which is than pushed into a mancannon exploding the grav lift and causing the weapons to drop. This process takes a second or two, to let you get over the the box and get ready for the weapons to drop.
  8. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    woah thats an insane-awesome concept for the box good job. now you dont have to waste ammo to shoot a fusion coil to sometimes not even get a weapon! but this is good.

    im also glad you didnt call this map Der Riese because it is not like it at all in some parts so I wouldnt exactly call it a remake like some other people, but it is definately similar in a lot of way and if you know your way around in Der Riese, you'll be familiar with this map
  9. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    This is amazing Pickle. The starting area structure for the humans looks amazing, I ended up getting myself killed because I just stood there trying to figure out how you made it. The mechanics behind the random weapon box are truly unique.

    When I first spawned, I really had no idea just how big this map was. Corridor after corridor of amazing aesthetics. The last thing I noticed that I haven't seen of any other map was how you set up the mongoose 'windows'.

    Can't wait to see more.
  10. Chickenpox902

    Chickenpox902 Forerunner

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    This map looks.... AWSOME! I'm a huge **** zombie fan and I have been waiting for someone to make a non nacht der untoten map. I haven't played it yet, but i'm sure it will take up space on my file share and my friend's file shares for a long time to come!
  11. TheDeathstr1ke

    TheDeathstr1ke Forerunner

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    Very nice work, but I did notice one problem. In the one room with rock like things (I'm not too good at describing things), you can camp and zombies can't get to you. But that was with a **** Zombies gametype and not Judgement.
  12. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well if it wasn't with the gametype i provided than I would hardly consider it a problem dude. Thanks for trying it though :)
  13. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Cowboy, this is a phenomenal map, and hands down my favorite infection variant. It's the best **** zombies remake to date, and I don't think it's possible to build one that's anymore accurate, without sacrificing the incredible aesthetics and gameplay you've achieved here. It was always exciting to see the progress you had made on it, and I was happy to assist in any way. So yeah, awesome job, and sorry for my late comment. I didn't know you had posted this due to our site's current situation ;)
  14. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Detum Asylum

    First of all let me just say that I felt as though you had answered my prayers by posting this map. A couple weeks ago I asked if any good remakes of the **** Zombies map Der Riese had been done, and not one person could supply one. While Detum is not an exact replica of Der Riese it certainly possesses the key aspects that were present in its World at War counterpart and the way you forged this transferred beautifully into Halo.

    While poking around, I found an old Der Riese remake that was actually by you as well, and I must say that your original can do nothing more than pale in comparison to what you have done with Detum Asylum.


    So, upon loading up this map any veteran of WaW will immediately recognize the starting room with the Pack-o-Punch at the rear, and from there on in zombies come pouring in from anywhere and everywhere. Unlike the successor, humans are given access to the whole map from the get-go, and most of the turns, nooks, and crannies (and there are a lot of them) have a zombie or two lurking within. Not to mention the sheer size of this map can make a puny human feel singled out and alone pretty easily. Many times a human will see a zombie from afar but never know what door it’s coming through and that creates a degree of paranoia within itself. Also it gives humans that dumfounded sense of being fooled by a zombie.

    The degree of fun for a zombie within a round escalates as their numbers do. Even if it’s unsuccessful, being able to coordinate a massive wave attack on a group of humans is simple joy (for me at least). On the downside though, at the beginning of the round when zombie numbers are pretty low is when most people get frustrated at fruitless attempts to devour the overpowering human foe, and even a running zombie doesn’t do too well to scathe that frustration. Until they can throw in a cheap assassination the game isn’t very enjoyable for the zombies.
    Enjoyment: [​IMG]


    **** Zombies and Judgment have always stuck pretty close to one another in the terms that it takes about 2 or 3 hits to down a human, and zombies generally go down pretty easy (until you get runners). On top of that most Infection generally favors the humans and that is surprisingly accepted among the Halo 3 audience. Most of the time, humans can take down zombies pretty easily, but the beauty of being a zombie is that you just keep coming and coming; waiting for the human to slip up one bit so that you can move in for your tasty treat. Judgment follows this principle flawlessly (well, as flawless as possible) but immature players don’t follow it quite as well. In **** Zombies an AI doesn’t get frustrated and quit. However in Halo 3 a player can get frustrated and leave.

    Other than that little corruption in a player controlled character this game is still as fun as ever and presents a reasonable amount of balance in certain areas over another and they even out mostly in the end.

    Now with the map itself, there are definitely some balance issues. The flamethrower which spawns and respawns every 30 seconds inside the Pack-o-Punch creates a camping heaven for the humans especially since the only way up there is right in the Line of Sight and range of the flamethrower. One other big issue with balance is the red room past the Random Weapon Box (or RWB). While there is a zombie spawn inside of that room if there are multiple human enemies holding out in there it heavily shifts spawning away from that area creating a choke point into that room where zombies can get pretty frustrated. An easy way to fix this as well with areas similar to this is to let the zombie decide where it wants to enter the map without having them spawn in the vicinity. That may be quite a hurdle to leap, but it would do well to induce a sense of strategy into the zombie horde. Also it seemed that ammo was rather abundant for the humans decreasing the will to move about the map to find weapons and increasing the will to camp away in a corner with an Assault Rifle with full ammo.
    Balance: [​IMG]


    After playing this map at least 7 times no one (me included) found any useful exploit of map geometry to alter gameplay (other than issues discussed in balance). Humans can’t exit their intended play area and since no geometry actually spawns players can’t hide inside a spawned block. Zombies can occasionally get back through a judgment window though that means absolutely nothing, and a couple times a mongoose (or other vehicle) would despawn causing a temporary inconvenience for zombies trying to access the play area.

    Other than one little thing, the map geometry and play area is seamless and unbreakable.
    Durability: [​IMG]


    Talking about this map in comparison to the (somewhat) counterpart, Der Riese, you did an exceptional job in the transition. Even with Sandbox’s sandy and dull objects, places such as the Pack-o-Punch room, the area where the power gets turned on, and the catwalk area behind that (these places need names) are instantly recognizable, and that is a big up for any remake. If someone were wandering the map wondering how it remotely resembled the original then you didn’t do your job. It’s safe to say though that you accomplished what you set out for.

    Strictly Forge speaking Detum Asylum is appealing to the eye. The forging is impeccable and everything is lined up properly. No crooked edges, no signs of laziness at all really. There was one major abscess in the aesthetics that actually affected the game: flashing objects. Generally this happens when too many objects are on the screen at a time and that tends to cause major lag and throws off the game. It’s pretty common to get this while forging, but it happened a lot during the game as well. It’s hard to begin to provide a solution how to fix that, but you could limit sight lines a bit more. Sure the wall,slits help humans spot zombies and vice versa, but in naming a culprit for the flashing objects, being able to see a lot of the map from one room would be a reasonable guess.

    Aside from that inconvenience there really isn’t much else to complain about in the beauty department.
    Aesthetics: [​IMG]


    As mentioned at the beginning, only 2 or 3 (bad) inductions of Der Riese have made it into Halo 3, and seeing as this isn’t an explicit remake it would not do justice to put Detum Asylum in the same league as a Der Riese remake. It’s like saying Avalanche is a remake of Sidewinder. While they bear resemblance to one another the differences make more sense in the respective game as compared to how a direct remake would have fared.

    On another note, the (new and improved) RWB is beyond cool. Simply pressing RB to get a weapon saves ammo and actually gives the player time to get into position, and (unless someone can prove me otherwise) this kind of switch hasn’t been used in a Judgment RWB.

    The RWB was an outstanding quality in Detum Asylum, but seeing how you pulled it off so well it was a little disappointing to see no attempt for anything else (i.e. Speed Cola or Juggernog) that would have greatly added to the experience on this map.
    Originality: [​IMG]

    Aside from everything mentioned, discussion by other players generally reflected a positive outlook on the map that mostly outweighed the bad feedback. Not greatly outweighed but enough to still consider this a good map.

    Average Score: 7.6/10

    Final Score:
  15. InFamousx

    InFamousx Forerunner

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    Whoa Organite, thats a large wall of text. But anyways, congrats Cowboy this map itself is an amazing remake of Der Riese. The merging is flawless and the gametype goes well with your map. The game seems very balanced and I guess a flamethrower as a powerup should suffice. But I was wondering, why not add a power up change all the settings to be the same except weapons do a little bit more damage? But then again, I think the zombies might die too easily though if you did the powerup thing. This is probably the best **** Zmobies map I'm ever going to see for a while, atleast not until Reach comes out. But good job on the map. Start planning on even better remakes for Reach.

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