Simply put, what video games are you looking forward to getting for the rest of 2010? There really isn't much but still, I want to see what other people are interested in getting... I'm looking forward to: Halo Reach 9/14 Dead Rising 2 9/28 NBA 2K11 10/5 Rock Band 3 10/26 I know for a fact probably every one of you wants Reach haha...that's almost a proven fact.
Halo: Reach Call of Duty: Black Ops Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock Rock Band 3 Fable 3 Assassins Creed: Brotherhood Portal 2 F.3.A.R. DJ Hero 2 Bulletstorm Gears of War 3 Brink Dead Space 2 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS I now remember why this upcoming year was going to be expensive.
Reach Dead Rising Assassins Creed: Brotherhood CoD: Black Ops Metroid: Other M The new LoZ game Thats all i got off the top of my head.
Halo Reach Rockband 3 Portal 2 Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (I think thats what its called?) Call of Duty: Black Ops Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Assassins Creed: Brotherhood
Halo: Reach It goes without saying that this is a hard game to not be excited for, Bungie has been teasing, revealing, tweaking and even letting us test their "One Final Effort" on the Halo series. And it has Space Ship battles. Did I mention Star Fox 64 was my favorite game of all time? Deadrising 2 (Full game and Case Zero) As a fan of the first game, Deadrising had its share of flaws, but the story was truly unique and interesting until the end. I really want to see how Capcom's fresh new perspective with Chuck Greene will be. Call of Duty: Black Ops (AKA, No Zombies, No Buy) Needless to say, I was one of those people who bought WaW just for **** Zombies, then realized the game wasn't just Zombies, and wasn't awful. Treyarch is listening to the community and trying their best not to screw the pooch like IW did.
Won't buy all of these, but will at least rent the ones I don't buy. Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days Mafia II Halo: Reach Call of Duty: Black Ops Fable III (I think is this year) LittleBigPlanet 2 Medal of Honor Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Dead Rising 2 Crysis 2 Sly Cooper Collection Bold are the ones I'm most excited for.
Damn it, how do you guys do those black circles (bullets)? Anyway... - Halo: Reach - Call of Duty: Black Ops - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - Ghost Recon: Future Soldier (Not 2010 but worth a mention) - Crysis 2
-Halo Reach -NFS Hot Pursuit (It is being made by the people who make Burnout so it should be awesome.) That's about it right now. I hated gow2 so I'm not really looking forward to gow3.
Reach Gears of War 3 Fallout: New Vegas Doom 4 Aliens: Colonial Marines (if it every gets going again)
Halo: Reach Gears of War 3 Fallout: New Vegas Call of Duty: Black Ops Spec Ops: The Line Brink Crysis 2
Fallout New Vegas Guild Wars 2 And Halo:Reach of course. Those are the ONLY games I'm compelled to buy at the moment. I think I'm loosing my interest in games which couldn't come at a better time with senior year and college around the corner.
Halo: Reach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Portal 2 Portal 2 Portal 2 Portal 2 I'm quite the Portal fan.