Has anyone else noticed how there are no achievements for finding the skulls. When i first heard that Reach was going to bigger and somewhat more open in campaign, I was excited because there might be an actual challenge in finding the skulls. But it seems you may already have them unlocked when you put the game in. Just wondering if anyone else noticed this.
Its probably going to be like ODST, anyway most people cheat and either google the skulls or mod to get them all instantly unlocked. So while some of them could have been a huge challenge in Halo 3, they wernt because of the losers who cheat.
Now that you mention it, i dont see any skull achievements, but i have seen on the B.net updates them talking about putting skulls on during campaign. So im not really sure whats going on
Finding the skulls was a very fun part of the campaign. It was a true challenge to find all of them without cheating (except for IWHBYD, that **** was impossible). If they don't have these hidden throughout the huge playing field that is Reach, I will be very disapointed. And honestly, why cheat when doing something like that? It made me appreciate all the detail put into the game when I searched high and low on every level trying to find them. And who knows, maybe Bungie's just not announcing all of the achievements just yet. Maybe they put that list out so no one would bother to leak them.
Even if you cheated you still had to go through the obstacle to reach the skull.... examples: grenade jump for one of em onto some ledge, bruteshot jump off of a plasma barrel, do some crafty jumping in the flood place, manage to get the one skull w/o letting the wraiths destroy you.... They all had a certain challenge to them.
That's my issue with reach skulls if they have them. Halo 3 you could get them on NORMAL!!! and just rush the level and go to a easy to get to spot. No challenge. Should be at least be legendary only and HARD! to get to spots. and: Active Skulls and it looks a lot like halo 3.
Skull multiplier was in ODST as well. Just because you can turn them on doesn't mean you have to find them. On a separate note: I hope they have hidden skulls! I wish ODST had hidden skulls, imagine searching that damn city high and low for them? Insane. Just because modders can mod to get the skulls and achievements doesn't really seem like a worthy reason to exclude them. Modders can manipulate many other aspects of the game. (Hence mod) Why exclude skulls because of them?
Well there is a Halo 3 guide which shows them (I believe they do) so Bungie probably expected players to look it up. anywho, maybe they just didn't want to reward players for finding them because that would be useless again. Or they pulled an ODST and just gave the skulls right away to the players. OR MAYBE, they have given us something new. Things like the Scarab Gun and the Soccer Ball in Halo 2. That is just as fun.
Ummmn they did have the skulls in Halo 2 they were hard to get though. I hope if they do put skuls in reach that they are lhard to get
Oh yeah I know, but I was just giving examples like those easter eggs because the skulls in Reach are all most likely unlocked without needing to find them.
i think the skull system will be like ODST. or the game will use the skulls in halo 3 and put them in reach. like if you have iorn in halo3 it will be albe to be used in reach but if you dont have blind you cant use it. idk just an idea
I'll admit it: I used walkthrough videos to find nearly all the skulls in Halo 3. It was still pretty challenging though, having to navigate some of the obstacles. I'm still hoping for skulls in Reach - just because there's no achievements for them doesn't mean they won't be implemented in some way.
I didn't really care that the skulls were achievements in Halo 3. I just wanted to find them because it was fun, like an easter egg hunt. Even if they're unlocked from the start, I hope they've still hidden them throughout this supposed giant campaign and the multiplayer levels. It would also be cool if the skulls unlocked something special in the armory. Besides that level they showed us from the campaign and forge world are just begging to have hidden goodies.
YEah although finding the skulls were kind of frustrating, they have you something to do while doing the campaign. They "forced" you go outside of the mandatory route, which helped break the same boring routine. So I'm also one of those that hope that they will be in Halo: Reach.
Just because you cheated doesn't mean others did. I personally searched for the all, and found them all in Halo 3, without the help of the interwebz, and enjoyed myself the whole time. With two exceptions, the one where you have to kill the jumping flood creature in the beginning of the level, and of course, IWHBYD
Chill out. That was an unessasary post and all it did was insult somebody. I found a few skulls myself, but i gave up because my patience level is fairly low