uh. check it yo. i think this kinda explains why i said 4... i just personally think have 8 cps would get too confusing, so if your trying to say im not aloud to have an opinion then im gonna sad face.
Red and Blue have been Overshield and Active Camo since Combat Evolved. My point was that it is hard to know what custom powerups do in Custom Games as it is, much less with three others to keep track of. Sure, you find out after the fact, but that doesn't help you make the decision beforehand. For example. Custom Powerup 1: Speed increase, 1 shot kills Custom Powerup 2: Speed increase, no shield recharge. Custom Powerup 3: Speed decrease, 1 shot kills Custom Powerup 4: Speed decrease, no shield recharge Tell me that if I put you into a custom game with those four powerups that you would be able to keep them straight without a good ten minutes of gameplay. Maybe you could remember that one and two boost speed, but forget which one has a drawback and which one is a greater boon. You're looking at it from a forger's perspective. Think of it from a player's. Nobody should have to read a thread on a website in order to enjoy a map, meaning nobody should have to research a map they are playing for the first time.
Why the hell would you make custom power ups that hurt a player? I dont want four custom powerups for the sake of confusing people. I want them just to have the option. Say im making an fat kid map (yea i hate those too) and at first there a custom that gives you crazy jump. Then when you get to the end of the map i want a custom that gives the humans insta-kill to kill the zombie? I should have the option to do that
Balance? In a class-based game (more or less obsolete now), you can't just give a guy everything. What if you really want him to be tough, but don't want him to kill everyone? Give him better shields and damage resistance, but limit his weapon damage and speed. Gameplay? For example, a puzzle map with a custom powerup that screws up a player's ability to jump when touched. You can do the fat kid example through basic player settings and respawn settings, as well as using just one custom powerup. Sure, four is nice, but you don't need that many. Which leads me back to my previous example, which you merely swore at and ignored. I'm done talking about custom powerups, with you at least.
If you wanted it to be a class based game, wouldnt it be helpful to have more than one custom power up, so that you can make more than two varients of movement/camo/health? What im thinking is how can more customization be a bad thing?
I tell you what I want Load out Specific Traits. Been able to customize each load outs traits individually. example: Infection Zombies have 2 load outs Loadout1:Fat boy: invisible really slow type Loadout2:Fast 1 shot kill type
Lol, wrong. in halo 2, overshield was a yellow box. And having more than one custom power up could be confusing until you got used to the game. so im done having a custom power up argument until Reach comes out and we have seen what were working with.
It wouldnt be "bad." But there are tons of little things that i can think of that would not be bad by any means, but theyre just not that important. More CPs wouldnt be bad, but they cant put everything into the game, and different CPs is not something bungie should devote time to.
Why don't we stop arguing about something that isn't even going to happen? There are going to only be Yellow custom power-ups. No other colors, period. We will be able to place more than four Yellow power-ups, that's confirmed. /argument.
I just had a random thought. It might sound ridiculous. But, why does Bungie not make a game type where they use the freaking whole map and have like a 30 v 30 or something? Like a true ground war?
Because the engine wouldn't be able to handle that. And I'm talking about the Xbox's engine.. If everyone was shooting, there would need to be particle effects for every single bullet hitting something. WAYYYY too much going on for that to happen. I mean, the game gets laggy enough in 8v8.
Imagine playing a match with 60 people online.... 1/4 of the people would have 1 star connections. :-0 So much freaking lag would ensue.
That means there can be more structures, more forge objects, more map realted things on the map itself at one time. That really has nothing to do with supporting that many players and dealing with keeping everyones connection good.
It's called impostoring, for the record, and just because we see a low res-impostor image while far away doesn't mean lag wouldn't occur, sure there may be less of it, but the game still has to take all the bullets, grenades and any other player caused 'movements' and translate them to the other players so they see the same exact thing all other players are seeing in the event they go over to that location.