RING Button (my map was stolen read on) I posted this map awhile ago and i couldn't figure out how to put pics up but hopefully i got it know. anemone took my map and claimed it as his own, and sorry for the second post of this map. But i will explain it better This map was for two even teams to battle it out. -The main game type is territories -Goal is for the attacking team to activate the ring and the defending team is supposed to stop them -I got the idea from... well.... HALO... you will see The offenders turn purple when they are capturing a territory (elites), and the defenders turn green when they are just in the territory (Spartans). There are 5 buttons to activate the ring but the last button isn't really available until 3 mins into the game. It take 20 seconds to activate one button. The weapons are powerful but really far apart no vehicles (Ran out of money) The gametype that i have provided only lets the offenders 6 mins to activate the ring, so move fast And i got my idea mostly from the halo 1 campaign..... enjoy The ring around the platform is supposed to be the hologram like in the game and the square (easier that a round one) is the hologram of the "planet" that the ring Orbits....... You will know what i am talking about if you play This doesn't spawn right away This is what it would look like at the beginning 3 mins in... From the beginning inside the "house" Full view Full view again "the house" Map: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details GAmetype: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
your wrong. it wasnt stolen. i am a personal friend of anemones and he showed me it when he was about 1/3 of the way through, so you can shove it. by the looks of this, his is better anyway.
iono, it seems like it was taken, I checked the other one and YoYo locked that... Anyway, kwheelscc, you should take it as a compliment more than a crime that someone wanted ur map sooo bad. I hope you really did make it, because it looks great. For your post, it would be cool if you explain how the game works a little better- where are the territories, how you activate a ring button (is that capturing a territory?), why is that teleporter so important, etc.