Refulgence Please this, it would be greatly appriciated. This is my first ever small slayer map and also my first built in the top of the crypt. Refulgence supports Slayer, Team Slayer, KOTH an oddball with parties from 2 to 8 players. However, testing has shown that a slayer match of 8 people plays the best. Now something you should know about this map. This is what I'd consider to be a beta because I finished this map rather quickly, about 6 hours in total which is why some areas may seem a little well...rushed but I'm told it still looks amazing for the time spent on it and also dont worry the gameplay is very good, I did make sure of that. I am making a second much bette version of this but I'd like to release this one and have you guys play on it and let me know what you think I should add of take away in my second version before i complete it. Sorry for all the typing, here are the pictures. Middle Room Middle Room other side(lift and drop zones seen) End Room Center Room View 1/Center Piece Center Room View 2 Corner Room(teleporter unseen on back wall) Downstairs view from staircase(unseen on left) Downstairs View 2 Downstairs Lift and Drop zone area Download Link: Refulgence Ok that's about it. Thank you for viewing and once agian please download and play this and be sure to let me know what you think should be changed for my version 2, wich I am taking my time on to make it look much more beautiful, trust me . Thanks agian!
this map looks frickin sweet! but i cant tell the over all layout of it the flow if you will. ill dl and play a few customs on it and let you know. like you said it does look a bit rushed but it shouldnt be too bad minus some bumps here and there. i like how tall it is even though its at the top of the crypt most maps there feel too cramped and small. so far 8 out of 10
ya thank you very much i didnt want to make a small cramped map i wanted to make a map that is small in general size that felt massive as your playing it but ya theres not many bumps theres just certain areas that are a little sloppy if youll say cuz i didnt want to make something that looked epic only to haveta recreate it and fix everything so instead im hopefing to get some pretty good ideas from every1 when they review it to make an amazing second version =]
I was all like * observe, dislike, exit out, observe, dislike, exit out, observe, dislike, exit out, observe, get off seat, jizz.* This map looks gorgeous dude keep it up. The only thing is that after a quick forge through, I began to see more and more how sloppy it was. I think you should clean it up a bit and make a v2 because this map is really good, except for the fact that it's sloppy.
This is such a unique map. There are alot of really cool aesthetical peices like the one in picture Basicly, with this map, you just made it look really nice and that is what is really cool abotu this map. I will be sure to give a playtest or two on it.
Your really on the Aesthectic side of things arn't you This map just looks amazing, when i saw the first picture i knew this was something big, your forging is incredible normally i don't have that kind of time and effort to create something like this, Im going to download and have a forgefly through. EDIT: Amazing just awesome i took a quick fly through and i was just amazed again with how much time you put into the detail of the map, just incredible. It looks real fun to play on, Ill set up a game with my mates soon and have a go.
thank you lol, yes as stated in the opening i am making a version 2, this was just a rough sketch/beta fo this map if you will. im have people just lt me know what they think so i can adress all of the areas that need attention for when i remake this, believe me it willbe much cleaner when i do thank you agian =] thank you =] that makes me happy but it does have some great gameplay in my opinon as well although there are some flaws as would any map made in such a short amount of time. but once agian thank you. thank you, im loving how every1 says that this is a good map, i just hope that you enjoy the gameplay cuz thts what i strive for, and my version 2 of this will look better and play better with the help of every1 here. thank you.
Haven't had time for a forgethrough yet, but I'm a bit concerned about the sword. How powerful is it on this map? It doesn't look cramped, but it looks like there are a lot of close-quarters and corners. There are a few bumps visible in the photographs, but it sounds like you are willing to fix it in an update. Initial Impression? 7/10, somewhat above average. Pretty nice to look at, but as a competitive map it looks a little too close for the sword.
i can see why your saying that in all in all it can be a little much but i have already decided what im doing about the sword and about other weapons on the map for the next version and to say the least the sword prolly wont make an apperance =] thank you.
Enjoyment: Refulgence was one of those maps that was fun the first few minutes of the game, and then quickly became boring. It was possibly the first test that I had done where my party asked to not play a second time. We had to play this twice more due to review standards, much to the dismay of my party. Refulgence did not stand out in any way, and this is most likely the downfall to it’s lack of enjoyment. Balance: One weapon stood out to be the unbalanced factor of the map: the energy sword. It was quite easy for any player to simply camp inside of the energy shield aesthetics around the sword spawn. It made games like oddball and slayer very one sided. Whoever had the sword had the match in their hands. The rockets were very underused. I didn’t actually find them until I did a walkthrough afterwards, having only looked at the first picture of your map’s post at the time. Nothing stood out enough to say “POWER WEAPON HERE” unlike the sword’s spawn. The map itself is basically 3 rooms with small height adjustments and varying geometries. There was a power weapon a room, but only one you really could call a POWER weapon on the map. The map’s flow stayed towards the sword spawn and the rest of the map became desolate most games. Spawns were possibly the most balanced on this map, although spawn kills were not a rare thing. Durability: Durability on the map was average; there were two easy to find breaks that were stumbled upon mid game. Because they were unintentionally found, this annoyed the player who stumbled upon them. One of these breaks could lead to a hiding spot that was impossible to see unless you were looking directly at it, and no player will run around the map looking only at the roof. The second break was much more in the sightlines and there was no intention that neither I nor my testers found that the creator wanted this playable. Aesthetics: Aesthetics on Refulgence were slightly above average. The forging was clean and there were small details that I took notice of while playing, and even in the walkthrough afterward. Nothing stood out more than the sword spawn, and although it’s not anything new or unique it looked nice. The overall map theme stood strong throughout the map, dark and blue, but this also led into players harder to be seen and weapons being unnoticed. Originality: The most originality this map had was the sword spawn, and it was terribly executed. The map’s overall feel and forging technique felt average and as if it’s been played numerous times. [floatleft]Enjoyment: Balance: Durability: Aesthetics: Originality:[/floatleft] 3/10 3/10 6/10 7/10 4/10 Overall Map Rating
ya this version was pretty bad huh? well my 2nd version whic has been posted is muc better so if you wouldnt mind pls take a look and let me know =]