1. We already know what it's like to be a marine. Halo: ODST did a pretty good job of that. 2. You're right in that your map does seem rough, but my main complaint is with the gametype. It seems all you did was give them limited lives and reduce gravity. Not only do they seem to kill faster, but they even can recharge shields faster if standing next to a VIP medic. Plus, melee combat was something that I definitely never saw marines participate in. Give covies swords, or some kind of devastating melee attack. The marines should be trying to be trying to stay as far away from those freaky aliens as possible. Overall, it really doesn't seem like you tried that hard to make them feel like Marines.
i dont know why people are flaming this map. i played it with about 5 other buddies and its not actually that bad... and for something not meant to be posted... its pretty freaking good. nice map dude, hope to see something else like this once Reach is out
I think the problem is more that he is getting overly defensive and arguing with people who are trying to give constructive criticism (that's what the site's for, after all.) Its one thing to respond to criticism, its another to get upset over it. Anyway, I personally wasn't terribly impressed with it. Not terribly original and extremely onesided if the humans have any concept of strategy.
All you people hating on him: Have you even played the map, if not gtfo. And Holy crap all he did was post a map and we have haters coming from every direction. We are all here because we like to forge AND HAVE FUN. This map is FUN for me. I don't care how ugly it is or how little he changed the game type, video games are meant to be fun and this map is accomplishes just that.
I have no problem with criticism, I have a problem with people judging something before giving it a chance. If the people that were giving me criticism actually played the game, let alone read the post, then I wouldnt be "arguing" with them.