Sandbox Asset: Escape

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Sayber70, Jul 28, 2010.

  1. Sayber70

    Sayber70 Ancient

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    Ok so you have all heard of Asset. Well me nd Steve11thspelby have made a spin-off called Asset: Escape. The game is simple. The VIP will be put in a cell which is blocked off by a grav lift. ODST's have to infiltrate the tower, destroy the Grav Lift and fly the Asset back to the homebase. The Asset is not Virgil in this game. Its Sgt Forge.
    Note: You have to use our custom Asset gametype which allows the Asset to do damage.

    100% damage
    Normal Shields
    No shield Recharge
    Full vehicle usage
    Spawn with Magnum and SMG

    100% damage
    2x Overshields
    Shield Recharge
    Passenger Only
    Spawn with Plasma Pistol
    150% gravity

    VIP Radius traits
    100% damage
    1x Overshield


    100% damage.
    Normal Shields
    No shield recharge
    Plasma Pistol spawn
    25m Radar
    Full vehicle usage

    Brute Stalker
    Active Camo


    Your job is to get inside the tower and rescue Sgt Forge. He has blueprints for a new vehicle called the Falcon and the Covenant can not get their hands on it. Take a Hornet and land at the foot of the tower. From there you should head up and get Forge out of there. Watch out for Brute Stalkers and the occasional Banshee. After 3 minutes an armed Hornet will spawn at the bottom of the tower.

    Head into the cell and try to kill the Asset or sit back and kill the ODST squad as they make their way up. You must make sure Forge doesn't leave here. Well not alive anyway

    Brute Stalker
    This is the assasin of the Brute squad. You can run into the cell and try to assasinate the VIP or you can sneak down to the ODST's and take out a chunk of their squad.

    General Air support. You can try to take down the Hornets or wait until the end and destroy their rescue vehicle. Try not to get destroyed.

    Sit in your cell and take on waves of Brutes. When rescued just watch your back. They will try and assasinate you.


    ODST's and the VIP
    You will spawn next to a mancannon. This will launch you into 1 of 2 teleporters. The bottom one leads into the cell. The top one leads to the Hornets. The VIP cannot get into the top teleporter due to increased gravity. ODST's can either go to the Hornets(mancannon launch) or go in the cell with Forge and help fend off Brutes. Once in the tower there are teleporters you can unblock which lets you get in from your spawn point.

    You will die at first which will start the respawn settings. You can pick up weapons for 10 seconds so choose wisely. Every time we have played someone has respawned as a Brute Stalker so take that into account.


    1x Rocket Launcher
    1x Missile Pod
    1x Shotgun
    1x Flamethrower

    1x Beam Rifle
    2x Spikers
    2x Plasma Rifles
    2x Maulers
    2x Brute Shot
    2x Carbine
    1x Active Camo
    1x Regenerator
    4x Plasma Grenades
    4x Spike Grenades


    1) Only use vehicles from your side. E.g ODST's cant use the Banshee and the Brutes cant use the Hornets.
    2)No Spawn-killing
    3) Dont camp at the Brute Teleporter
    4) Have fun

    Now the moment you have all been waiting for


    The tower

    Banshee Spawn

    ODST Base

    Random gameplay picture

    Covenant Spawn


    Rifte -For making Asset and detailing some problems to look out for
    Steve11thSpelby- For the great work on the map
    I Spartan925 I- Showed up for every testing session
    JAVO1996- For telling me about the teleporter problem
    Bungie- For making Halo 3




    PS: This is my 2nd map post
    #1 Sayber70, Jul 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2010
  2. xDarklingx

    xDarklingx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice map, however there isn't a whole lot to look at with there being so much aerial combat. I feel the pictures probably don't do this map justice as i'm sure its fun to play on.
    What does the inside of the first building shown look like? That is the one building that is catching my attention, it looks rather well forged. All the other buildings look well made, just plain.
  3. Sayber70

    Sayber70 Ancient

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    Well at the start of the game it has quite abit of aerial combat. After that its mainly ground combat. I will post more pictures later today. Thanks for the comment

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