Rust 72% Created by UEG Vayne (old gamertag was VantierX) Which name should i put? NOTICE plz only leave comment's after you have played on the map. Walking around in forge by your self is not playing. Plz start Leaving Comment's that will help improve the map. Possible Suggestion's. 1.X gun has to much ammo 2.X gun is to powerful 3.The Respawn Point's for X Gametype are messed up 4. My guy Get's Stuck at X spot These are the type of comment's that might actually motivate me to change/fix something Supported Gametypes: Team Deathmatch FFA Deathmatch CTF Sabotage Search&Destroy Map Description Inspiration = I have always liked Rust due to the fact that it was very rarely played in matchmaking. So i decided to see if anyone on forge hub had remade it yet, but to my surprise there was only 1 individual in all forge hub who had decided to give it a shot. ................The map was very dissapointing (i believe it was called "Modern Warfare 2's rust"). After Seeing this so called remake I Knew right away that i could Forge a much better Rendition of the map that deserved so much better. Right away i began constructing my version of Rust. It was starting to look almost perfect........however. Near the end of it's construction i became very impatient which caused the center Tower Structure to become slightly dispraportianal, And not wanting to redo what i had already done i simply modified it's layout very slightly. And unless you play MW2 Regularly You might not even notice the differences. And Even if you do happen to notice the slight changes ive made it does not in any way detract from the very familiar gameplay. And here you have my Attempt at Recreating Rust. It's not a perfect Remake i know, Which is the reason i Reluctantly named it Rust 72% (my belief that the map is only a 72% accurate rendition of it's original, but ill let you be the judge, Keeping in mind that 100% would be flawless in every possible way). But dont let the name steer you away from this Very well forged and fun Halo Remake of the Original which took Roughly 12 hour's of "actual forging" (lol not chasing my friend with a kill ball as he Drove threw the unfinished map in a mongoose) Gametype Settings Player trait changes for all game types Assault rifle Start 50% damage resistance 200% Damage Modifier 150% gravity Setting's like Bomb plant time, Flag return time, etc, are set to be as close to MW2's as possible Weapon's on map 1 Dual magnum's 1 Dual SMG's 1 Spiker (Trunk Bed) 2 Shotgun 3 Battle Rifle 1 Sniper Rifle (Top of Tower) These settings pretty accurately emulate MW2's. Side Note's regarding Objective Gametypes / Every gametype is as close as it can get to the way they are in CoD except for the following, trust me. / Planting and disarming the bomb i believe takes 1 second shorter then it should (5 seconds) / When you have possesion of the flag or bomb you "cant" shoot / In search and Destroy Disarming the bomb will not end the Round but simply reset it. / I don't think there's any way you could fix the above Believe it or not this is my very first Map post on forge hub so if there is anything i missed plz let me know. PS. I will edit this post in the near future to include more Map and gametype info. But for now plz go ahead and try out the map, but make sure you also use one of the gametypes. Question's and Answers/ Why did you make it dark? The lighting affect's are set up the way they are because In call of Duty's version The Sand blowing around the map makes it difficult to see from one corner to the next. And the way I have the lighting affect's set up does the very same, along with Distinguishing The 2 team sides of the map. How long did it take you to make this? I made this map in 1 Day of Forging,approximately 8 hours of actual work time, that doesn't mean i was staring at my TV for 8 hours straight lol. Testers include UEG Vayne (lol myself) UEGs Crony UEG Rapture Microhit's XM Enforced Massive Diotoro and a couple other's i cant remember Download Rust 72% and Gametypes
Good Look But This is good for a begener I could see this was rust. I didn't like the fact that it was so dark and the pipe to the top was so big. And there was no jump to it. I would have like to seen this up top more then the bottom in the crypt. I do think that this could use major fixing up. And if you study rust well enouf and look a screen shots of it I'm sure it will look great.
lol well im not a beginner. Also i knew from the beginning that I wasnt going to make it exactly like MW2's version simply because a perfect remake wouldn't have that great of gameplay. I truly suggest that you try playing some games on it rather then only judging it on it's look's. If making a perfect remake was my focus then i would have done so and it would be in Aesthetic's not Casual. Any comment's on weapon placement, spawn's, etc. would be very helpful though and i will possibly change the map in that respect based on what you guy's say.
The forging on this looks pretty good. I know u dont want to change the layout. but do u think u could maybe make the middle structure bigger? Other than that it looks pretty nice. Oh and what about other player traits?
Actually i may consider redoing the middle structure and make it bigger like you said. But it wont be by much, probably 1 Large block size bigger vertically. PS. The only player trait's that i changed are posted above. everything else is default. If you would actually download the map "and" gametypes before giving me feed back you would have known that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
just a heads up... people leaving comments are trying to give you constructive advice. If you were smart you would listen to what ppl are saying instead of blowing them off and telling them they dont know what they are talking about. If they think that the map could use some work here and there, just say okay thanks for the input, instead of "my map is perfect just go play it!" JUST SAYIN!
your joking right? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First of all I never said that.....nor did i ever imply it. I simply Pointed out the fact that changes he suggested were unnecessary and "I would have liked to see it on the top rather then the bottom" Is not A suggestion but just a Random thought. He Had nothing to say Regarding gameplay which probably mean's he hasn't even played on it yet. Which gives him no right to suggest any changes in the first place. Rather then Making False Accusation's maybe you should learn to read. The Arguing end's now plz only leave comment's after you have played on the map. Walking around in forge by your self is not playing. Plz start Leaving Comment's that will help improve the map. Possible Suggestion's. 1.X gun has to much ammo 2.X gun is to powerful 3.The Respawn Point's for X Gametype are messed up 4. My guy Get's Stuck at X spot These are the type of comment's that might actually motivate me to change/fix something
Spot on! Judging by the pictures it looks like a very accurate map of rust, but I would like to know where the Man Cannon goes? I would download it, but I only have friends who play MW2, so without anyone to play with it seems like it would go into my hard drive and stay there forever. I don't really want to that for just a post, so yeah.
lolz "spot on" THX for the compliment, It means more that your a MW2 player and actually know what your talking about The man Cannon is The Ladder up to the top of the tower. It shoots you up and you hit an angled wall that has you land right at the top. PS. give it a try and maybe it will earn a place on your hard drive forever lol
First of all this is the most accurate remake to date of rust. It also plays the most like it. It has nice aesthetics here and there, but I think you could make it look nice everywhere.(I didnt mean to rhyme) But anyways okay aesthetics, great gameplay. I would also put it on the main sand area or get rid of the darkness at the least. 7/10 Nice job
Actually I dled the map. I already have the Gametype. I have those traits coincidentally on my own game for MW2. I just have a couple other things changed. Must say though, gameplay is quite interesting and the spawns are not fail like Infinity wards crap spawns. The map has a 72% (lol pun) resemblance to rust, but since me and my friends (I am forced to) play Modern Warfare 2 somewhat, I can see the few flaws caused by trauma by error building the map and not wanting to redo it. (for the sake of having people Dl and figure it out, I wont tell ;D )
I guess I can download it and give it a try. I'll DL it and edit a response. PS I've actually only had MW2 for 13 days, yet I'm level 55, lol. EDIT: Wow this really is a lot like Rust, in most every way, hence the 72%. I'm only shocked that the tubes at the edge of the Blue side I think it might be are walls, not tubes.
A V2 may possibly be in the making sometime in the furure AKA about a week.....maybe lol With reach so close it seem's almost trivial to spend so much time on a map that will just be remade again on Reach in a fraction of the time, sad face lol. But unless I have another map idea that holds my attention then i will try to remake it, In the sand (the crowd goes wild lol), and this time i will play test it more becuase I only played each gametype 1 time with 6 people so im actually suprised i havent heard complaint's about spawn point's lol I guess im just that pro PS. Just to make sure I have the best Rust map out there. I am making it first on my list For Reach So count on having a sweet custom map within a day or 2 of reach's release, Curtosy of your's truly.