Reach Forge - too easy?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cluckinho, Jul 23, 2010.


Does Reach forge look too easy?

  1. Yes

    19 vote(s)
  2. No

    158 vote(s)
  3. IDK I'll have to play it to see

    26 vote(s)
  1. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Does this mean you are going to forge again?
    I personally am still going to forge for myself, not the community. If I am happy with it good. But I'm not going out of the way to make something I don't like, just for more downloads.
    I already said my two cents here, so I not going to restate it, because it's basically the same thing that 3/4 of you are already saying, and quite frankly, hearing the same comment over again is starting to bore me.
  2. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    I get the argument on both sides. In Halo 3, there were variations of skill. One could be a very good technical forger but lack the design ability to construct a truly great map. But Reach is exactly what Forge should be and what Bungie explained: "That anybody can build anything". The limit is the imagination (or if you're sick enough to expend your item limit/budget). Don't get me wrong, there will still be technical forgers (who can turn great forging to now perfect forging), but there will be much more potential for design and flow, the true essence of mapmaking. Furthermore, in Halo 3 you could tell right off the bat if a map/gametype was crap. Normal people just sucked and I couldn't stand to play custom games on their shitty maps. Well, at least in Reach, even the shittiest Fat Kid variant will aggrivate the non-party leaders... less. But even in Reach, people will still understand from design and gameplay which maps are truly grand, plus there is now MUCH more room for each architect to have his own "style", so I don't get what you peeps are complaining about. Now there's so many variations in color, texture, topogrophy, design, limitless objects, and ingenuity that forgers will now more than ever be able to establish their own "trademark style".
  3. Dark Swerk

    Dark Swerk Ancient
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    I will say you guys make amazing maps in halo 3 and that truly takes skill. I still will not say that they made halo reach to easy because now an average player can make a worthy map. Which means the maps you guys are going to make are just going to be jaw dropping :). But overall I am glad because now I can make a decent map without spending all that time to get it right and am looking forward to the amazing maps yet to come.
    I agree simply because I could make easily make an amazing map if you sat there and told me what to build. Starting out with a ghost merge block on an empty canvas just wasn't my thing though. I would place it somewere and then think well.. F*ck now what? With this new way of forging it will much less time consuming which means I can simply throw a few items around and it wont take so long to add more and take away what I dont like. I just can't wait because all you need now is an idea and with forge world it can happen. I am amazed after watching the new forge and already thinking of maps before it has even came out.
  4. ape man 117

    ape man 117 Ancient
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    You just reminded me of Omega journey, i hope to go that doesn't come back.I won't be able to handle a 3 hour journey.
  5. siahsargus

    siahsargus Ancient
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    I think that the truly great forger will discover new glitches and tear down the limitations and barriers. Now that the average chump has acsess to the full suite of tricks and glitches from H3 Forge, we have to up our game. Glitches I intend to fid are:
    Fall damage reduction
    Permanelely ghosted objects
    Forging outside of bounds
    Budget glitch (which is harder cause there are more objects)
    Team-specific doorways
    Invisible Barriers
    I will be looking for these on day 1. But, I mean there is still no way that a forger will be able to complete a fuly tested and ballenced map in under a week. Making the process to art easier is a good thing because it becomes more about your imagination and less about your technique.
  6. LD

    LD Ancient
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    crouch before you land

    It's good to see that most of yu think like I do. Reachs forge is a great opportunity for us to grow as a community and see some great maps. In each, we longer have a editor stop us from building what we want.
  7. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    I doubt it's as easy as it looked in the viodoc. There are bound to be things that will drive us nuts in reach as well that they won't discover and frankly the ones they adressed in the viodoc and in reach are ones that limited my intrest in the forge experience for H3. I have long awaited a chance to build my yamato again but without the issues I had I had been working on a V3 but now that will go straight to Reach. Also I can see huge cruisers of both covenant and Terran forces fighting it out as hornets(?) and banshees fly back and forth in dog fights. i will greatly enjoy Reach if solely for the almost garry's mod like sandboxing map world. it will be nice to get back into forging again. I missed it in a way.

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
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    Too easy?!?!?!? NO way man. They made it simple so you can forge MUCH better things MUCH quicker. If you really want to keep dealing with the random frustration of Halo 3 forge after Reach comes out go for it lol. The Reach maps are going to crush the Halo 3 maps though.

    ONEARM Ancient
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    The improvements in Forge will attract more people and will give any ametuer the tools to really create something that he/she had difficulty making in the past in Halo 3's Forge Editor Mode.

    Halo Reach improved on things that Halo 3 lacked. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Giving people the opportunity to do things that they had difficulty, or didn't really understand the techniques present in Halo 3's Map Editor, is a great way to see more people making maps for the community, whatever their intentions might be for creating it.

    This will give the average joe a chance to really have a sense of confidence, and will give that player a chance to create a good map. With improvements like these, even the little details and features can make a big difference.

    For example; one of the things that I personally like is having items such as actual buildings. There really weren't any type of structures like these in Halo 3. This can really solve a lot of hassels that were present in Halo 3. Instead of me trying to make complex structures out of items such as blocks, I now have the luxury of having these structures pre-built, which then can lead me to creating things that I couldn't achieve in Halo 3.

    There are certain people out there that are worried about the future of Forge. Giving people the tools and features gives them a sense of fear that any scmuck can make a beautiful map. There are the elite Forgers who made great maps which gave them an edge on others and really gave them a sense of, ironically, "elitism," over others. This fear is that more and more people will have access to Forge and will start creating better and better content in the community. Which, of course, will raise the bar. Really, really raise the bar. To which I can say to these "Elite Forger's," move on, and be happy with what Bungie has given you.

    The reason for this fear? I'm not sure, but probably the underlining reason is making Forge easier, and will open the door welcoming new Player's. And also rasing the bar. Such tools as interlocking and ghost merging are not going to be a hassel anymore, but more or so being actual features, which might be another reason why these "elite," Forger's might be worried. Their content, which might have taken a very long time to create, will ultimately take less time to make in Reach, perhaps giving them a feeling of less deserved work in their creations.

    So what will this mean? Well, I would imagine that more and more people will be attracted to Forge, and the community will start to see more Map Varients than ever before. This is a good thing, as Forge has improved on everything that Halo 3 lacked. The more people Forge, the more enjoyable it will be.
  10. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Nah, the people who think like that aren't the "Elite Forgers." The people who are actually "elite" already know that design is king and any idiot with some time on his hands can make a bad map look smooth.

    No, the people who think that way are the scrubs who've never planned a map in advance, never put weeks into testing and tweaking, never stretched the limits of the budget as far as it'll go, and never had a good map idea to begin with, but still got downloads and praise from the kids who show up and post "great map good aesthetics and it looks really smooth 5/5." Reach forge takes away all of that meaningless praise, and they're upset that their maps aren't going to be able to measure up any more.
  11. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    Bravo my good sir. Bravo. I completely agree with you. But I'm not going to lie though, I am being a little hypocritical. Only because I'm also kind of afraid. Not because I'm afraid that I'm going to suck compared to the other forgers, but because I might not be able to fulfill the potential that Halo: Reach gives us. And I'm pretty sure other forgers feel the same. It's no big deal though, because hopefully, most likely, over time we'll all get "good" at forging in Reach as well.
  12. PaulKID

    PaulKID Forerunner

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    its obvious that reach will be easier to forge, it wont be to easy. it will still require alot of balancing of maps and creative ideas.
  13. AwfulDarkJedi

    AwfulDarkJedi Forerunner

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    It does look really easy, but that isn't really a bad thing. I saw somebody say that you make a map to play it, anything that will help you get to the playing part should be considered a good thing. If you want it to take longer to Forge a map, then make a bigger map.
  14. Russell5115

    Russell5115 Forerunner

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    I'm so happy they are making these tools. I have had many designs that I think are fantastic, but that repetitive work drives me insane so I never made them. Now I can!
  15. PaulKID

    PaulKID Forerunner

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    im guessing the number of good, playable maps will double even from halo 3 just since so many more people will be able to let there imaginations run wild.
  16. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    The only downside I fear is that the great is going to be buried[FONT=&quot] [/FONT] under the cruddy maps... and people wont find the real gems of the reach forge. Other than that I am still all for the changes, anything to make my job easier is a plus for me. But Halo 3's forge, Its like trying to pound in a nail without a hammer...
  17. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    I'm sorry, but anyone who says Reach Forge is too easy is an idiot. The sweet stuff (In the words of Chad) will bubble up to the top, and the smooth but crappy maps will die off. It just gives those who were creative, but could not be bothered to go through every time-consuming glitch to get two blocks to connect, more chance to flourish.
  18. oberlin

    oberlin Ancient
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    It's not like I'm not still gonna spend weeks on maps getting feedback and perfecting them. Same reason I never really put anything out for H3, I'd **** up a geomerge, lose 4 hours of work, get pissed off and delete everything. Now, screwing up that geomerge cost me like 12 seconds worth of work. I don't wanna put a map out there with my name on it that's less than stellar, and Forge's new options might make that possible.
  19. Tennach

    Tennach Forerunner

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    define easy?
    in my opinion the new Forge will make forging easier and faster. it'll be more open to the layman, which is good. i haven't made that many maps on Halo 3 and for good reason. because it takes too ****ing long, it's really clunky and if you accidentally **** up and end game instead of start new round then you've just lost your last 3 hours of work.
    so Forging will be easier for idiots. and it will take a massive weight of every forgers shoulders.
    in short; there will still be as many crap maps as there are in Halo 3. but the really good ones will bubble up and be awesome, just like in halo 3. only the awesome ones in forge will be even more awesome (and i mean awesome, some of the forge maps i see are literally awe-inspiring, they make me want to forge more).
    not everybody is a level designer, but it will allow new forgers like myself to step into the brave new world of forging, and not having to figure out how to ghost merge and geomerge etc. because all the tools are already laid out in front of us. all we have to do is use them.
    and just as a second point for all you haters.
    every time anything new comes out, all the people who know and loved the original are reluctant to let it go, all the new comers love it because it's much better.
    i was the same with D&D when 4th edition came out. i was so used to 3.5 that i hated 4th before i even tried it. then i tried it and realized how stupid i'd been.
    almost all of you will come to a pretty similar conclusion, and then when you go back to Halo 3 you'll start to get frustrated.
    an I, in my reachy reachy tower of awesome, will laugh at you.
  20. Scythes

    Scythes Forerunner

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    LOL @ poll looking like a ****.
    It will never be too easy to make something good.

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