Reach Forge - too easy?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cluckinho, Jul 23, 2010.


Does Reach forge look too easy?

  1. Yes

    19 vote(s)
  2. No

    158 vote(s)
  3. IDK I'll have to play it to see

    26 vote(s)
  1. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    The real magic is still going to be in good gameplay (map design, weapon choice, spawn placement) for competitive maps, creative mechanics (elevators, and, to a lesser extent, conveyor belts), and sweet sweet minigames.

    TBh, I'm more excited about the minigame scene than anything else. With all the armor ability combos, physics, vehicles, and huge spaces available, there's going to be some INCREDIBLE stuff.

    Plus, now people who have jobs (the new cosmic rick) can be successful in a way that only losers with no job and too much time (the old cosmic rick) could. ;)
  2. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    New and Old Meta dont have a job!

    and Brod, well still do that to maps without great aesthetics
  3. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
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    From the ViDoc, it does seem that Reach Forge is going to be too easy. That's something that's a little disheartening to me as I feel it means nearly anybody can forge well now, not just skilled forgers.
  4. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    That's just ignorant, lol.

    Being a skilled forger is defined by forging better than others. Only skilled forgers will be able to forge well in Reach, just as in H3. The only difference is the disconnect will be defined by things that actually matter rather than by patience and glitches.
  5. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Exactly what Cosmic keeps saying. The majority of forging never was and never has been focused on aesthetics. Gameplay, balance, and originality are the most key factors in making a map that is original, and neatness is expected in a map, not the indicator of whether it is worth playing or not.

    The best maps will always be the unique ones, because people remember them and reccomend them and share them and then suddenly everybody has it and everyone is talking about it. But of course, if it has bad gameplay or it is hugely unbalanced, their words will be very negetive.
  6. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Why does a map depend on how hard it was to create it? If I were to tell everyone that I had created a map that is unbelievably difficult to make and I had been forging it for months, but it was horrid, does that make the map feature worthy? Then why is it different if someone is capable of creating an incredible map in a few hours.

    All Bungie has done is given everyone the capability to create masterpieces. The true difficulty behind Forge is the creativity that is required to create a map. Bungie has just made it faster and more pain-free to use forging tools.
  7. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    HOLY **** DUDE!!!

    I got 5 words for you: ****ING EPIC CAT AND MOUSE!!!!!!!!

    FPS SKITTLES Forerunner

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    when you want to see who is a better player you make them have the same weapons.
    when you want to see who is a better race car driver you give them the same car.
    when you want to see who is a better forger you give them the same tools.
    in my opinion i think forging good maps will be harder because as the community has better forging tools the maps will get better,once everyone's maps will be good those maps will be the new standard for (average maps) so forgers will just have to work harder in order to make their maps ``reach`` beyond all others.(pun intended)
    #108 FPS SKITTLES, Jul 27, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2010
  9. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    In my opinion, making it easy was the point.

    Being able to wait it out through meticulous tasks and glitches before you could successfully merge two blocks doesn't make you a skilled forger.

    It just makes you patient.

    All Bungie has done has packaged and shipped to us the tools we had to dig for for and still lacked in Halo 3.

    Everything else is still up to us.
  10. Boukary777

    Boukary777 Ancient
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    I think a majority of people are coming to the wrong conclusion about why a select few might like forge to be harder to use. I will use an analogy to present my argument.
    There are people who like to build cars themselves. They go to junkyards and buy items at shops to help fix up the car and make it their own. This is very time consuming, but the person feels that it is their own after the finishing touches are added. These people like the extra time it takes to do such a task.

    Now imagine we are at a car factory, and cars are being spewed out within minutes instead of days. They are as good or even better looking than the one fixed up/made by hand and allow an even greater amount of flexibility in what the design and features the vehicle can have. However, they are all very similar and don't really connect personally to the people who help construct them. These are the people who want things to be easier in order to do stuff much faster.

    I'm not saying faster = bad, but that it may not connect to the person who made it as much because of how fast they can do it.

    Sorry if this is a flawed analogy, but it's what I could think up of.

    GOG TOXIC Ancient
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    Well seeing as how I never had the time to properly set up a merge in Halo 3, I'm perfectly happy with the new Reach Forge. I'll actually be able to make a map with more than 5 merges
  12. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    No, that's actually perfectly understandable, and know what you mean. For some reason, this reminds me of a scene from I, Robot, about chairs or something.
  13. Jupiter

    Jupiter Forerunner

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    You are afraid that EVERYONE will be able to make pro-looking maps. This is simply not true.
    I look at it this way: We are painters; In halo 3 bungie gave us a palette with only the colors yellow, red, and blue on it. And we were allowed only one paint brush and a small piece of notebook paper. Some us were crap and only managed to draw stick figures. Others, though, painted masterpieces.
    In halo reach; Bungie has given us the rest of or painting equipment - A large assortment of colors, tools to make perfect shapes and a ****ING GIGANTIC canvas in which we may divulge the deepest of our imagination.
    Now, You seem a little frightened at the fact that everyone has the tools to create masterpieces, which would impede upon people's ability to be unique. Everyone likes to draw, but what you fail to understand is; not everyone is 'a great artist'.

    When a game studio, gives the consumer a sandbox in which everyone can make something beautiful, then they have just did something correctly....
  14. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    I can see where you are coming from, but just because you have better resources, it doesn't necessarily mean you are going to be less attached to your map. It plainly means that you are going to have yourself a better map. You still have to come up with better ideas. Why would you build the same map, or car in your case, that has very few possibilities due to the lack of techniques and objects, when you could build something so much better. Something that would make you tell people, "Yeah, I made that." whenever you can. I myself would be more attached to a beautiful work of art that a map with fewer possibilities. IDK that's just what I think.
  15. Zap Happy

    Zap Happy Ancient
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    I'm really looking forward to Reach forge because I think it will change the meaning of a good forger. Since geomerging and floating objects will be easy, the good forgers will be the ones who make truly creative and fun maps. There might also be a flux of new, great forgers who are creative, but lacked the technical skill to be amazing in Halo 3.

    Edit: It seems that many people think time spent on maps will go down with new forge. I don't see that happening. What I see happening is the amount of time spent on tedious thinks, like merging and aligning walls just right will go down, and people will have more time to spend having fun making a cool map.
    #115 Zap Happy, Jul 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2010
  16. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    well people wont want to spend less time forging, infact in Halo Reach more people will probabl spend as much time as they can forging seeing as you now get credits for the amount of time you forge.

    But bungie can tell if you are idle in your game or if you just have a rubber band on your controller :D
  17. RyanW96

    RyanW96 Forerunner

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    To some of you it may be easy. Easy as in easy to make more complex maps than we could ever think of in sandbox or foundry. Just by looking at the stuff we have seen at comic con we will be able to build better maps than ever before
  18. TantricEcho

    TantricEcho Ancient
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    I honestly don't think the 'master artists' of forging have anything to worry about. The general populous probably won't pay much heed to the beautiful forge we have been handed because they are probably drooling over the multiplayer that has been beefed up (firefight, new game types, firefight Vs., armor abilities, etc... etc...) They will probably step into Forgeworld, look around, say 'Damn son, thatz a big map.' maybe spawn themselves a sniper and lob a few rounds here and there and then leave. My roommate is a prime example of a non-forger. Anytime I would be forging he would always be flabbergasted why I didn't make the map unbalanced and put secret, hidden weapons caches that only I knew about. Most people don't understand the feng shui of maps, the balance, the flow, the spawn placement, or the aesthetics that it takes to make a truly good map. Heck, I don't even understand it all and I think I've made an 'okay' map or two.
  19. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    LOLZ that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to spawn a few things so I have a reason to touch myself lol, and them Imma hit the campaign. I have to do the campaign first.
  20. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    There will be newcomers to forge, that's for sure. Plus look at it this way, while there will be a lot of new people and even older forgers that will dust themselves off, it's the ones that have continually stuck with forge that will have a great advantage in terms of experience. They know what makes maps work and what doesn't and will be able to make the most of their designs. I'm just curious to see how much potential reach has for forging and if/when forgers will hit it.

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