Do you believe the Elephant will appear in Reach? I understand that it was specifically designed for Sandtrap, but I beleive it has the capability of being compatible with other maps aswell. One of the Bungie workers is quoted as saying "the Elephant is not FORGEABLE". The fact that he says FORGEABLE implies that the Elephant had a possibility of being forged, and therefore it must or may be in the game. Please keep on topic by giving your theory as to whether it will appear, and give proof for your answers
Remember, it has already been announced that DLC will be coming out fairly soon after launch ( it was in an announcement regarding the Armory and how new pieces will be added in DLC post-launch.) I bet that a 'sandy' map will be hitting DLC, assuming Noble Team goes to a 'Sandy' locale considering that all the multiplayer maps with the exception of Forgeworld are places Noble Team steps foot in.
All the firefight maps are from campaign, and most of the multplayer maps are from campaign but not all of them and more than just forgeworld I think they said something like 6 maps will not be from campaign or something like that. About the elephant, would it be cool if you could forge elephants on Forge World? It certainly is big enough and I do not see why not, but i dont think Bungie would lie about it notbeing forgable.
really, a quick dlc? yeh santrap kinda map for the dlc. and also remakes mappack ftw. i want teh pit, guardian +valhalla remade
Yeah according to IGN there's gonna be some quick DLC releases. They may be just armory updates. Here's the link I read it in. Watch the little slideshow in it too, it's sick. Why is Master Chief in Halo: Reach? - Xbox 360 Feature at IGN
I'm hoping that it's been fixed and is now something you can place in forge. they are fixing/redoing so many features of the game that didn't work in h3, I can't imagine they wouldn't do this
They haven't even announced that many maps yet, what makes you guys think that the Elephant has to come through DLC? If anything, I'm sure they've got another map like Forge World already on the disk that will be compatable with the Elephants. When asked if there would be another map like Forge World, Ferrex didn't deny that possiblity. Same goes with the elephant question. Ferrex was asked if elephants would be forgeable on Forge World and he said no, but still didn't deny the appearance of the elephant or something like the elephant in Reach. Also, regarding the early release of DLC through the Armory. That's not DLC that they are releasing the armor with, it's just released without a download. DLC means downloadable content. The new armor in the armory will simply be added in as the community progresses forward or as time passes by. It doesn't take a whole new DLC to impliment what's already on the disk.
"the Elephant is not FORGEABLE". The fact that he says FORGEABLE implies that the Elephant had a possibility of being forged, and therefore it must or may be in the game. You contradicted yourself. You first stated "not forgeable" and then state that theres a chance it will forgeable. That part of your post makes no sense. Honestly, I hope the elephant isn't in Reach. Not only was Sandtrap not a great map, but the elephant was never really used and was kind of useless. It wouldn't really work on Forge World either, it would just seem out of place. But, these are of course just my opinions.
Personally, I enjoyed their presence. Elephants were often utilized in objective based games (i.e. CTF), but not so much in matchmaking. There were some pretty neat ideas for using Elephants in custom games; they really added a fresh dimension to gameplay. Seeing as he only stated that they couldn't be forged, it seems pretty obvious that they will make an appearance - an appearance that I'm looking forward to.
The only time I saw people utilizing the Elephant was on a modded map where there were a ton of them. And even that wasn't fun. And when I played CTF on Sandtrap people attempted to use the Elephants, which more often than not, ended in a collision. Warthogs and mongeese prove quite helpful for navigating objective games.
The article says that 'Some will unlock as the community meets certain requirements. Others will simply appear in the weeks or months after launch as a way of reinvigorating the community.' To me at least, that implies that some will become available over DLC in the 'weeks or months after launch' unless that means they have some on disk that simply unlocks after a certain time period, but that seems silly. Again, that's what it means to me.
The Asian elephant is slightly smaller than the African elephant. It grows 80-10ft high and 18-20ft in length.Asian elephants were once found in India and South Asia. The newborn elephant has a relatively short trunk. The shell is much smaller relative to the body than in adults because the large pneumatization of bones have not yet developed.
no, u got me rong *facepalm* Because of the chance that the elephant could have been considered as a forgeable object, it must have been here in the first place or they would have ignored the post or said it was not in the game --- and dlc ftw.
What are you saying here? Just because the elephant is not forgable doesnt mean that it is guaranteed to be in the game. Nice proof lol, that really implies nothing. I could say that SargeantSarcasm is not FORGEABLE but that does not mean he is included in Halo: Reach. WIN
u be trollin! i said give a reason y elephants will be in or out, don't just pick holes in my logic. and what i was saying is, he would have come out and said there was no elephant, not that it was just not forgeable, if it was not in. Quote: Originally Posted by swagerr The Asian elephant is slightly smaller than the African elephant. It grows 80-10ft high and 18-20ft in length.Asian elephants were once found in India and South Asia. The newborn elephant has a relatively short trunk. The shell is much smaller relative to the body than in adults because the large pneumatization of bones have not yet developed. *FACEPALM*
Reason Elephants won't be in halo reach, Hmm i think the Elephant or at least the large halo 3 version hos yet to be invited, now the halo wars version is a smaller elephant and halo wars predates halo reach so perhaps a smaller elephant will be a available. Same logic i applied to the non existant chopper in halo reach, the elephant just looks out of place in anything but a desert type map. Just think of seeing a chopper, was it in any other map (by default) other than sandbox and sandtrap? Same goes with the elephant i mean i guess snow would work but thats the only other environment i see them appearing in. Just my personal opinion. Oh and about the whole helmet dlc thing, um they are all already shipped on the disc it just either takes a bungie code to unlock them or open them for purchase or certain level achievements to unlock them. I think the only thing that isn't on the disc (and it still might be) is the stuff you get when you order heroic or legendary edition of the game. I say this because iv noticed (through hacking games codes) that alot of games ship there extra content on disc but you have to go in and hack the game to get it out and use it unless you know how to do it or have the game manufacturers code or w/e.
I think they could just put the armors out there like they put double xp playlists, only the armors would stay.
If any elephant existed at the time it would be on reach. When there is wrecked stuff everywhere on reach, a massive recovery vehicle seems fitting. What do you think all the parts of the ship in boneyard are carried around by? Forky?