Marcus Lehto (or whatever his name is) has already said that they're not doing custom builds for show at this point. The game is the game. Also, in that picture there appears to be an arrow, there could be more below the warthog.
They have revealed a rocket launching warthog already bro, but i may be misundrstanding you. Are you saying there might be that warthog or it might be called that?
The stages of Chopper death v Denial: NO, the chopper will live on. Bungie will make it so Anger: Bungie mutha****a's make me so made, im gonna rip there ****ing heads off Helplessness: Bungie, please save the chopper. It was my friend.... and Acceptance: The chopper is gone but it will live on through hacks, because they found the chopper in the coding of the beta WAIT A MINUTE! They found the coding of the chopper in the beta. We can still hope. Woot! Oh and to the guy who said it was too far for them to use edited builds, ur wrong. Ferrex states in one if the threads that during Comic-Con, an edited build of the game was shown, featuring less MP maps (HOORAY!) and certain other things (possible Chopper and Elephant). And c'mon Bungie, we need that Elephant. For god's sake give us the Elephant PS: If we don't get the Chopper for Reach, never again will we accurately be able to say "GET TO DA CHOPPA!". That will be the saddest thing of all.
Alright, i thought it was until you said but i doubt it or whatever. i could care less if there was a chopper or not, but i would like an elephant
Thats a toy of the halo wars chopper anyway. check it: Mega Bloks - Halo Wars - Covenant Brute Chopper #1 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
If you pause it and zoom, it get fogged up, but you can clearly see that it's grey, and shooting yellow bolts.
Yeah but who says you can't have diff colored ghosts? I mean they have said you can multi color a mongoose, so why not the ghost its the covie equivalent right? Oh and the um Reveant or w/e isn't that the other flying vehicle from halo wars? i saw Shade so the Shade turret is called a shade not reveant. Oh i just got an idea of what Reveant is, the Specter, i looked up Reveant and it means bring back to life, or re born, its also some folk loric mythical creature like a shade or ghost or w/e so its either A. a new vehicle we have yet to see or B. the Specter re done with variants like the Warthog has. I'd go with B. cause the covie don't have a counter for the Warthog, i mean in halo 2 they did and it was kinda fair but in halo 3 no such luck, think about it you got, Mongoose - Ghost Falcon/Hornet - Banshee Scorpion - Wraith Pelican - Phantom/Spirit So it'd make sense to give the Warthog a covie counterpart again, but then again you had the covie buses in halo 2 and the UNSC had no counter but you never go to drive one without a mod.
i did a big list of this, ill send u it Machine Gun-Plasma Turret/Shade Mongoose/ Forklift -Ghost Warthog (Normal/Gauss/Transport/Rocket)-Revenant Falcon-Banshee Scorpion (Normal/Troop)-Wraith (Normal/Anti-Air) Seraph-Sabre and btw, send me the clip with the yellow bullets, we may just have a chopper find!!!!
The only times Mega Bloks ever one-upped Lego was with their Halo Wars and Spider-Man sets. They fail otherwise.
thats a chopper guys. it fires yellow bullets and moves just like a chopper, a ghost would not move like that and fires blue bullets. also when it explodes, the explosion is red not blue WEVE GOT A CHOPPA! then again, i need to inspect it closer edit: its a chopper. the guns are mounted in the same place, it moves just like a chopper and fires chopper bullets
Fixed. Misquoting Bungie how dare you. (or just lazy comment layout either way needed fixing.They said no Forging elephants not: no elephants) Proof Brutes need a vehicle to so I don't see why they wouldn't include it. I Hope there is for some reason I like most of the brutes technology.
So the Revenant is a warthog variant??? Or are you saying there is Warthogs & the counterpart is the Revenant?
Yes, he is. The covenant seems to keep switching their transport-like vehicles with a new one. The Spectre was awesome, Bungie, so why did you change it?! And they also got an article on Halopedia (Link).
Well, it's excluded. If you read the front page of HBO, you'd know that chopper is gone. RIP Choppa :'(