I found this on the IW forums and it looks interested. Title-Do you live in CA & are under the age of 18? If that is the case, you may want to start hiding your MW2... http://law.justia.com/california/codes/ ... 746.5.html This states that a "minor" may no longer have possession of a M rated game. You can be fined up to $1000 for playing a game that is specified as M. To top it off, M rated games are going from being 17+ to a full on 18. You MUST be a legal adult to buy/rent and M rated games. This law is in senate to start enforcement in ALL states (by making it federal law). Even your parents can't buy it for you, which is what they always did for us. They are putting it on the same level as buying cigarettes or porn for your minor child. So, how many people are going to be 18+ when BO comes out? I won't be :/ Guess I am going to be breaking laws in November xD I think this wont pass as profits will go down not only for develelopers but for the people who sell them but we will just have to see.
that will teach those damn bad little kids. i mean thats cool and all but how in the hell will they enforce that??? its not like they can go into your home and check what games you have. it will just make little kids and mothers more paranoid then they already are.
Well, i dont live in california and i am not under the age of 18, so i have no problems with this law, it should be implemented now! In reality, it will last seconds before a higher court takes it out. They cannot ban that for two reasons. The legal one is that you may only limit consumer items, not place them on a probation of sorts. The practical reason is this; you cannot ban video games underage for the same reason you cannot ban sex underage
it also is unconstitutional as it violates the first admendment. Video games are the same thing as books, movies, and music.
I doubt it would work... its impossible that they could enforce it,and to be honest what the hell kind of a cop singed up to be a cop to confiscate VIDEO GAMES from little kids?...im pretty sure they signed up to help keep the area safe
Cool story bro. This would never happen to Canadians. As well, even though I don't know your constitution very well, it technically would as you said violate the first amendment.
Well, they can't even come into your house without permission, and they can't do anything without a warrant, and who can prove you play it? woopdefuckingdo. Silly californians.
BT, thats why i love California ;D They are almost always certain to be doing something that is hugely worth the lolz.
This is hilarious. I can't imagine the amount of kids who'll think they're so badass for breaking the rules. And on a game that produces the most amount of third grade drop-outs, who would have thought. "xXiSNIPEuXx2345: hey guess wat!" "Belgian Waffle: What?" "xXiSNIPEuXx2345: im 12 lol!" "Belgian Waffle: Get the **** out of here. Really?" "xXiSNIPEuXx2345: ya lol im so badass"
They aren't banning videogames, just restricting the sale to minors. I think it'll pass given incidents in recent years with angry kids and their video games. I don't agree that the problem are entirely games, but more that it is bad parenting. I will agree that games can stress people out, but that's when you need to walk away and do something productive or play something that you'll enjoy. I don't see how videogames relate to underage sex.
Ever heard of Forge 2.0? Actually, buying games that are rated 18+ if you are under 18 is on the same level as buying cigarettes and watching porn, because those things are also rated 18+, I don't see a problem here.
This is so stupid. They're trying to solve problems by making a law. It doesn't work that way. If parents don't want their kids to play these types of games they won't buy it. You shouldn't try to make a law which is impossible to in force without being unconstitutional. 1. Parents can just buy the game then bring it home. 2. You can play offline. 3. You can make your accounts age over 18. This is almost like watching porn. You can't buy it, but there are so many websites where you can watch it for free. This will just make kids more annoying. "L0LS 1'M T0TALLY UND3R 18 4ND I R PLAYIN T3H V1D30 GAM3S! I T3H S000000 L337"
wat? There are always ways to bypass a law. Let's imagine you want to drink alcohol, as far as I know, you are allowed to drink when you are 21 in the USA, would your parents buy you a bottle of vodka if you are still 16? I don't think so. If something is rated 18+, it's rated 18+ for a reason, movies, alcohol, cigarettes, video games, what ever. If you are still 14 your parents shouldn't support you. In Germany, we have the USK, one of the hardest software rating organizations in the developed world, here are a few examples of games and when you are allowed to play them: - Halo 3 18+ - CoD Series 18+ (All swastikas are removed, no gore) - Gears of War Series Never released - Left 4 Dead 18+ (No Gore, Green 'Blood', Dead Zombies Disappear before they even hit the ground, Edited Cover Artwork) - Dead Rising Never released and so on ...
THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHAEN YOU HAVE A T-900 RUNNING A STATE! SKYNET MUST THINK WE CAN USE THE VIDEOGAMES TO HACK THEIR SYSTEM! BUT WHY WOULD THEY MAKE MARAJUWANA LEGAL!??!? they must like to get high..... o well this goes against 1st amendment. they cant do it so i wont worry. O CRAP THEY R GUNNA SEND A T-900 TO KILL GEROGE WALSHINGTON TO PREVENT THE FIRST AMNDMENT! WE MUST FIND CONNER!!! still they cant do it like what mace said they cant check your house.
I'd love to say this is ridiculous, but I can't. It makes perfect sense from the media standpoint, even though it has nothing to do with games. As far as unenforceable goes, I'd tend to disagree, it's plenty easy to enforce. Enforceable doesn't mean they're going to get even a tiny fraction of the people who do it, just means it's possible. In the end, though, it's yet another attack on the new "bad thing", going from things like comics to movies and TV and now we're at video games. People who don't understand it will call themselves experts and talk about how damaging they are to society and blah blah blah. I wouldn't be surprised if it passed; and it's not a violation of the first amendment in the same way that pornography isn't a violation of the first amendment. It would be for "protection of youth", or something like that. It's pretty similar to the fact that marijuana hasn't be legalized, while we have alcohol and cigarettes. It's unfortunately the way a democratic republic is going to work, in that the public really doesn't get to decide these things, corporations do. There is an advantage to large groups and lobbying in government actually, but the balance is way off in general, my opinion. I still doubt it will pass, and I do wish the ESRB ratings were upheld more by parents, who should be looking at their kid and seeing if they really want him playing a violent video game with the not-so-friendly Xbox community for hours upon hours. As with anything, video games do affect you, it's just a matter of if they're mature enough, which most parents don't look at. I know that if I'm looking at buying games for my kids in the future, I'm going to check out what the community is like and what I can expect him/her to be getting into. I don't need to be overly protective, but if it's at the current state of Xbox matchmaking (MW2 for example), I wouldn't get it until he/she was at least 15, more likely 16 or 17.