This is Loft Loft is an attack and defend map for larger than 8 player games and is mainly an air combat map. I designed it as a forunner structure and made it look like humans had set up inside with containers and crates The attackers lack a base but have alot of vehicles and weapons This map is for capture the flag, slayer, team slayer and assault. This has proven to be a very fun map to play, mostly for capture the flag, because whilst the base is easily defended, hornets and banshees provide a quick escape. The base is not small and whilst i regret not having the objects to make more rooms the lower levels provide plenty of hiding places. A fun trick ive found to fool your enemies. Jump down to the lower level and deploy the radar jama. Jump through the teleporter to the othe side and pick up the camo. Quickly fly in the banshee from the east side round to the hanger which is the fatest way to the centre of the base and the flag. whilst ur enemies are looking for you. stealthfully assainate campers in the flag room thenescape with the flag out of the hanger and down to the ground. This is the flag room. Im the burning one. I dont know why i put a chair there. The forunners didnt have thrones i think, i am dissapointed with the amount of smaller objects for avalanche because you cant really decorate your maps. And this is the upper base across its full length. I wanted the landing pad to be more shiny but those damb shelds hover a foot off the ground so i had to build up wth bridges until it was the right level. During gameplay it was many people accidentaly fell off. so i was kind and placed a man canon leading onto the landing pad. Careful not to jump into it cause you will bang your head and end up a million miles from the man cannon. People have asked me before "why dont the teleporters work". Their not on because they are supposed to represent arrows. This is the hanger, the first thing i built of the base. the only ways in are from the flag room or to fly in and is the fastest way to the flag. Though watch out because the entrance is easily defended from the flag room and there is also a spartan laser at the front of the hanger should any defender think to get it, it is the main anti air weapon on the base. And this is the hanger go KA BOOM
looks really good. i see you planned this out very well. it looks like you interlocked but i can't tell, did you? either way good job and welcome to forgehub
I've downloaded this map. I like this map alot. I don't have much to say but do you mind if I use it in my machinima. I've started filming and this would be perfect for some of the scenes.
Yeah. This is probably the best map made on the newer ones. It's like a map made on foundry...but on avalanche
dude thats awesome i wish i had skills like that every time i try to interlock it works but it shakes around a lot
Nice, I'd been waiting for a good Avalanche map. All the Forerunner objects would make for an excellent map, if only people would forge it!
nice oraginal map I just love this map note why do you have the hornet and banche respown rate to 10 sec. with extreme bib bob
Sure u can use it i dont mind. loads of my friends copied it at a different point during construction and changed it slightly anyway.
hornets and banshees I made this map to be primarily an air combat map. i wanted everyone to be able to get a ride if they needed one. One thing i didnt prepare for was how many people get to the base and leave all the banshees all over the damb roof. and they wont respawn for a long time anyway.
Ok, thanks Val...You'll be in the credits for creating this map. I think I might also use this for capture the flag....
arrows Oh in case you didnt realise the arrows point to the ice cave and supposed to be a shortcut to the man cannon
Hey, welcome to forge hub! I think that your map looks like good fun and that it is well put together. I can see it being enjoyable, but i'm not sure I like the idea of no attackers base, then again, thats just me. Well done! ~SS
This is a really good map. I'd tried to make a Avalanche map- but it never seems to work. I can't get my floor all one level. Any suggestions?