What Map Ideas Do You Have For Reach?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Spawn of Saltine, Jul 23, 2010.


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  1. eating lunch

    eating lunch Forerunner

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    Lol I'm not sure I would use the word exciting to describe the game, but it would be fun none the less, and interesting.

    I would love to play that game with you, and if you would be interested I would help you forge a map for it too. You could even just leave me two to four spots, however many you would want me to do, and set an amount of budget that I can't go over. That way, you know I won't screw you up while you try to make the map the way you want it. I'm obsessive about my forging looking pretty neat too, not sloppy, so I think you would be satisfied with my forging. I haven't forged with someone before so that would be fun to do if you would be interested in that.
  2. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    You know, usually I feel like a creative retard compared to people like Matty, Buddhacrane, Urban Myth, GunnerGrunt, Ell3ment, etc...

    But I think I have come up with something that's not huge but rather creative for Reach. All I can say is that it's aesthetic but in an unexplored fashion. I suppose it would be awesome for a Puzzle Map too, but I can't possibly fathom creating a puzzle map and someone will most likely think of it as well. So I'll just have to use it in the way I've created...

    Thou shalt see.....

    ....and thou shalt lol


    Also I'm remaking Damnation. Stat. So. Dibs. I hate knowing that I'm a slow forger (I'm actually slow at everything I do, I'm a hell of a perfectionist) and that someone will probz complete a damnation remake before me. I just have to hope it's not as good as mine. Which will be hard, seeing as mine will be perfect. I'm serious. I've logged so many hours on that map on my trusty original xbox in 3rd grade form, you can't even understand. You will witness. Perfection. That's a quote from Dragonball Z. I never ramble.
  3. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    ^So epic.

    Yeah, that's me, too, I guess. 'Cept, not Damnation, Gephyrophobia. I've always loved that map.
  4. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    I have two ideas but you can haz neither of them because they are too awesome. Also, Im gonna wait a couple of weeks before posting any map because the Halo: Reach map section is gonna get flooded by tons of threads.

  5. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    Its going to be crazy the number of maps that are going to be posted in the first few weeks, it would have to be worse then when sandbox came out that was hectic.

    I have plenty of ideas but you can have nunz of them ( there mine )
  6. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    This may actually be a pretty good idea. Remaking old maps takes the stress out of what you want to make and leaves only the process. This would let you get quite familiar with the new tools before diving into something completely new and making a sub-par map because you don't know what to do or use.
  7. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    i will definatly make some sort of matrix gametype with the new gravity. and as for maps, idk yet mabey cool base vs base maps in the sky! the only way to get across is by activating a bridge somehow and dodge snipers going across and steal the flag!
  8. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Im gona make Vallhalla smashed with Blood Gulch, seems like it could be a good combination and adding new stuff to intensify gameplay. Yeah im gona say if your gona do a really sweet map hold of on posting it for like a month so the forums can clear up of all the influx of maps.

    I hope Bungie alows for more downloads space so you can hold more than just 100 custom variants gametypes.

    TH3 SWAMP DING0 Forerunner

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    I hope Bungie alows for more downloads space so you can hold more than just 100 custom variants gametypes.[/QUOTE]

    I think they said you could have 1000 of everything. Not exactly sure though
  10. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    Just to make sure, you know you can't change the direction of gravity, right?
  11. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    yeah, but u can go on the celing. right?
  12. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    No. I'm going to explain this one more time, because everyone else has heard it too, and I'm not going to be mean just because you haven't heard.

    You cannot go on the ceiling as if you had magnetic boots. The part of the vidoc that implied such was confirmed by ferrex to be nothing more than an optical illusion. Part of it was someone playing while someone else rotated the piece. Another part was a map set up at angles that still supported movement, such as in buddhacrane's rightfully famous Distortion map.
  13. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    ooooooo. thanks for the info ;)
  14. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    No problem. I'm sure with some tricky mancannon and gravlift use plus the angle snaps, we can build a map that looks like you're going vertical, but there is a limit to these things.
  15. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    You can have a 1,000 items of each separate user created content. A 1,000 maps, a 1,000 videos, a 1,000 gametypes etc...

    I wouldn't be too worried about the forums being flooded.
  16. Drizzt

    Drizzt Forerunner
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    These are are two ideas I've come up with this week.

    Bunker Wars(nuetral assault)

    The area where the map is built is on the island, the shore, the nearby tunnel, and the area surrounding the tunnel exit on forgeworld. One team will have their base near the center of the island, near the mountain. The bunkers will be located on the shore on the island, with a small to medium sized space seperating them from the base. The bomb plant point will be in the "reactor room" of the base, which will be located in the center of the lowest floor. The cave/tunnel will be the No Mans land. It will also be the spawn of the bomb. The floor of the cave will be littered with trip mines, with an occasional barricade with a small area of safe ground. The bunkers for the other team will be located about the same distance from the cave as the other team's bunkers were. The base will also have a small distance of ground between it and the bunkers.

    The scoring system would work to where you would unlock more and better classes as the game goes on, providing people fight enough. You would gain one or two points for any type of kill. Detonating the bomb would end the game, or a timelimit(20-30 minutes) would end it.

    Area 43:viral:
    This map will be located on the island, and possibly an assortment of islands created out of the different materials given to us. The map would have an assortment of intact, partly destroyed, and fully destroyed buildings. The buildings would be located at various places with varying degrees of defence. A building located in an area with lesser defensive value will have more weapons or have weapons with a larger amount of spare clips. A building located in an area of greater defensive value will have fewer weapons, or weapons with a small amount of clips. A building with a fair defensive value...well, you get the picture. People will also spawn scattered around the island, along with the zombies. The only vehicles will be destroyed or trapped under pieces of scenery. The tunnel that's on the coast would be blocked of by rocks, as if a rockslide occured. The time limit would be 10-15 minutes long. The infected could choose from different loadouts with different AA's and weapons. At different times zombies would earn slightly better classes to help kill the humans. The humans would have to quickly find each other and weapons or they would be over-run.

    Those are my ideas, and please try to spot any flaws in the ideas.
  17. Zap Happy

    Zap Happy Ancient
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    I have a simple, but cool idea. It might be less ambitious than some other people's, but hopefully it will be fun.

    It's an infection game type, where the humans start out in a small hanger on a cliff. In the hanger there are some Hornets (or whatever they will be called). In front of the hanger, there are a ton of floating platforms and other obstacles. Across the debris field there is a small base where the zombies start and spawn.

    Each zombie is equipped with a jet-pack and sword. Their goal is to hijack the Hornets. They have to use their jet-packs to navigate the obstacles and ambush the humans by hiding behind things. The humans' goal is to avoid the debris and being hijacked. The humans turn into zombies after death.

    I think it could be a fun, crazy sky battle to play with your friends. There would probably be another version that is just slayer, and each side would have both Hornets and jet-packs.
  18. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    OMG I just got a badass new idea. What game for the PS2 consisted of soldiers in shiny armor with different colors and some had jetpacks?
  19. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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  20. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    Um, no. It was more realistic. But even then it still had no reality to it. It was kind of like Reach, in the way that you get to pick custom classes with different abilities.
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