Exactly. I think thats what everyone plans on doing. The next great maps are going to be based off of creativity and originality.
not saying a guardian and a pit remake will be bad, but it will need to be well planned. The Pit and Guardian are awesome maps and it might take a few weeks, even a month for the best forgers to make a remake that will play like the original.
YES!! That is what ive been saying forever now, people are like OMG REACH IS TOO EASY TO FORGE ALL MAPS ARE GOOD HOW WE GET FEETURZ NAOW???? And them im like ONLY ORIGINAL MAPS ARE GOOD NAOW *gives Teh Noob the backsmack! In other words, if you want your map to get noticed it has to be totally ingenious and original.
Which is why I've been saying Reach could possibly be the downfall of standard competitive maps. And why you might see me doin tilted stuff a lot more with the snaps. --- It will be fun to determine the direction of the water's current and have it play into a map (no more memorizing weapon spawns, now you just have to be lucky)
Thats why I'm excited, all the creativity and ingenuity that will be required to make a map stand out.
Except that forest area and around the edges. Place-able Death barriers don't kill you ever! while in forge mode so that's a inbuilt one which cannot be removed which means where unable to use those spots for more than 10secs which sucks.
No, it will be the downfall of the singularity of such maps. Diversity will now become standard and everything will get better. The best maps are ALWAYS those that are creative, and its just as hard to do that competitively as any other way.
Place-able trip mines are confirmed. But I highly doubt that is them because there seen all over the place, for example placed in the default hemorrhage map. They look like a flat return and capture zone merged with a light on top so I'm guessing something to place objective items like KOTH zones or Flag points.
They did mention those.... but I think they were talking about race in the same paragraph. That doesn't mean they can't be in other gametypes though. It does kinda look like one
I would have to disagree, They said that they give unique places to forge but you are not limited to the ones they have set up. Meaning you will be able to make maps almost anywhere in forge world. When it showed the monitor outside the death barrier maybe it has something to do with host or who posted the death barrier, or it could be an earlier copy and that is not set yet, but i really think that we will be able to forge up there.
I stand a chance at getting my maps noticed now! Hold on? Did someone say changing gravity was just a trick? NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I won't believe it! Not in my life time never never never so there! Link to where they said it now!
Fair enough , I can't prove it without a doubt so all options are fair game. But they have to cut the map off somewhere other wise it would be to big island. (I think the map is like half a "C") And the tree's up there are bad quality and have no mass unlike trees in confirmed areas. I think we can forge up there just not stay up there for more than 10secs. I want to be wrong though lol.
and Rifte finally finds an internet connection I only now watched the forge vidoc, man everything looks sweet. Are there any new links? The internet in this country is rather slow so looking through 40 pages will not really be possible.
So, check this: http://www.bungie.net/images/Games/Reach/images/screenshots/Forge_Bnet/Reach_ForgeworldObjects.jpg Look at the top of the image at the huge, flat wall piece, left of the falcon. For scale there is a spartan in the image but here's a better sense of scale go to 4:40 of the ViDoc and see if you can find this gigantic piece (it's not hard.). Now transfer this sense of scale to the large rock at the bottom of the image. Can you say 'titanic sized rock?' I can.
Damn Rifte, I feel for ya. Assuming you've only seen the ViDoc, there is a video demonstrating the new Forge with Chad Armstrong. Here y'are YouTube - Halo Reach forge world demo
Thanks for the link, METAL. 20 minutes and the video's only viewable up to 2 minutes almost makes me wish I wasn't on vacation. Does anyone know if the spawn time for objects has been increased over 180s?