Ok this thread is only for Suggestions for the Double Xp Weekends to come. Please list what kind of games you would like to see. You can also say how to improve past Double XP Weekend games. My idea would be to have a Mini-game weekend. Maps like Lost Chamber, Shark Attack, and etc. No puzzles or mazes. It has to be fair for everybody and must be uncheatable. Note: All maps dont have to be from forgehub but must be neat and good.
Idk if every1 would like these but just some ideals: racing covie vs unsc favorites vehicular onslaught history (d,day and other featured historic battle maps)
Bungie does need a new and improved Infection. Better maps, Better games, Better Gameplay. Although Fat Kid wouldnt be the best....
you're right it'd take too long, plus, imagine if the fat kid didnt get any kills? it would suck to be fat kid
I am SO EXCITED. As a few of you may know, I am VERY good with a sniper, not trying to brag. And, since Team SWAT is going ranked as a permeanent playlist this month (If you don't believe me, read the bungie weekly updates...), Team Snipers will be filling it's place on Double EXP weekends. It won't be the only Double EXP playlist, but just will replace Team SWAT. Yes!
Yeah I don't really care, but as for a suggestion, I was going to say Snpers but then remembered that it was actually already confirmed and decided to go through and reply. Anyways, I would like an improved Infection playlist or cool Juggernaut game.
Hardball.Where you score points buy killing people with the ball. Hobo Heights. Albatross hill or similar9mid flight combat basically) "Hog" fight where you can only score points for getting the medal "driving assisted the killing of" encouraging teamwork in da hogs!
Sounds interesting guys. But list your own Double XP weekends. Not ones that already exist. And give a specific kind of game. Not just a map.
I would love to play something like the Bumper Cars map! (If that was even possible) That would be so awesome!