What Map Ideas Do You Have For Reach?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Spawn of Saltine, Jul 23, 2010.


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  1. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    I had a nice racetrack idea. You will start of in one of the places around Forge World. Each "section" of Forge World will have it's own racetrack part and at the end of each part you will teleport to a new "section" of Forge World and the racetrack, then you will teleport back to the beginning.
  2. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    In keeping with my aesthetic reputation, I'll probably make either an aircraft carrier, or a large Forerunner ship, or Covenant ship.
  3. jumpathon

    jumpathon Ancient
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    Im thinking of making the biggest infection journey map of all time. one that will make everybody say holy mother of god this is wicked long. there will also be traps at almost every corner.

    Im also considering the possibilty of making a huge tower for tower of power which i used to play in halo 2 ( and yes im not stupid i do realize that there already a remake of ascesion made by bungie on the game). I just want to make the tower diffrently with more ways to get up top.

    Then of course to top i all of im going to make the world's hardest maze that halo has ever seen. there will be a 1600 microsoft point prize if you complete and that is if you can.
  4. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    Agreed. I'd love to see a map like that. It would be nice if the base of the whole structure was made in the Metallic type items they give us..then you overlay that with the rocks that they put in. That way it would have more of a dam feel being rock and all.
  5. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    I place shotgun onto Conquest Dam! ITS MINE! MINE I TELL YE!
  6. Leo

    Leo Forerunner

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    This is a map idea for a verticaly layed out Conquest map, which would require the use of the Jetpack AA to get from one territory to another.

    Here is my basic layout idea, with the opposing side's bases at the top of the map, with a vertical drop down to the center territory.

    BTW the red boxes with flags in them signify territories.
    As shown in the picture above, half way down the drop on both sides is a ring which would hold the territory that is between the starting one and the center territory.

    For those who would like further clarification I made a horrible image in paint to show off the idea i'm trying to get across in 3d.

    What I'm trying to do is make the Conquest map so that you have quick access to the center territory, while making it difficult to take over the enemies territories.
    This is because of how close you are to their spawn and the height advantage that they have when they are counter attacking.

    #106 Leo, Jul 26, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2010
  7. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    Conquest Dam is mine :D
  8. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    An infection game in space station sort of thing that uses the one way bridges so that you must move forward and can not go back after certain areas. Im going to try to make it aleast 4 minutes to go through. However that might be a stretch. Another is a flooded map of somesort that is partially underwater.
  9. SenorFluffyBuns

    SenorFluffyBuns Forerunner

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    I already made a thread but here ya go mine got burried...

    Map Idea/Preview, Halo Ball


    1 rockethogs per team, gunners, 1 way vehicle teles out of spawn, must hold possession of a ball that is the territory destructible vehicles, normal gravity for flipping (incase of someone covers the ball on the hill). First team out of the four to reach 150-200 points win, 1 point per second.


    3 rockethogs per team, gunner, 1 way vehicle teles out of spawn (to push the ball), must push ball into bomb plant area, flipping is allowed. First team to score 3 points win. Neutral Bomb, insta-plant, insta explosion, Fireworks (special idea which cannot be posted) :) (possible troophogs and high gravity)

    Possession player settings

    Weapon is AR
    75% Damage
    110% damage resistance
    slow movement and normal gravity
    No AAs

    Classic settings

    Weapon is AR
    slow movement and normal gravity
    No AAs

    HaloBall Arena


    Original idea based on Halo Ball a Halo CE mod.
    Halo Reach Idea by SenorFluffyBuns

    Vehicles come out on the ramps.
    Ball floats until hit by vehicle or gunner.
    Bomb plant on the top of the hill.
    Mancannons on top of the hill to stop the ball hiding, normal mancannons so vehicles don't launch.

    All guests should log in to an account or make one to post on this thread :)

    The original HaloBall

    YouTube- Halo Ball Part 1
  10. L337 Commando

    L337 Commando Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Here's a list of my basic ideas:

    -A gargantuan Forerunner building
    -Another gargantuan Forerunner building
    -A big medieval-ish castle complete with a gametype designed around seizing the castle.
    -A Danger Canyon-esque map on the Island with massive bases on either side and an outpost in the middle of the map, as well as some sexiness on the rocks.
    -A big coastal battery and base that is assaulted by Falcons and Banshees from the Island, prolly for a Territories gametype.
    -Try my hand at making a big asymmetrical team slayer / assault map, kinda like something outta Counter Strike.
    -A very vertical map above the ocean.
    -A massive zombie map that involves teleporters that spawn in after some time, taking guys to another section of the map. Zombies will start in a special area (probably the Coliseum) where they can use teleporters to quickly go to the right area without having to walk the entire distance. Oh, that'll be fun.
    -A bigger scale of Blood Gulch, ie: bigger bases, more land between the bases, maybe some cool flanking routes, and sexier battles.

    Just some ideas that come to mind.
  11. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, as everyone does, I have nearly hundreds of ideas floating about in my mind. Among the things I would like to do. . .

    Recreate my first Foundry map and have a fun, playable creation.

    Recreate a simple game I called Pratforms, which was great fun with most who played it. It was KotH with swords on elevated platforms. Once you fell out you had to kill yourself via fusion coils in order to respawn and have another chance in the hill. Made it on Sandbox, but enjoyed less success thanks to a smaller friends list.

    Recreate Steel Forest, a map for a Bear-themed infection game. Hunters (humans) left their campsite and crossed a treacherous river that could drag them into a fusion-coil deathtrap. They then tried to kill the werebear as it used the trees to avoid being shot and kept an eye out for tripmine bear traps and pitfallls.

    Maybe make a Horror map, a favorite old game of mine with fast, mostly invisible zombies with onehit kills.

    A medieval style castle where guards have to escort the VIP King to a safe area while assassins try to claim his life.

    JAWS remake. Almost as sure to pop up as a Distortion map.

    My ultimate goal right now is to create an experience that will take you into the boots of the marines of Halo:CE. You will play a group of forgotten marines who escaped the Pillar of Autumn and managed to stay alive right till the very end, as Elites and perhaps Grunts attack in droves. Both will need to be simulated via weapon and custom settings but the return of health bars means I can make it just like it used to be. The terrain and themes are, naturally perfectly suited, seeing as how it IS Installation 04.
  12. Sparky09

    Sparky09 Forerunner

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    Well I've been thinking of using the Island as a good Infection based section of my map. Simply put, the humans spawn with pistols and have a 30 second head-start to find weapons on the Island. There are some structures and what not to use as shelter.

    After the 30 Seconds, Zombies with infinite Jetpacks will glide out of a Giant Flying Ship, hovering over the island. The Zombies have some decent Shields and can basically land on anyone's head if their not inside of a Structure.

    The humans would not be able to see find each-other without communicating because of the lack of a Service Tag, and would spawn Randomly about the Island.

    Something I'm unsure of is if the Purple Night effect should be enabled. I would have some lights on the Island so the humans can see, and I think it would give the Zombies a bit of an Edge while gliding down.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    FPS SKITTLES Forerunner

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    I would probably just *Try* to remake halo 2s foundation map and have magnum/shotty infection game
    If anybody remembers playing infection on h2 then u probably know what im talking about
  14. L337 Commando

    L337 Commando Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sounds like a cool idea, and you could put the platforms up above the ocean and put a Kill Volume beneath the level so players don't have to kill themselves with fusion coils to respawn. It'd just simplify things.
    Also, Silver Forest sounds cool!
  15. Hat

    Hat Guest

    I'm going to make a two sided assault/CTF on the coast with a huge building separating the two sides. You can go through the building on foot or around it on vehicle. Almost like a avalanche remake, but much more complex. The building is going to look like the entrance of the covenant in halo 3.
  16. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Actually I "improved" Pratforms for Sandbox, putting it high in the skybox and making it straight slayer, but it didn't seem to be as fun. I think my problem is that I made the playing field too large for the party size I was playing with, so things slowed down. I may make a series of map and game variants, such as a Platforms XL for larger parties, and a CTF Pratforms for some added variety.

    Though that brings up an interesting question that I will have to pose in the main discussion.
  17. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    I had a map called Acrophobia (very original, I know) that I never planned on posting here, but will remake. Hopefully it'll be a lot better than the original.

    It was in the skybox, and was a cross between a small Gephyrophobia and Construct. Nearly everything was interlocked and I planned it around the traditional general slayer experience; no hardcore "purely skill" BR firefights or espionage ninja-ing, just stuff like "kill that guy before he gets the rockets first." From various play tests I could tell it was a hit among the other maps I've made, though it was mostly gameplay; there weren't many over-the-top aesthetics here. It was a very casual map with three basic levels, basic weaponry... And a lot of unrealized potential. Mostly because of Forge 1.0's limitations.

    It's okay for what it is now, but hopefully 2.0 will help me turn it into what it's supposed to be.
  18. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    A large, very long hog race over as much of forge world as possible. maybe some freeway like tracks along the edge of the cliffs

    FPS SKITTLES Forerunner

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    This is a SUPER awsome idea I just love hog driving and having ppl rack up wheelmen kills in the turret when im driving!
    If u make this map i would definitely DL it
  20. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    As of right now I have no ideas what-so-ever. I'm just going to remake all of my good maps that i have made/will make on Halo 3. Then, once I get used to all of the ways of forge, hopefully super-mega awesome ideas will come to my head.
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