Yup thats right gameinformer due to last comic con got to talking with Frank O' Conner and he let slip a little on the Master Chiefs future Source : http://gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2010/07/26/343-industries-master-chief-will-return.aspx I think its a good thing, i know Bungie is done with the series and leaving 343 to do work on it, so im hoping they can formulate an awesome game to end our beloved Master Chief's journey. Alot of people are afraid that Halo is gona be burnt out but i think it'l go strong with a couple of spin offs.
I thought they already announced they would continue the Halo series... Or is it Trilogy now? But it's nice to know they will continuing where H3 left off... Maybe MC crashes on a distant planet and a new breed of alien is discovered and he fights his way until he can find some type of communication device! -Sarcasm-.. Or is it? New Avatar. Awesomes
They will but.... This is the wrong forum section... 343 has been rumored to be making Halo 4runner see the pun
well this is halo 3 related lol so i thought it best to fit here. And i thought Bungie was gona take on re doing Marathon?? not 343 i beleive there just in charge of the Halo series and after that the team will re join Bungie and end 343. But thats just what i heard/speculation i have. Oh and if this is the wrong place or an OP thinks it best in gaming discussion or something please move. Edit: my bad i didn't mean to input that marathon deal i was thinking about the comments on gameinformer's site when i said that. Oh yeah and i get it halo 4runner lol sounds a little too cheesy though.
I hope they don't come up with a giant asspull and say he lands on another dimension to fight dinosaurs or whatever the hell. It would a be a nice change of pace if the series was a lot more surreal or mysterious, like Combat Evolved was. Don't emulate it exactly, of course, but something like that would make me very happy. And also possibly, for the first time since Combat Evolved, focus on the campaign a lot more, and if possible, make it a sort of free roam game, to add to the depth of the story and environments. He won't be in a full-scale war this time around (I'm hoping). If anything, it should be eerily Marathon-like in whatever it tries to do in terms of the basic story, because he still has Cortana, and he'll be very alone. This might be fan wankery at its finest though, so whatever, I just hope the story doesn't completely suck ass. He's Master Chief, man. Not a spartan. The spartan.
I new about this about a week ago and im really thrilled that they are going to still continue with the epic master chief series, lets hope that they don't mess it up. Does anyone know what that planet is at the end off halo 3 i have never really researched it. I have herd people saying its reach and crap like that, but in the book i read they said the planet was attacked but not destroyed i don't think. So could it be a possiblity or reach or is this a bunch of crap?
No reach was totally glassed to a burning ball of fire, alot of speculation was its Onyx, but Onyx was made up of sentinels and broke apart around the dyson sphere at the activation of Alpha Halo, so idk. Since its gona be Halo 4runner im assuming its the Forerunner's home world he winds up on which is deserted and dead except for maybe flood. Idk the way they left it all hanging its hard to end the story without it just being a huge cliff hanger. Oh and Cortana is at her 7th year, meaning she is going awal, coco like the Ai's from Marathon. So id assume she is gona take a role like the brother in upcoming Fear 3, she will help you but sometimes screw you cause she is going insane.
true this is going to be interesting game then, fear 3 is going to be an alright game, fear 1 was the best 1 tho.
Yeah if they do do it like that it'd be cool and crazy but it would be a little off the topic of halo. I really assume it'l have the mysteriousness of Halo Combat Evolved, you alone on a deserted Forerunner world trying to find out what happened and how to get home.
Cortanas crazy, MC is lost, Earth thinks hes dead. Quite a build-up we got there. As for the forerunner home world, if my memory serves it was infested with Flood. The Forerunner then did the whole Halo thing, and I can't quite remember if they died or went into sometype of sleep (The Forerunner that it is). In that case the Forerunner home world would be completely deserted. Am I somewhat correct or am I thinking of a different planet?
No your right, the Forerunner home world is deserted/dead planet with just there amazing buildings and Sentinels etc there to maintain the city. I think after blasting all the halo's they died though, i don't recall a mention of the Forerunner actual going into the Ark like they did to all the other sentient species but i could be wrong.
Hmm... maybe this wont be too bad. 343 cant try to beat out bungie though. theyre going to have to do some way different stuff and make it a good game in different ways. also maybe the only human weapons in the game are the ones that MC had with him at the end of H3? that would be cool, just have a bunch of new weapons
Guilty Spark once mentioned there was power armor something like 7 times better than the Mark V. Maybe he'll find it.
Do bad we didn't have that when we fought the flood. And if you watched halo legends you could find out a bit about the forerunners as well
i just shouted yess and woke up my dad! its hapening and Halo 4runner sounds like an awesome name! haha