Yes, The Cage, Hemmorage (sp?), and Pinnacle (Ascension Remake) along with the Sanctuary remake (name?), were all confirmed in the Vidoc. They also said that so far that they have 6 forged maps to ship on the disc, and then obviously the canvas. Therefore people have presumed that these will be the 6 maps (7 including the canvas) that were listed as default maps on the screen seen in one of the video's. Also @ Death Yoyo, I swear your name has changed colour since yesterday
Sorry to say but it's been confirmed can't get higher that 3mins. What video was that from I haven't seen that one D:! I'm falling behind.
Two things about that picture, it shows Team: Neutral, and then Object Color: Team Color.. I thought those would have been the same thing.. maybe one team can't touch it or something..
If anybody saw the IGN video where they go into the(out of bounds) area of the map then u would've noticed the soft barrier that was telling them to turn back. I don't think you will be able to go beyond that point because i don't thing that soft barrier will be editable. just think of sandbox ex: you can block the guardian towers from killing you but then there is that ring on the outer edge that you cant pass. They have to limit forge world somehow p.s. i hope im wrong! :$ skittles
you are wrong, in the vidoc I think they showed that place being used. They probably just loaded up hemerrage and filmed themselves going up there in the IGN video.
are you sure? Im talking about the place with the trees near the giant tower that everyone wants to play on/around I just really hope that bungie is keeping sum massive secret from us about forgeworld like a secret underground cave hidden under the island ,sorta like the crypt but more natural!
That was hilarious. "There are a lot of narrow paths and not much dance floor." Sounds a lot like half the maps that got released on Sandbox right after it came out. Every new guy was laying down walls on the grid and calling it a map.
They were discussing how you can place and REMOVE the death barriers during that clip. Every section of the map is useable.
Dammit Bungie, I just cleaned up. Seriously, I'm looking forward to forging EVERYWHERE. If I were Jurk, I would add a Blue Pulsing Light above Shadow Base. Now that would be sexy.
Question about kill volumes: Is it safe to assume that dropping an objective or other item (such as a skull or weapon) into one will cause it to despawn? How will this work with soft kill volumes? Will the item hang around for the time limit and then despawn or will it instantly disappear?
I so call dibs on a forklift racing map if nobody has yet. Also, I just realized that making a tilted map will be sooo freakin easy. Now I will give up on forging adaptation until reach... the teleporter radius combined with the ease of tiltedness will make it simple...
Do you think that lights will be effected by the Purple effect, and become more Purplish or will they be unaffected to have a Nighttime lighting?