You and your squad are flying over the dark afghan desert. It's silent until you hear a thump on the back of your hornet, then a slash, the turbine jams and starts falling. Your hornet goes down. You land near the rusted old pipes of the nearby oil refinery. No sign of anything. Then you see the your fellow squad members fall from the sky as their hornets falls from the sky, flaming. You hold your position until you hear a voice on your comm. "this is Echo 501 comming in. Dropping in some hogs. Hold on...your zones too hot. Im gonna have to make a quick drop and get the hell outta here! Your squad mate says." what do you mean its too hot? " You don't see it? well your gonna find out really soon I gotta get these vehicles in." You to Echo, "Echo aren't those hogs damaged?" "Yep but it's all I got, Ya might be able to find some fuel in those pipes though. "Your gonna be on foot unless you light a flare." The dropship flys by dropping of 2 hogs and 4 mongooses by the flare. "Ill be back soon for extraction, Echo out." " What does he mean 'The zone's hot'? Theres not a damn thing out here?!" "You might wanna take a look over there"...... Welcome to Afghan Refinery, The second map for the "Fuel Watch" gametype. Some basic things you need to know are that this gametype is very different from an average drive or die gametype. first of all, you can't drive unless you pick up a custom powerup. These are scattered around the map. But your ability to drive only lasts 1 minute, i.e. the gas part. You spawn with shotguns and magnums. And zombies have a sword obviously. zombies can get taken down by two shots in the head or a hit by shotgun. Here are some gameplay pics. You spawn in midair with two flaming hornets to your side, for the crashing effect. After 10 seconds the red flare, 2 warthogs, and 4 mongooses spawn, also in air. Overview of the drop zone. The pipe to the bottom right is a pipe that you can get fuel from. This is one of the outposts that you can either hold out in or grab some fuel. It has one warthog Heres the first floor of the outpost, which includes a Br. Second floor, where you can find a maller and carbine. Heres a hanger where you can get fuel from the top of the two gas tanks The hanger has 1 Warthog This broken down truck has fuel inside There are a few areas where oil pipes emerge from the sand. And here are some action shots: download: Afghan Refinery download: Fuel Watch youtube video of this
Im glad you made a nice map to go with the gametype! A sure DL from me, and I just want to say I love the idea of gas again. The idea of using a light as a flare is clever too. I will have to see how it plays. How many people makes a good game???
The more players the more fun but the minimum would probably be about 5-6 Ive never played it with more than 6 haha i need some people to actually play it with
Been waiting for this. I love this idea. Hangar is a little bumpy, but still pretty good. The "hotel" (keep calling it that from your last map) looks much better and is a good houldout but zombies spawn right next to it so that's good. Pipes look awesome but i thought the first one would be ez to camp with shotguns. Can humans still get on the roof? I got really annoyed last time cuz my friend always went straight for the roof, so I blocked it off. Haven't been able to play on this yet, but looks great. I thought it was good for 6 ppl. Again, great idea and map.
oh wow this is the new version lol. I guess you do have some say in critiquing my map XD. based on your first map I thought you were just some New guy that was trying to give advice but didnt know what he was talking about. Clearly I was wrong. This one actually looks worthy of a download. Nice Job (-_-)
The first map with this gametype was a complete blast with groups of 8, all my friends loved the gas idea. This map looks even better. The fuel pipes look like they were done well and the forging overall looks great. I have yet to play this map, but after the fun i had on the original i cant wait to play this map. After a good test ill give you my comments. One more thing, are you planing to release another map using this gametype?
Im thinking of making another one but with another sort of twist --- Im not going to be making a new one for a while since this isnt very popular