HOLY! Thats a huge description! I also need testers next week for my gametype King of the Hill: Destruction. Its a beta on Halo 3 also, guys please try to put your name a line above your description It'll help me sort out the ideas. Example: Blahname Description......................................
Map name or person's username? For now I'll put my username (and I'll change it if you meant map name)
Ok, I'll edit that into my post. Also, because I didn't know that I wasn't supposed to post my idea in a new thread, I'll post it here and get the mods to delete my thread. LRMAN0989 Multi-team Falcon Fights It would be sort of like all of the space fight/dogfight maps, but with 2-3 man teams on Falcons. They would basically spawn on a platform right beside their Falcon or just spawn inside of it (and have it really high so the animation of your person getting in is done before it hits the death barrier near the ground), and the map would be floating SAM-site structures/platforms floating around. The map would also utilize the entire space of Forge world. The SAM-site thing would be rocket hog turrets sticking up through the platform (and the platforms would be just above the death barrier that's under them). Also, everyone would have 1 life for each of the rounds (I'll decide on the round count when I get Reach) EDIT: Mini Description: Fight for your survival against other teams of 2 (or 3) in Falcons.
Nah you don't need to delete the thread I have a thread for one of mine too. One that is too compicated for this thread. Also is the Multi-team falcon types a different game and shoud I post it in the main post?
It's a different gametype, if that's what you're asking. And yeah, you can post it into the main thread
K its posted and I have made it so the spoiler ideas have the main idea of the gametype next to their creators name.
I've been thinking of this idea that's kinda like the game "Planko" from the Price is Right. Except the Planko board is huge, and the Planko piece is actually a Mongoose. Several people will have to take turns driving onto the massive board and free fall through tons of pegs sticking out of the board and see where fate lands you. There will be several zones on the bottom that have Sender Nodes at the end where only Vehicles can pass through. When you pass through that zone, you will be teleported to a location on the map that has "Prizes" varying in size and quality. I don't know exactly what the prizes could be, but I have some ideas of what I can do. Then you must pass through a Sender Node to a Battlefield where you will then use what you won against the enemy waiting for you. Once you die, you respawn back above the Planko board, and basically repeat everything over and over until the score has been reached. The gametype will be pretty much basic Free-For-All. Before you start falling on the Planko board, you will start out with a Plasma Pistol only. No Armor Abilities or anything. The good weapons and AAs will be waiting for you in the prize zones. So, FH.. Find your opinions and give them to me. EDIT: Some honor rules will have to be present to play, but I'm trying to figure out a fix for it.
KK then and what did you do with my flipping-bridge map name? It should be as I edited in (Gravitational Corrosion) and not 'Flippy map that I do not understand' Also, so this isn't spam, ANOTHER IDEA (that I thought up a while ago) LRMAN0989 (No name specified) Ok, so it would be a short hallway that has teleporters on the walls (receivers on one side, senders on the other). The zombie would start on a ghost, go through ultra-powerful mancannons to make him/her go really fast and it'd make him/her go through a teleporters, and his/her velocity would keep him/her going through the teleporters and ramming people. Also, the humans would only have 1 life. In short, it's like some of those cartoons where the person goes through one door and comes out of a door somewhere else in the hallway, and humans have 1 life.
Yeti and LR I like both of your ideas they are great. Also, UPDATE: Please post like so. Username Map Name Post spoiler with description ([spoiler/] Description [/spoiler] Yeah that / is supposed to be there thay way i can easierly (is that a word?) copy/paste it into the OP. Example: Generic Username Map 1 [spoiler/]bldshdkjadalskjdakda[/spoiler] Thankyou.
K then. Also, you should edit that into the OP. Now I need to post a new idea so this isn't spam LRMAN0989 ODST map Spoiler Ok, so there would be a giant floating UNSC frigate floating above the island part of forgeworld, and there'd be a number of ways to get off the ship. The quickest way would be to use the ODST pods, by the armory (you spawn in the armory). Or, you could drive a 'hog or scorpion off the lowered ramp part (the ramp-like thing that the scorpion tanks come from on Halo 3's mission 'The Ark'). Also, you could fly a Falcon off of it with some of your teammates. On the ground, there would be 3 aesthetic Phantoms floating above the ground at 3 different places on the island. The Covenant would spawn inside these and the lift thingy and other entrances to the Phantom are 1-way shield doors so no one can spawn camp. Also, the covenant are invincible for 5 seconds after spawn. And another thing, it would use Invasion as a base gametype, and the ODSTs have to drop from their ship and protect special data hidden in a special ONI facility on the island. EDIT: The 'hog and scorpion jumping off the ship idea is assuming vehicles don't take fall damage (or, at least, nothing too severe).
hey everybody! if anybody remembers the movie ``bugs life`` i have a good forge idea,during the one part where the ants make the fake bird and the real bird is attacking them I thought it would be cool if ....it were an infection gametype taking place in the sky above the waters of forgeworld and how it would work is like this,1zombie spawns in a banshee at the beginning of the game and all of the ``humans`` would have infinite jetpacks and do no damage,the one banshee zombie would have to try to splatter all of the humans out of the sky! sorta like the bird trying to eat the ants!!! I would also add a round timer of maybe 2 mins Skittles
Great Ideas guys, make sure to check out the OP though i edited something new in their. Yeah, dont post in spoilers anymore. Just put [spoiler/] instead of [ spoiler ].
Original post (the 1st post in the thread [not to be confused with the 1st reply to the thread]). Also, HLG Flashpoint, can you add this to my ODST map idea please? It's in the spoiler (copy & paste it 2 lines down from what I have already). Spoiler ^A basic paint sketch of it (AwEsOmE PaInT SkIlLz!). The squiggly lines are the beach, and it labels the rest. (I would have used a birds-eye-view picture of the island, but there aren't any on the internet >:s ) The circle in the middle is the rock-thingy part that you can't climb. I didn't add the frigate, but it's right above the ONI facility. Also, an update, at first in phases 1 & 2, you would be normal, weak marines. But for Phase 3, the ODSTs come in (you're upgraded) and you can now spawn in the frigate and drop from pods and stuff. Also, for phases 1 & 2 you are weaker but you spawn on the ground and you try to defend your 'wall' (Or whatever I think of as a blockage that stops you from going past it and to the core). As an ODST you can only spawn in the frigate and drop/fly into battle.
A forge idea Hey this is Sabermax (<--Gamertag) and this would be an awesome game (idk what to call it though!!!) Zombie survival bases: In this map/game the alpha zombie would start in a private location that has teleporters with big radiuses, and in the radiuses is a WHOLE weapon layout (seeing only, no touching) and the weapon layout teleporter teleports you to a spot that has the weapon layout so you can take it… (same concept with reg. zombies but less layouts to choose from…) Then another teleporter taking them into the playing field, BUT! The teleporters are blocked for 45 seconds (Give or take) so the Spartans can get a head start on getting to A base… “A” base meaning there will be 3 bases for Spartans to choose from to get to and defend at… the goal is to stay alive for 3 minutes (again, give or take) (3 rounds so each base can be tested (there’s also nothing stopping you from going to another base mid-game!!! )) (first zombie is first death! (don’t die!)) now for the 3 base ideas… 1. The survival base: Ñ Advantages: · Many health packs · Only base with bubble shield · More base coverage · Base back exit Ñ Disadvantages: · Low tech weapons · Only armor lock, jetpack, and bubble shield · Almost zero weaponry coverage 2. The heavy base: Ñ Advantages: · High tech weapons · A lot of weaponry coverage (snipers and turrets) · Has armor lock, jetpack, invisibility, and sprint Ñ Disadvantages: · Only two health packs · Least base coverage · No back exit 3. The standard base: Ñ Everything in between the other two. A back exit. three health packs. Reg. coverage, reg. weapons, reg. abilities, etc…
New idea! LRMAN0989 Kill the flying zombie [spoiler/]Ok, so this is another idea including the Falcon. There would be one zombie that would fly a Falcon, and all of the humans would have jetpacks and would have grenade launchers. The map would be a very tall box with one-way shield doors at precise intervals (with aesthetics). The zombie would spawn in a mini room and get into a teleporter that brings him into the map). The main objective for the humans would be to hit the zombie with their 'nade launchers until the zombie goes through the death barrier. What keeps him from getting back to the top every time and make it impossible for the humans to win is one way shield doors that don't let you go up through them but you go down. The zombie's objective, is much simpler: avoid getting hit by the 'nade launchers and try to splatter humans at the same time (everyone would have 1 life so when humans die they don't turn to zombies and when the zombie dies it ends the game). So for each team's stats.... humans have very little damage resistance, do no damage at all and have unlimited AA. The zombie is invincible and so are vehicles (no dieing Falcon). Also, the zombie is the only one that can get into vehicles. How does the zombie win? By splattering the humans![/spoiler] EDIT: Another one. LRMAN0989 Hold the 'hog [spoiler/]Ok, so it's territories with the 'hog being - you guessed it - the territory! It would be multi-team so then the people who have the 'hog has a gunner. Now, the catch is, that all the other people who don't have the 'hog have rockets, but the vehicle is indestructible (so people don't blow up the 'hog). I'm probably also gonna make the 'hog as a rocket one. Also, the normal people (ones that aren't in the 'hog) would have unlimited AA so then they can armor lock down or jetpack as much as the want to get to the 'hog. Also, there may be 2 'hogs because I'll probably use the canyon or whatever (where the blood gulch remake is) and that's pretty big. Tips (that I think would give you an advantage when I build it and release it): 1. Split up and try to capture both 'hogs and try to defend them somewhere. 2. Jetpack onto the cliff (I'll let you have a little space on the edge of the cliff) and watch the map. When you see a 'hog coming, jump and use the jetpack before you hit the ground![/spoiler]
Duckman620's DDay. [/spoiler]Now im sure just about everybody has played or has at least heard of the infamous DDay on Last Resort(Zanzibar). Well there were a lot of restrictions on that map that stopped us from creating a good DDay gametype and map. Now that we have Forgeworld i plan on creating the best DDay map possible along with a good solid gametype to go with it. For the map I plan on building it on the cliff-face between the cave and the waterfall. It can be seen at 3:11 and 4:33 in the forgeworld ViDoc. Now on this cliff-face there are 2 "levels". I will build two pillboxes. Which will house a single machine gun turret in each. Then to the left of that theres a slighlty larger open area on the first "level" which can be seen somewhat at 4:33 in the ViDoc. I will have small bunker system and a shade turret there. Now the attackers will spawn in the colliseum. They will have a small choice of weapons and armor abilities. Then will walk through a oneway teleporter which will then randomly send them to 1 of 4 higgins boats. There goal will be to capture 4 territories. One located on the beachhead, and the other three spread throught the cliff-face. Now the reason i chose territories is because its the only gametype that i think actually makes sense for DDay. It really doesnt make any sense having to carry a flag or a bomb up the cliff and the only other 1-sided gametype just happens to be territories. Also the goal of this is to capture and secure the beachhead so capturing territories fits perfectly. You may ask why i have the players spawning up and away from there boats. Well theres a few reasons. 1 i dont plan on useing loadouts in this gametype. Mainly because i want the defenders to only have assault rifles. And 2 i want the higgins boat to be as accurate as possibl so having a pallet for a door then knocking it over will not happen on my map. So ill take the time to create the boats then have reciever nodes placed just below the "deck" of the boat. That way rather then shooting the attackers as soon as they see a pallet drop, they can just shoot them as they apppear. Now wont that be unbalanced. Well do you think the Nazis were thinking that while they massacred the US soldiers, i dont think so. But on a more serious note, i will make sure that the attackers will be able to make it to cover before dieing completely. Well thats all i could think of for now. Im sure after release things will change gametype wise but until then this is my idea of DDay in Reach[/spoiler]