Sandbox Life on The Front lines

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Zow Jr, Jul 26, 2010.

  1. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Howdy. This is Zow Jr here with my latest map, the Front lines. This has three major gametype supporters that are competitive but the main one is the Infection game I set up for it, Life.

    Here's an overview

    The map is a symmetrical layout with as much cover as you can see in the front lines and a crashed warthog turret.

    This gametype came to life when I really wanted to remake modern combat that was like real life, but not like all those (I won't say sh**y) not so great Call of duty remakes with swat settings wit BR shotties. (Guess which weapon they used more -_-) Anywho onto the map.

    The Militia must kill the rangers and overwhelm the SEAL with their overwhelming numbers. The Rangers must hold off the Militia for al long as they can.

    There are two sides to this map that use symmetrically different views.

    Asymmetrical Map
    On one side there is a troop transport. On another, a base. No weapons besides balcony snipers and a flamethrower, not to mention a rocket in the T.T. The doors to the buildings are open and there are wooden planks leading up to the balconies.

    Symmetrical map
    There are two bases with these weapons:
    BR 2
    SMG 2
    Sniper 1
    Brute shot 1
    The doors to the buildings are blocked, and there is no plank leading up to the balconies. There is no balcony sniper or flamethrower.
    Other map weapons are the Mauler and the Pistol.

    Let's play spot the difference.



    There is also a Warthog turret in the middle of the battlefield.

    A demonstration of me on the turret

    The warthog turret gives you a first person view of the battlefield like this.

    There are two sides you can be on.
    300% health
    125% strength
    50% shield recharge
    Weapon: Magnum
    Speed: 90%
    Gravity: 200%
    Forced color:Zombie

    You spawn here and pick your first weapon, reach loadout style.
    Here's teh primary weapon loadout list:
    Barret .50 cal
    (explained later)

    Then you go here and either pick a secondary, or keep your magnum BR/Sniper(Noob)
    Here's the secondary weapon list:
    Thumper 6 mag prototype

    You then rush out into the battlefield and hold off the militia while the "package" gets dropped in.

    150% health
    110% strength
    90% Shield recharge
    Weapons: AR, SMG
    Gravity: 200%
    Forced color: Brown

    You spawn here
    You can pick any crazy weapon combo and rush out to the battle and kill those Rangers
    Here's the Weapon list for this one.
    Mini Uzi
    RPG 7 2 mag prototype
    Model 1887

    Eventually most Rangers will be killed leaving the Last man standing as:
    200% Health
    150% strength
    50% shield recharge
    Speed: 110%
    Gravity unchanged
    Forced color: Black

    Here is the weapon list and what guns they represent for each team
    AR: Rangers: Scar-H Militia: AK-47 COmbat effectiveness: 9/10

    BR: Both teams: M16A4 Combat effectiveness: 6/10

    SMG: Rangers: MP5k Milita: Mini Uzi Combat effectiveness: 10/10

    Spiker: Rangers: G18 Militia: PP2000 Combat effectiveness: 8/10

    Sniper:Rangers:Barret .50 cal. Militia: Duragnov. Combat effectiveness: 4/10

    Shotgun:Ranger:M1014 Militia: M1887. Combat effectiveness: 7/10

    Brute shot: both teams:Thumper 6 mag prototype Combat effectiveness: 10/10

    Magnum: Both teams: Desert eagle Combat effectiveness: 3/10

    Mauler: Both teams: Striker Combat effectiveness: 9/10

    Flamethrower: both teams ROKS-2 Flamethrower. Combat effectiveness 9.5/10

    Frag Grenade: Both teams: frag grenade Combat effectiveness: 8/10

    Rocket Launcher: Rangers: At4 2 mag Militia: RPG 2 mag Combat effectiveness: 10/10

    Notice how headshot weapons seem a little less effective? this is the front lines, not behind enemy lines where you can hide, suck your thumb and cry for milky wilky while headshotting enemies.

    There are also vehicular aesthetics added in for a more.. battlefield like feel. Here is the pictures.

    First 10 seconds
    20 seconds in.
    90 seconds
    Then something special happens. *edit* I said :Screw a week I might forget" So here is the secret, preceded by a backstory.

    *radio static*Undercover SEAL operative Zow Jr: Is it Ready?
    Command Center: Roger. Package is ready to drop.
    Send it in.

    Link to sound hint

    Video credit goes to colsterplay on



    Yep here it is folks the special 3 minute effect.

    And you thought the last filer was hindering >:3

    After 3 minutes a tactical nuke drops and causes these effects

    All Vehicles destroyed
    Nuclear radiation effect
    Fusion coils dropped

    Now I know what you all are thinking, "WTF HAX THIS FILTER SUX A$$ I CAN'T SEE SH@T!" Umm... That's the point. -_-

    Wow, the military really wanted those militia guys dead.

    Don't worry, the rounds last 4 minutes in Life and soldiers, and 3 in conquest heavy, so there is not real gameplay detriment.

    Here is a gameplay video *with awzome music)

    Here's some action pictures
    Here's some real math for n00bs. AR Expert>Sniper Expert
    I r sneakeh neenja!
    This was a camping noob. This was a problem in the early stages of this map, but is fixed.
    More camping noobs
    This is how real men prepare for front line battles. One guy goes and gets his assault rifle to go to the battle. While a more cowardly sniper stays back to cover him.
    This is an example of how you don't do front line battles. They have the right idea, just the wrong weapons.

    Before I end this I will give you the settings for the Soldiers gametype.
    *Disclaimer* This game supports only Slayer, territories, or infection and all other games that are not Conquest heavy or Life must be set to these settings so the map is inescapable and more enjoyable. *End of Disclaimer*

    Player settings:
    Health: 150%
    Shield recharge: 50%
    110% damage output
    Weapon choices explained afterword
    Speed: 100%
    Gravity: 200%
    3 second Invulnerability

    Make weapon spawns mostly always AR Magnum. But here are optional weapon combos:



    No other weapons, especially... NO BRS AND NO SNIPERS!!!!
    I cannot stress this enough. BRs and/or Sniper starts are a HUGE detriment to this game, and should never be used. Why? If you spawn with a BR, damage output will not be enough to get kills straight away, and people will just camp the edges and snipe. Same with Snipers except they will be a lil more tactical.
    DO NOT EVER USE BOTH! All it will be is a long standoff on either side for the teams waiting till some wise guy comes to try to end the campfest and get cheap kills off of the poor sap.

    Hope you enjoy. This also supports AZN FTW's conquest
    Heavy I will edit this next week to show you what happens after 3 minutes. Unless you DL and find out.

    Speaking of which:
    The Front lines Here are the DL links.

    'Till next week,
    Zow Jr.
    #1 Zow Jr, Jul 26, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2010
  2. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    0.0 A nuke?! LOL

    Anyways, this looks cool, but you never say if they have shields or not. Although you did say that BRs are weak, that leads to either A) immune to headshots or B) shields, which looks like it is there because in one of the pics the guy was losing shields/had overshields.
  3. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Yes there are shields. normal ones. NO immunity to headshots. Shields represent stamina, which is why it recharges slowly.
  4. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Still...why are the BR's, Snipers, etc. so ineffective and "n00by"? Does the additional damage resistance make their "Headshot Instant-Kill thing harder to achieve? Or are you simply a hater?


    Anyways, nice map amigo. The individual pieces seem alright, but how in the world do they connect? In short, I'd try and make the overview a lot more informative. Also:

    This map supports Conquest?


    #4 Hogframe, Jul 26, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2010
  5. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Yes actually it does. It takes a full 3 hits (counting the headshot) from a sniper to kill a normal ranger and two for a seal and a militia man. Even the increased damage does not help much. And calling them n00by. Well for me I love to run around with a BR and a sniper and all, but people only camp with them nowadays. Yeah not all people do and i see the appeal with the snipers but most maps made and most people it is possible to camp and do it well. It's obviously very nooby to camp and usually before i fixed camping problems all a "hardcore gamer" or "MLG pro" would do is camp with a Sniper. And one of them waited next to me till i died to grab my BR and camp with Sniper BR. Sorry it is my opinion on these weapons, especially when put together. This is the FRONT LINES. Although possible, you will not see many snipers in the front lines. Automatic and close range weapons are much more effective than "strafe and shoot" weapons. Why did I put them then? because it promotes strategy. And I gave all hardcore MLG players a disappointment by not putting the BR and sniper together. (And yes I am slightly Anti-MLG BR Sniper combo XP )

    Oh and yes it does. You capture territories the second you leave the base. (symmetrical differences make two bases and not a base and a troop transport.
    Yes there is a nuke! I just edited the post so yea.
    #5 Zow Jr, Jul 26, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2010
  6. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    *edit* added a short gameplay video that captures the fast paced and dangerous feel of this map.

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