Looking for partners in crime... i mean forge :D

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mr Magashi, Jul 25, 2010.

  1. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    Sooo this being my second post not many of you will know me... In fact none of you will know me but thats not an issue :)

    I found it hard to forge in halo 3 because i was not so good at all the techniques but my friends were still very impressed with my creativity and ability to make good gameplay on a shockingly poor aesthetic map so basically i am looking for partners in forge for when halo: reach comes out.

    At the moment i am currently drawing up some plans for some maps (subject to tweaking of course) And if you want to see them just pm me or what not :) I'll be more than happy to share with you, the community.

  2. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    The forge in Reach is going to be totaly different to the forge in halo 3 so put it basicly we are all going to be noobs until we get the hang of the forge, what im saying is that no one is going to be good a forge at first. It may be better to forge around a bit before you get a partner, because everyone is still going to get the hang of it and not many will join and help you because they will be doing their own stuff.

    I would join and help you but like i said im going to be forging around a bit and maybe like a month after reach is out i may help you.
  3. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    Ah, thanks for the input. I never thought about trying to work with forge on my own... Now i seem like an idiot :p Ah well, i'll look you up when reach gets started. See if you have any decent maps. And maybe even show you some of mine.
  4. L337 Commando

    L337 Commando Ancient
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    Hey, I'm willing to partner up and make some maps! Granted, for the first few days I'll just be experimenting with the editor by myself, but I'd love to make some epic maps with other people.
  5. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Ehh... its kinda the opposite. Everyone who was good at Forge in Halo 3 will be right at home when they play Reach. Everything is still there but more, with phasing and fixing people should be able t forge much more easily. So... yeah, mostly everyone here that was already familiar with forge will be fine, you two included. If you weren't great at all the little tricks like merging before you should find it a breeze in Reach, Bungie has worked very hard t make it much more acessible this time around.
  6. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    But, with the 150 new objects exclusive to Forge World, we'll have to experiment with everything and find out what we like and don't like and spark ideas from it. I have no idea how I'm remaking my previous maps with these new peices, I might not find the right peice or know the name of the peice I'm looking for, just like Foundry and Sandbox in their early days. I could get so overwhelmed and practically add more to it since the budget and all is so big.

    I've never done co-forge, so it may be exciting to try. But, as Combat Peguin said I want to explore Forge World alone so I know what to expect of it.
    #6 PRS, Jul 26, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2010
  7. SenorFluffyBuns

    SenorFluffyBuns Forerunner

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    The new forge is alot more easy in reach so you probably won't need any partners. But with the new features partners could really help you make a map in minutes :O. Sorry but I have partner his name is God and heres always here for me so join Christianity now
  8. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    Why bring religion into the topic.... Just sayin
  9. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    I'm happy for you that you have found God and feel the need to tell others, just not in that way. I mean saying that you don't need a Forge partner because you are Christian.... makes no sense at all. I'm a Christian, but that is a totally different relationship than a Forge collab. Why did you say that? And join Christianity now? The Bible doesn't teach to command or force others, it teaches to tell of the love of the Lord and Christ. I think what is right with Christianity today is Christ and his teachings. I think what is wrong with Christianity today are many of the Christians themselves and the backwards way of going about Christianity. Just think about what you say before you say it and how it may be... percieved by others.

    Anyway, having a Forge partner is a great idea. Some of the best maps are collabs. Even if one person does most of the actual forging having two heads in one project can offer a different prospective and offer more ideas.
  10. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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  11. LD

    LD Ancient
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    There are people who coforge because they are not abe to get smething done alone? Coforging is about the exchange of map design knowledge and talent. Also, Reachs forge may be easy to control but hard to master, so a little help from a more experienced forger does always help.
    Sorry but I have a partner his name is Yoyo and heres always here for me so please take your religion to your church, we all know that god can't forge as good as some of our members can.

    Also, BTT guys, this is about Forging, not religion
  12. SenorFluffyBuns

    SenorFluffyBuns Forerunner

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    BTW it was me joking don't take it too serious..................... I'm atheist
  13. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    LOL God can't Forge! Have you taken a look out your window or stared into space?
  14. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    Coforging is somewhat appealing aswell for the people who may not have as much time to do things as they would like
  15. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
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    You can give me a friend request if you'd like. I'd love to help out! I've got some ideas up my sleeves, maybe we should exchange some.

    But, like a lot of people, I'll be going solo on the first day. Check out my maps if you get bored!

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