Reach Forge - too easy?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cluckinho, Jul 23, 2010.


Does Reach forge look too easy?

  1. Yes

    19 vote(s)
  2. No

    158 vote(s)
  3. IDK I'll have to play it to see

    26 vote(s)
  1. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Yeah im glad there using a halo ring as the sandbox, with islands water etc, cause iv had some good ideas but putting them on sandbox took too long cause you had to make fake water fake grass fake rock slides etc. This will make it alot easier, anyone else thinking of lockout under a waterfall??
  2. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Yeah I was gonna do something with the waterfalls like creating an enclosed map with holes for the waterfalls to go through.
  3. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Hmm.. You can make shield doors only passable by one team right? Selecive bridges anyone?

    If you want me to explain my thougt process from the quote to my post, get lost. Ha!
  4. CjayS42

    CjayS42 Forerunner

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    To be honest, people shouldn't be rejecting the easier to use features.
    seriously, i'd much prefer it! Yes, people will be able to make maps faster and forgehub will be spammed with thousands of maps DAILY, but in the end, it's raw skill and ingenuity that will separate the creative maps from the, quite frankly, crap ones.[FONT=&quot]
    #84 CjayS42, Jul 24, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2010
  5. SenorFluffyBuns

    SenorFluffyBuns Forerunner

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    easier = better. Nuff said
  6. Nova

    Nova Forerunner

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    To me, this argument is comparable to when a new gaming system comes out. Even with all the new bells and whistles some games are released that look and play like crap. There are some that focus on either gameplay or graphics and then there certain releases that push creative boundaries to offer something truly special. The same can be said here.

    Even with all the new tools, there will still be crappy spawns, bumpy paths and bad level design to gripe about! :) But there will also be some really incredible experiences made by people who now have the freedom to truly bring their ideas to life! I'm personally looking forward to the creations that use ForgeWorld in ways that Bungie never intended. I can't wait.
  7. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    what im looking forward to is some crazy ass conquest maps and some really sweet styled regen slayer =). Speaking of which what all gametypes that we the community have come up with do you think will transfer to reach? Asset mb??? of course Conquest and Racetracks, MLG idk probably but MLG is gona have to come up with a whole new set of rules with the perks etc.

    CAPNxXxCANT Forerunner

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    I can see MLG being "too pro" to use armor abilities, but yea some rule changes are going to be nessesary
  9. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Yeah i think if anything they will allow Sprint and thats it. Invis and armor lock are a no go and def not a jet pack, it will most likely incorporate custom made maps too. Unless bungie makes mm maps specifically for MLG seeing as how the other maps need to be made in thought of perks.
  10. PHANTOjVj

    PHANTOjVj Forerunner

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    If you even watched the ViDoc video bungie released they said they looked at the techniques we used to make maps and turned them into tools. I guess if you like wasting time dumming objects or starting new rounds then go waste your time. I think we should be happy that they even brought forge back let alone make it easier to forge for everyone.
  11. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    The complicated tricks and glitches that were required to create, for instance, a smooth surface of interlocked boxes were so time consuming and impractical. While the challenge is rewarding, it is also unnecessary. Now that the same effect can be achieved through Reach's new Forge tools in a matter of seconds, imagine the possibilities and quality content that can be created in such little time.

    The joy and satisfaction derived from perfectly (and painstakingly) forging structures in Halo 3 was great, but I'm looking forward to what's ahead.
  12. L337 Commando

    L337 Commando Ancient
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    I think Reach's Forge is too easy. In the good way. Map Editors are not supposed to be complex. Now I can finally create my maps without losing patience or having to do glitches just to make one block phase. There's nothing wrong with simplifying and improving a map editor.
  13. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Pretty much sums what I think. I understand you like the challenge, but now you can focus on challenges that matter such as design, weapons, spawns, etc.
  14. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    Reach's forge will rely heavily on creativity and just general gameplay. Maps no longer have to worry about working hard for aesthetics. So now we, the good map makers of old, can focus solely on gameplay and creativity.

    In other words, Reach's forge will be equally as hard as halo 3's forge just in a completely different area.
  15. xXEnr4gedHoboXx

    xXEnr4gedHoboXx Forerunner

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    Forge in reach is going to be better since it gives the average joe the chance to make aesthetically pleasing maps with out having to spend hours upon hours ghostmerging eveything. While the best will still make amazing maps there rest can make really good ones. Now all forgers will be able to focus on their gameplay spawnings and weapons not their forging abilities, well not so much that is.
  16. Clem Stokley

    Clem Stokley Forerunner

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    response of stokley

    the new forge looks really good i think.. it finally gives less able players a chance to put what they see in their mind on a map. stuff like that used to be really hard for me and i think we will see a lot of good maps do to the new system
  17. Torque66

    Torque66 Ancient
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    I can understand his view about forge in reach being too easy. Now before everyone starts freaking out on me, I'll say that I agree with all of those who say that cartograph's view is just plain stupid. Of course we want the path of least resistance, of course we want it to be easy, this just let's more people to become immersed in the forge experience , which is nothing but good. When cartograph is saying that it is too easy, he's saying it's because it simply takes less time, right? Ok, maybe he feels that since he spent too less of time on the map. Maybe he feels that since that it was so much easier, it was a lesser of an achievment, and possibly less pride in his work. Have you ever heard the saying "No sacrifice, no victory"?
    Maybe that's his view, the less time spent, the less dedication results in less victory or pride in this case. As for me, I think that it's great that Bungie made these changes. It will push people's creativity and drive to make a truly great map that stands out from the others. I can't wait for Forge World, it's gonna be so ****ing fun to forge and not have to restart the goddamn game every 20 seconds.
  18. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    9 letters: Damnation

    Will be remade to it's intended glory by yours truly. Forge World allows it to be so. I love how it's going to be easy to Forge this time around.
    #98 Yeti, Jul 26, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2010
  19. Leo

    Leo Forerunner

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    I agree with torque on the subject of why cartograph was saying forge 2.0 was too easy.

    I for one though am going to enjoy the heck out of it, primarily because I can now finish a map with good asthetics without having no life for a few weeks!
  20. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Has anyone ever been like me and clicked into a map, saw that there was no interlocking or geomerging, and immediately ruled it as a bad map? I think we've all done that at least once. Come Forge 2.0, this will be much less likely to happen, as all maps will be easily made smooth and easily interlocked/geomerged. Good thing we get 1000 slots for maps now, because I will actually have to download an play on all of the maps now to be able to tell if they are going to be good to play on.

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