Non-Official Halo Reach Forge Ideas Thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by HLG FlashPoint, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I was telling shad0w about this the other day, but in a different aspect. For a race map, a kill ball would roll down an inclined plane while racers either tried to outrun it or pace themselves behind it. At the end of the plane would be a jump for racers, while the ball would fall through into the water, and hopefully delete itself to reset the effect.
  2. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    That is a very good idea. Seems like some trap you would find in an egyptian pyramid. One of the cheesy giant ball traps lol. But that sounds like it could be fun.
  3. ROFLwaffleP133

    ROFLwaffleP133 Ancient
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    Traffic: A survival minigame where the playing area (a circular arena) is surrounded by many vehicle-friendly two-way nodes with large(ish) radii, all pointed toward the center. The zombie picks his preferred land vehicle (far away from the playing field) and floors it into a sender node. he comes flying out of a random teleporter and into an unsuspecting human, who then respawns in an area similar to the alpha's, but with mongeese. 2:00 minutes to win a round. The two way nodes could also infrequently channel to a reciever node in a long hidden hallway with a sender node at the end. The delay would create an erie suspense about the room. :)
    It's rough and needs revision, but we have a few months.

    I guess it's fair to say that it's a spin off of bull pit, if anyone remembers that.
  4. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I was thinking about designing a wonky map but got incredibly caught up with some maths. I had just assumed I could rotate a cube by 45 degrees along each axis (so players could walk up 3 sides), I tried that in a 3D program but the result was not what I was expecting.
    I've now got bits of model cubes covering my desk and I've proven to myself that if I rotate a cube so the top vertex is directly above the bottom vertex the slope of each face is not 45 degrees, but I'm still having trouble believing that it is, in fact, more like 55 degrees.
  5. Eculc

    Eculc Ancient
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    I'll be building a pair of buildings on either side of the island, and then making pathways around the island that connect them. it'll be like avalanche, except not as snowy.
  6. Xx D Day93

    Xx D Day93 Forerunner

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    When I start forgeing, I'm going to make the biggest zombie game and map that will have everyone run for the best hold point. But it will be hard to get to because the zobies will start from the hold point as the rest run to it, or they are dead.-Xx D Day93
  7. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Great Idea but there is tons of math I do not quite understand :/... Lol But Most Every Idea posted here is great and I really hope the Ideas go far.
  8. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    You basically wanna do this:


    I see what you mean though: Those two faces at the front of the "Houses" look steeper than 45 degrees, if you follow each side's direction of incline. I guess when you angle a face at 45 degrees along more than one axis, the resulting angle is more than 45 degrees along its main axis...or something. According to wikipedia the windows are angled at 54.7 degrees, so that must be the angle of incline on those faces.

    It's like if you go into Halo 3 and create a corner wall. Then place the corner wall so its two walls are at 45 degrees, in a 'V' shape. You will have 2 sides you can walk on inside the 'V'. Now tilt that corner wall up 45 degrees the other way, so that the 'V' shape is leaning forwards. Those same two walls will now be at 45 degrees along two axes and the Halo 3 engine won't let you walk up them, presumably because the overall incline is now greater than 45 degrees. Create this same setup in FarCry 2 however and the player can walk up it! Here's hoping you can in Reach too!

    I believe you could work all that out with trigonometry, but I was never any good at 3D trig.

    *Messages Bungie*
    "Can you make it so Spartans are able to walk up a 54.7 degree angle Pl0x? Kthnxbai!"

    *Bungie responds*
    "We've made it so that Spartans can walk up a 54.6 degree angle. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!"
    #28 buddhacrane, Jul 26, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2010
  9. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    54.7? Yes! I'm not going mad!

    I know we've got all these tools for more accurate measurements but I feel that this may take just as long. The best method I have is
    Spawn a flat square shape and rotate is 45 degrees on the Z axis.
    Rotate the shape 55 degrees along X or Y axis

    The next piece, rotate 45 degrees, then rotate a further 120 degrees on the Z axis
    Then rotate 55 degrees on the same (X or Y) axis as you rotated the last piece.

    Last piece, rotate by 45, then by -120 and continue as the the other 2 pieces.

    That should give you 3 objects in the right orientation for the 3 playable surfaces. Now we just have to hope Spartans can walk up 55 degree slopes.

    If they can then we've got a lot more interesting maps to make! Distorted versions of Chill Out where you can teleport to the Active Camo or just run up the wall, or a Chiron which is now 3 times as confusing!
  10. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    K DMM white and buddha since you guys are talking about the same thing do you want me to post those two posts you guys have already gathered on the idea? I will post it in the Main Post when i get a reply.
  11. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    You're WAY overcomplicating. You just want to do what I stated in my post.

    Get a corner wall (or whatever Reach equivalent) that already has a 'V' shape to it, then tilt that corner wall up on its edge by 45 degrees (rotation snap ftw). Voila you have 2 surfaces at the exact angle you want. The final surface just needs to be a wall to attach to the bottom of the corner wall.

    I also believe you can rotation snap along each axis, so you could also just get a block, rotation snap 45 one way, then rotation snap 45 the other way, and voila!

    @FlashPoint: These don't need adding to our main post, we're merely theorising over whether it's possible. I already stated I wanted to make a 3-sided distortion, we're merely going into finer details on HOW to do that.

    You can add this though:

    I've got another additional feature for my Distortion successor. I plan to create a "False Corridor" using two-way teleporters. I'll have a small corridor leading to a room, but in the middle of the corridor will be a two-way teleporter. Using the new "area effect" ability of a teleporter I'll make it so that it covers the width of the corridor and is invisible. As a player walks down the corridor it will look like they're going to go to the room in front of them, but what will actually happen is they'll enter the hidden two-way. When they come out of the other two-way they'll be in a new room that is designed too look exactly like the corridor they were just in, but the room at the end will have 'flipped'. So it will look like the room has just suddenly skewed before their eyes! When the player walks back into the corridor from the other way, the same process will occur, and it will look like the room has 'flipped' again. :D

    I also intend to have a dead-end corridor, but not in the traditional way. I'll have a set of never-ending stairs (Think Mario 64) using a ramp that appears to continue upwards, but then teleporters prevent you from actually getting any further. The tricky part will be designing the corridor so there's no visible dead-end, so that when the teleporter keeps binging you back it doesn't feel too obvious. So it'll be a dead-end, but it won't look like it's a dead-end; it'll look like it's a set of never-ending stairs. *Evil Grin*
  12. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Thats a good idea. I bet even though I know about it I know I will still fall for the stair trick because puzzles confuse me:/ Also the disortion Idea is added to the main post.
  13. Johnny Pree

    Johnny Pree Ancient
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    I have a few ideas so far.

    *For some reason the first idea I got was pretty simple: if possible I want make a KOTH variant where a kill ball is the hill. The hill radius would be somewhat larger than the ball. I like the idea of making it square or rectangular so as to add some irregularity to the shape, although cylindrical would work as well. The map would probably be in the Coliseum. I envision a kill hill (or multiple kill hills) spawning at the top as the round starts, and then falling onto ramps and mancannons placed throughout. There would be pits at the bottom with angled walls so as to direct the kill hills into other mancannons so they shoot back up, hopefully with a large degree of unpredictability. If there's no way to reset the kill balls, I imagine short rounds where a player's score carries over into the next round. Players would attempt to dodge and court the kill hills in order to stay alive but gain points, and they would use mancannons, ramps, and possibly jet packs as aids in this pursuit. By the way, this map would be called "King of the Kill".

    *I will second the idea of using the various rock objects in order to make a very realistic cave map, coupled with purple lights to make it dark and maybe pulsing red lights in spots for creepiness. I'm imagining a relatively vertical infection map, completely enclosed, hopefully quite dark and scary, where the humans drop down into the cave from above at the beginning of the round. They would probably fall into a deep central chamber with lots of passages jutting off of it, so that humans would get separated easily as some catch hold of different ledges on their way down, and some fall all the way to the pits of hell below (probably where the majority of the zombies would spawn). I just wish we still had flares. Overall, my goal for this map would be to create a very realistic, confusing, vertical maze very reminiscent of the movie "The Descent" and yet to keep it smooth and traversable for spartan navigation. May stage it in the actual caves, depending on the size of them. More likely will put it in the air somewhere. Potential flaw is that the category limit on rocks may be too low.

    *I want to create a 3d maze using forerunner structures in the Colosseum. I previously have given up trying to make a palace-like maze in the Crypt because I could not fill it in completely using UBG. I am really hoping this $10,000 is enough to make a very dense, convoluted, 5-10 story maze which fills up the entire Coliseum with interesting architecture. I think that would be **** because it would take a very long time to memorize or even completely explore the layout. I love maps like that. It all depends on the budget and category limits though.

    I've got more ideas but those are 3 basic, generic ones that I'm definitely going to attempt. The more creative and competitive ones are going to have to be looked at once I can actually get in Reach and forge around for a while.
    #33 Johnny Pree, Jul 26, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2010
  14. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Those are quite good but simple ideas. I bet for King of the Kill you coud make it so you lost points when you are killed by the kill balls. The players would gain points by killing eachother. But they also gain points when in say a 5-7 meter distance from the kill ball. This would be good but you would need to give them a lot of points for staying near the kill ball and less points for killing.
  15. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Buddhacrane, its a nice idea but I don't think it will work. The 2 walls of the original piece would be fine, they will be at the same angle but the third wall will be at a different angle. If you tilted the Corner by 45 degrees then its 2 sides will be at a steeper angle than the third side you're placing on.

    My idea works to make sure all faces are sloping equally. Its the weirdest way I've ever had to make a cube.

    I'm trying to work out a better method which can be done in Reach and the best way I can think of without actually fully knowing how to use the rotational tools in Forge is just using the using the Rotation Snap and count thumb flicks to get 3 objects rotated 120 degrees apart and then each lifted up to 55 degrees (because 54.7 will be awkward using rotation snap and I don't fancy trying to work out the Yaw, Pitch and Roll needed to take away that 0.3)

    Just checking, the Snap feature will allow you to control the object as normal but it will automatically snap to X degree increments along each axis?

    I guess this is the time when Bungie informs us that players will not be able to walk up 55 degree slopes.
  16. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Maybe but ook at the vidoc and the ridiculous angles they walk on. Disortion will work I am not sure at which angles though.
  17. Johnny Pree

    Johnny Pree Ancient
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    I like that. I would definitely spend a long time tweaking the balance of rewards and punishments. Previously I was thinking that dying from the kill ball would be enough of a punishment in itself, especially with a long respawn time, but I think you've got a good point there. It's more fun gameplay-wise to punish players with a point reduction and get them right back into the action than to punish them with a long respawn. Now the question is, in Reach can we make it so players lose points specifically for dying from a kill ball? I would think it could be done as suicides, but I bet if they were previously damaged then the other players would get the kills.

    Anyways, I agree about getting points for kills. I think I'll definitely make it so players get a lot more points standing in the hill than getting kills, so the gameplay is more focused on that as the main objective. I can already imagine a really good balance just being 1 pt./kill and 1 pt./second in the hill. That way the players are focused a lot on the hill but kills are still significant. What do you think? I bet this could be a fun little mini game.

    EDIT: on second thought, it should probably be at least 2 points/second in the hill because of how hard it will be to stay in there. That, coupled with lots of health, could balance it out nicely.
    #37 Johnny Pree, Jul 26, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2010
  18. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    I agree. You should do the 2pt/second thing to balance out the hills and kills. Maybe even make 3 or 4 beause a team could still win off points. Is it just me or does the word still look weird when i typed it before?
    EDIT: Instead of getting points for kills you coulld set it so you lose points when you die. It would be the same team except the other team loses points. How come when I am typing the letters look spaced out unevenly.
    #38 HLG FlashPoint, Jul 26, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2010
  19. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    Gravitational Corrosion

    I'll make a bridge that connects 2 bases that will be relatively short, BUT there will be a place in the middle where I will make an invisible teleporter (like the one Buddha described for a 'False Corridor') and it will be a weird teleporter system that will make it look like the map just flipped it self. How will I do it, you ask?

    I will make the map multiple times, but at different angles (I'll make the map 5 times). The first one, that you spawn on, will have a sender and a receiver.
    The second one will be the 1st bridge but turned to a 45 degree angle and have a receiver right above a sender.
    The third one will be right on it's side (with the receiver right above the sender)
    The fourth one will be at a 135 degree angle. (receiver above sender)
    And the last will be right upside down, with the sender and reciever at the exact same location so when you teleport onto the bridge the sender won't affect you.

    Viola, I'll have a flipping bridge! Also, they will be built in seperate boxes so they still have the same scenery, giving the illusion of the flipping bridge. Both the bottom and the top of the bridge will be distinct from each other, but the opposite side will still be there (no weapons down there, of course). It would be twice the size of what it looks like! It would also be symmetrical in symmetrical gametypes, and some stuff changes so then the defenders are stronger for asymmetrical gametypes (NO INFECTION :p)

    EDIT: Also, I would make it so it only flips if you walk over it, but if you are off the ground, the bridge won't 'flip'.

    Mini Description: This ring's gravity systems may be faltering, but it is still usable.

    I also fixed a small error in the original description
    #39 LRMAN0989, Jul 26, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2010
  20. Stonecoldx3

    Stonecoldx3 Forerunner

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    Here's my idea:

    After seeing Forge World, I've been tossing around the idea of creating a map with a "Titan mode" type gameplay, and I'm looking for a bit of feedback so I can start implementing this idea when Reach eventually ships. For those unaware, Titan mode was a gameplay mode of the PC game Battlefield 2142, and here's a brief overview of the mode via Wikipedia.

    So, I've been thinking of a way to create a version of Battlefield 2142's Titan mode on Forge World.

    Basically it will be an attack and defend game of Generator Defense, with one team attacking and one team defending. Instead of two Titans, there would only be one, with the Titan belonging to the defenders. The three(?) generators will be onboard this Titan, an artificial ship floating high above the ocean made out of the objects and scenery available in forge. It will be quite large and on the outside resemble a UNSC warship, and on the inside it will contain a number of halls and walkways and rooms and all that. The defending team will spawn on the ship.

    At the rear of the ship will be a large "cargo bay", and this will be the main entry point into the ship. Inside this large bay will be a few air vehicles like the Falcon, as well as some cover for fighting on the ground, and maybe a turret or two to help defend this cargo bay from the attackers.

    The attackers will spawn a fair distance away, possibly on either the small cliff area or the enclosed area inside the mountain. (Both of them were one of the 5 big areas of Forge World)

    The attackers' area will contain a number of air vehicles, like Falcons and Banshees. Not sure what the ratio of vehicles will be. Maybe the defenders will have 2 falcons in their cargo bay and the attackers will have 1 falcon and 3 banshees in their spawn area? (The attackers are meant to have an advantage over the defenders in terms of air combat)

    So most of the attackers are going to get into their air vehicles and fly over towards the large ship. There will be a fair amount of mid-air combat between the two teams, with the attackers trying to shoot down the enemy air and then dismount on foot in the enemy cargo bay and then fight their way through the various hallways and rooms of the ship's interior to the three(?) generators and destroy them.

    I'm thinking most of the fighting and boarding will take place in the cargo bay, but I'm also thinking there could be a second entry way onto the ship. Perhaps a small area jutting out from the ship, large enough to land a vehicle or two on, with a small, somewhat easily defendable hallway connected to it leading into the ship's interior?

    Of course, this wouldn't be a true Titan mode with all the fighting taking place just in the air, and having the air be the only way to get to the Titan ship could be problematic if the enemy managed to do something like steal a few of the attacker's vehicles, leaving them with no way to reach their Titan.

    A portion of the combat would also take place on the ground. There would teleports in both the enemy Titan and on the attackers' spawn that would teleport them to an area on the ground. This ground area would be symmetrical and rectangular shaped, sort of like Halo 3's narrows. This ground area would also be disconnected from the combat going on above in the air with a kill area, so people in banshees or falcons couldn't really fire at or engage with the people on the ground.

    What would be the purpose of the ground area?

    1. An alternative route to reach the enemy titan. Instead of flying to their Titan, you could take a teleporter to this ground section, fight through this area, and then use one of the enemy's teleporters on the other side. After going through the enemy teleporter, you would end up on their Titan. I'm thinking having these teleporters in the large cargo bay, with there being several teleporters you could randomly teleport to, so the enemy can't just camp the teleports.

    2. There would be a power weapon(s) in the center that each team would want to control.

    Now, I'm still not sure how this ground space would work. Depending on how high you can build in Forge World, I might build this ground space right above the water, inbetween the attackers' spawn and the Titan. If that's the case, the power weapon would be a spartan laser or missile pod, so this ground area would be important in capturing so you could use this power weapon to help defeat the enemy Falcons and Banshees.

    Or, the ground space could also be held far away from the air battle in an enclosed space of the Blood Gulch Canyon. If that's the case, the power weapon would be a rocket launcher most likely, a powerful weapon in clearing out the enemy and attacking the generators on the Titans, or for the defenders the rocket launcher would be a welcome weapon in defending the cargo bay.

    So that's basically it so far, and I'm looking for feedback in what people think of the idea so far.

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