Do you think you will miss the 3-shot burst BR from halo 3 or enjoy the new single shot DMR more? Or do you prefer the covy weapons? I personally loved the DMR in the Beta and i dont see any reason why they would change it in the final game
They did change it. They trimmed down the bloom effect on it and increased the clip. Also the BR is easier to use, but demolished H3 gameplay by making it the needed starting weapon which is why I will most likely enjoy the DMR more.
I never preferred playing with the BR in Halo 3 anyways. It was the one gun that made game play so repetitive. So I think I'm going to enjoy the DMR more. Between the DMR and the Needle Rifle...I definitely choose the Needle Rifle because it can explode and it is (semi-?)automatic.
It is semi-automatic, same as the DMR. What I think you're trying to say is that it's automatic, but it has a less then preferred fire rate. And, I'm sure I'll miss the BR, but I <3 the DMR, so I don't think there will be much of a gap left inside.
I rely to much on the BR spread, its a bad habit. Instead of trying to get 3 bullets in to my enemies head, I sort of wave around their head hoping one will hit. Of course, if they're shooting back at me using the BR properly, I'm the one to die. I much preferred DMRs 1 shot
I prefer the DMR because it's much more controlled and it takes more skill to use than the BR. Most of the people who ***** about the BR not being in Reach are the bad kids who spam the trigger.
DMR. The BR was overpowered which limited variation because everyone would go for it when possible. DMR that is not a problem.(I hope) But a Direct comparison between the 2 weapons excluding all other differences.(halo:3/halo:reach) DMR is more accurate over longer distances and has a better feel I think this is more suited to halo discussions.
THats not really true, MLG requires you to think tactically but use your finger at the same time. DMR doesn't take much skill and it shoots like a carbine now. I think this could be one of the flaws Reach will have. Just wait and see all the complaints rush bungie forums when it comes out.
The dmr has a balloon effect, not allowing it to be very accurate when fire too fast. Though someone said they toned it down it will still keep the dmr from firing like the carbine
DMR ftw. Its so damn accurate, and i just feel like such a badass when i use it. Its like, super-swat team to the rescue.
Are you kidding me? The DMR takes more skill to use than the BR because of the bloom effect that comes with it. To maintain its accuracy, the player has to time their shots just right. As for the BR, it's just 4 simple shots. The only complaining would be the try-hard MLG kids.
Even more than that, because you can shoot before the reticle fully recovers, you have to think about your distance in relation to the enemy if you want to shoot faster AND hit the target, which adds another dimension of skill. The only complaining would be from self-entitled fools who can't understand that it's a positive change. Yes, because we hang tooth and nail on the opinions of a community largely populated by children.
I am aweful at using the BR, when people see my running at them in Halo 3 with my BR blazing, they see it's me, stop, laugh, and kill me promptly. I will not miss the BR. I am actually good with the DMR.
I wasn't fortunate enough to get in on the Beta, but from what I've seen the DMR could be a worthy replacement to the BR. It doesn't look as overpowered as the BR was in Halo 3 and it may be more accurate since it's single shot. So, it seems to have moved away from being a weapon for all situation towards a more specialized, ranged use.
Needle Rifle. Takes the same amount of shots (maybe 1 more) and it can explode. If you get 2 or 3 guys on a guy then they'll be dead in seconds.
The DMR is the perfect replacement for the BR. I won't really miss the BR because it was overpowered and damn near useless at long range. You can pick off a guy on Boneyard from across the map with the DMR. I also prefer the DMR over the needle rifle.