i want to make it clear that i read all of the rules, so im pretty sure this isnt against them, but have mercy if it is.) you all may remember me from a few maps me and my friend cydronix made, but thats not why im posting this. what i am saying is that for forge world i have spotted the perfect oppritunitty to re-create a UNSC frigate to nearly or completely full scale. i would love to make this map myself, but next year i will be a sophomore in highschool and on a varsitty sports team, so i iwill not have the time i used to have, to make the map. i am looking for a person that is skilled with symmetrics, and interior creation (close quarters forgeing for the hallways inside the ship) all i want thi person to do is take my ideas, and actually build this map for me, for i have no time to do it myself. i wont mooch off of your work, so you can make it clear who did what when we post the final product, but i can assure you that i am very skilled at designing constructions in forge. (i actually designed most of the maps me and cydronix made, which did often recieve 5/5 ratings.) i have a rough plan/gametype worked out and a good sense as to what kind of objects to make this ship with, so i am just looking for someone who can fill the other end by actually putting my ideas into realitty (if you would like to cal it realitty lol) i am once again sorry if i am violating something but please have some mercy, i did read the rules. if your interested to make this map when halo : reach is released (i assume you know we will make this in forge world) then either post here or contact me on my gamertag: blackbasterd2 once again, the map design is a UNSC frigate, and we will create it on a much larger scale than what was seen in halo 3. and i DO have a gametype plan, so it wont just be for asthetics. my idea is a bit rough right now, but it is still very strong and will be great.
i too was thinking of the same sort of idea. i would love to help but i would also ask that you review some ideas that i have for the ship i was going to make, and see if you like any of them. WHo knows you may already be thinking the same thing as I am...
It would be great if you or someone else created a huge ship with the inside like a competitive or casual gametypes inside. Create an walkway on the top of the ship or something
I thought I was reading the ill-formed words of a five year old until I reached this part. How do you pass muster in English class?
Here he is asking nicely for help realizing a map, and he gets this far until someone insults him. Look at how most of both younger people and older people, and heck, people your age spell on the internet. We should be glad its not all in chatspeak. Well, at least he isn't trying to insult new members to feel superior, like I am. On topic, I think I would give a shot at this map. I'd need to know exactly how many pieces I have to work with and see how well it fits together. Do you want any play outside the ship itself? It would be easy to do without breaking the map thanks to the new kill zones. If not, I think I would make it made for ascetics on the inside. If no one gets outside in normal play, no reason to make it pretty.