Map Idea/Preview Possession 1 rockethogs per team, gunners, 1 way vehicle teles out of spawn, must hold possession of a ball that is the territory destructible vehicles, normal gravity for flipping (incase of someone covers the ball on the hill). First team out of the four to reach 150-200 points win, 1 point per second. Classic 3 rockethogs per team, gunner, 1 way vehicle teles out of spawn (to push the ball), must push ball into bomb plant area, flipping is allowed. First team to score 3 points win. Neutral Bomb, insta-plant, insta explosion, Fireworks (special idea which cannot be posted) (possible troophogs and high gravity) Possession player settings Weapon is AR 75% Damage 110% damage resistance slow movement and normal gravity No AAs Classic settings Weapon is AR 0% invulnerable slow movement and normal gravity No AAs HaloBall Arena Original idea based on Halo Ball a Halo CE mod. Halo Reach Idea by SenorFluffyBuns Vehicles come out on the ramps. Ball floats until hit by vehicle or gunner. Bomb plant on the top of the hill. Mancannons on top of the hill to stop the ball hiding, normal mancannons so vehicles don't launch. All guests should log in to an account or make one to post on this thread The original HaloBall YouTube- Halo Ball Part 1
For possession the ball is the territory where you must touch it to cap it. Classic is bassicaly what you see in this vid YouTube - Halo Ball Part 1
I get it so you are trying to make so you have to touch the ball to score points and it'l be sorta like bumber cars?
Ya, pretty simple... In possession though its more complicated. If someone hits your ball you lose the territory. Never mind I read it wrong =) Ya your right, at the post underneath
So its territories. You gain points by touching the ball. If someone else touchs the ball they gain points. Tell me if I got that right.
Ya thats how the gametype works... lol this will be considered a spam post ... But even if the ball is away from you you still gain points untill someone hits it
it's an inclined hill so no... but if they can i'll set a man cannon so they can't do that, and rockets will make the ball move =)
I guess that could work too but will there be weapons or will it just be trying to hit the ball and such. I bet you could do a minigame version where the damage modifier is set to 0 and another where you get real weapons...
If there is a option for you to spawn inside vehicles and stay inside then there wont be a problem. If not I'll put AR as spawn weapon